Extended Data Fig. 4: Coherence times. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Coherence times.

From: Quantum error correction with silicon spin qubits

Extended Data Fig. 4

All measurements are performed with all qubits initialized to spin-down and the exchange couplings turned off. All errors are 1σ from the mean. a, Schematic sequence of the T1 measurement. The qubit state is measured after the preparation of a spin-up excited state and an idle time of tw. bd, T1 measurement results. Each dataset is fit by an exponential decay to extract the T1 relaxation time. e, Schematic sequence of the Ramsey interferometry. Instead of detuning the microwave frequency, we vary the phase of the second microwave pulse as θ = 2πtevol × (2 MHz) such that we observe an oscillation at about 2 MHz. fh, Ramsey interferometry measurement results. To extract the \({T}_{2}^{* }\) inhomogeneous dephasing time, each dataset is fitted with a Gaussian decay function \(P\left({t}_{{\rm{evol}}}\right)=A{\rm{\exp }}\left(-{\left(\frac{{t}_{{\rm{evol}}}}{{T}_{2}^{* }}\right)}^{2}\right){\rm{\cos }}(2\pi \left({\rm{\delta }}f\right){t}_{{\rm{evol}}}+\varphi )+B\), in which A and B are the constants to account for the readout fidelities, δf is the oscillation frequency and ϕ is the phase offset. The integration time is about 70 s for all traces. The larger scattering of the data points for Q2 (g) is due to the longer pulse cycle and less averaging. i, Schematic sequence of the Hahn echo measurement. jl, Hahn echo results. For each dataset, the echo time \({T}_{2}^{{\rm{H}}}\) is extracted by fitting with an exponential decay function \(P\left({t}_{{\rm{evol}}}\right)=V{\rm{\exp }}\left(-{\left(\frac{{t}_{{\rm{evol}}}}{{T}_{2}^{{\rm{H}}}}\right)}^{\gamma }\right)\), in which V is the visibility and γ is the exponent. The exponents are γ = 0.98 ± 0.09 (Q1), 1.46 ± 0.05 (Q2) and 1.83 ± 0.07 (Q3).

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