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Extended Data Fig. 5: Flow cytometric analyses of the spleen and BALF after CVB4 infection. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Flow cytometric analyses of the spleen and BALF after CVB4 infection.

From: The retroelement Lx9 puts a brake on the immune response to virus infection

Extended Data Fig. 5

Flow cytometry and FACS analyses following CVB4 infection of Lx9c11−/− and C57BL/6j (WT) mice. (A) Representative dot plots from flow cytometric analyses showing gating strategy for NK cells in the spleens of WT and Lx9c11−/− mice on day 4 of CVB4 infection, also noted in the Methods section. Percentages (B) and numbers (C) of NK cells in the spleen of WT and Lx9c11−/− mice on day 1 following CVB4 infection. Percentages (D) and numbers (E) of NK cells in the spleen of WT and Lx9c11−/− mice on day 4 of CVB4 infection. For panels B–E; data are shown as n = 4–5 individual mice/group and mean ± SD from 2 independent experiments. Statistical significance was determined by 2-tailed unpaired t-test. (F) CD11b+ F480+ macrophages, (G) CD11b+ Ly6G+ neutrophils (H) CD8+ CD44hi CD3+ T cells (I), CD4+ CD44hi CD3+ T cells in the spleen on day 4 of infection. Quantitation of cells in WT and Lx9c11−/− BALF on day 7 of CVB4 infection, gating strategy shown in Fig. 2q and in the Methods section. Numbers of (J) CD64+ monocytes/macrophages, (K) Ly6C+CD64+ monocyte subset, (L) Ly6CCD64+ macrophage subset, (M) CD69+ CD8+ T cells, (N) activated/memory phenotype CD44hi+ CD8+ T cells, (O) Activated/memory phenotype CD44hi CD4+ T cells. For panels F-O; data are extended from Fig. 2 and shown as individual mice and mean ± SD n = 4–5 individual mice/group, from 2 independent experiments, and statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA.

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