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Extended Data Fig. 4: Thalamic explant monocultures and co-cultures with striatal and hypothalamic explants. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Thalamic explant monocultures and co-cultures with striatal and hypothalamic explants.

From: The maternal microbiome modulates fetal neurodevelopment in mice

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, Axon outgrowth from monoculture of thalamic explants (Th) from E14.5 offspring of SPF, ABX, GF and Sp dams. Scale = 250 μm. In Th monocultures: b, axon number, and c, axon length (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n = 26, 20, 21, 10 explants). d, Axon outgrowth from (i) SPF Th+SPF hypothalamic explant (Hy), (ii) ABX Th+ABX Hy, (iii) SPF Th+ABX Hy, (iv) ABX Th+SPF Hy. Scale = 250 μm. Proximal to Hy: e, axon number /200 μm2 surface area, normalized to Th monoculture, and f, axon length, normalized to Th monoculture. (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n = 14, 20, 9, 10 explants). g, Axon outgrowth from GF Th+GF St. Scale bar = 250 μm. Proximal to St: h, axon number/200 μm2 surface area, normalized to Th monoculture, and i, axon length, normalized to Th monoculture. (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n = 16 GF explants). j, Axon outgrowth from GF Th+GF Hy. Scale bar = 250 μm. Proximal to Hy: k, axon number/200 μm2 surface area, normalized to Th monoculture, and l, axon length, normalized to Th monoculture. (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n = 14 GF explants). m, Axon outgrowth from (i) SPF Th+SPF St, (ii) ABX Th+ABX St, (iii) Sp Th+Sp St, (iv) Sp Th+ABX St. Scale = 250 μm. Proximal to St: n, axon number/200 μm2 surface area, normalized to Th monoculture, and o, axon length, normalized to Th monoculture. (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n = 14, 20, 14, 6 explants.) p, Axon outgrowth from (i) SPF Th+SPF Hy, (ii) ABX Th+ABX Hy, (iii) Sp Th+Sp Hy, (iv) Sp Th+ABX Hy. Arrows = sparse short axons. Scale = 250 μm. Proximal to Hy: q, axon number/200 μm perimeter, normalized to Th monoculture, and r, axon length, normalized to Th monoculture. (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n = 14, 20, 14, 6 explants). SPF and ABX data in g-i and m-o are in Fig. 1k, 1l. Mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, n.s. = not statistically significant.

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