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Extended Data Fig. 5: Effects of maternal antibiotic treatment and gestational conventionalization on the faecal microbiota. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Effects of maternal antibiotic treatment and gestational conventionalization on the faecal microbiota.

From: The maternal microbiome modulates fetal neurodevelopment in mice

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, Bacterial load of the maternal faecal microbiota in response to antibiotic (ANVM = ampicillin, neomycin, vancomycin, metronidazole) treatment and conventionalization with SPF microbiota. Yellow line = Ct of germ-free control. (n = 5 cages). b, Principal coordinate analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing data (weighted Unifrac distances) for maternal faecal microbiota before antibiotic treatment (pre-ABX), on Day 2, 4, or 6 after ABX treatment, and on Day 0 (E14.5), 4 (E18.5), 6 (P2) and 8 (P4) after exposure to SPF bedding. (n = 5, 5, 5, 5, 3 cages). c, Class-level taxonomic diversity of maternal faecal microbiota pre-ABX and on Day 0 (E14.5), 4 (E18.5), 6 (P2) and 8 (P4) after exposure to SPF bedding. (n = 5, 5, 5, 5, 3 cages).

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