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Extended Data Fig. 2: Linear- to quadratic-in-H crossover of MR. | Nature Physics

Extended Data Fig. 2: Linear- to quadratic-in-H crossover of MR.

From: Interplay between superconductivity and the strange-metal state in FeSe

Extended Data Fig. 2

Normalized resistivity [\(\tilde \rho = \rho (T,H)/\rho \left( {250{{{\mathrm{K}}}},0{{{\mathrm{T}}}}} \right)\)] as a function of field at different temperatures for a gated FeSe film with a, Tc ≈ 35 K and b, Tc ≈ 43 K. From the bottom to the top curve in each panel, the temperatures are a, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 46 and 50 K, and b, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 55, 60, 65 and 70 K. The black dashed and blue dashed lines are fits using linear- and H2-dependence, respectively.

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