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Extended Data Fig. 4: The stimulatory effect of Neo-2/15 on human CAR-T cells. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: The stimulatory effect of Neo-2/15 on human CAR-T cells.

From: De novo design of potent and selective mimics of IL-2 and IL-15

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, b, Human primary CD4 (top) or CD8 (bottom) T cells stimulated with CD3/CD28 antibodies (a) or unstimulated (b) were cultured in indicated concentrations of human IL-2 or Neo-2/15. T cell proliferation was measured as fold change over T cells cultured without IL-2 supplement. Experiments were performed 3 times with similar results. Data are mean ± s.d. c, NSG mice inoculated with 0.5 × 106 RAJI tumour cells were treated with 0.8 × 106 anti-CD19 CAR-T cells 7 days post-tumour inoculation. Tumour growth was analysed by bioluminescence imaging. The experiment was performed once.

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