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Extended Data Fig. 5: Whole-rock Yb versus Lu content for Slave peridotites. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Whole-rock Yb versus Lu content for Slave peridotites.

From: Plume-driven recratonization of deep continental lithospheric mantle

Extended Data Fig. 5

Curves show the trajectories of residual mantle after polybaric fractional melting, beginning at 2 GPa (spinel facies; orange), 3 GPa (shallow garnet facies; red) and 7 GPa (deep garnet facies; blue). The partial melting calculations followed those in ref. 39, supplementary material C. Unlike all other reported cratonic peridotites, the very high Lu and Yb (heavy rare-earth element) abundances of Artemisia peridotites clearly indicate initial melting in the presence of high modal garnet, that is, ultradeep plume melting. The previously published data from the North Atlantic, Rae and Kaapvaal cratons39 are plotted for comparison. PM, primitive mantle.

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