Correction to: Nature Nanotechnology, published online 27 July 2020.

In the version of this Article originally published, in the Extended Data, the confocal Raman map** image of the two-dimensional FWHM for the graphene tetralayer (4L) in Extended Data Fig. 6d was erroneously also displayed for the trilayer (3L) in Extended Data Fig. 6c. The original and corrected Extended Data Fig. 6 are shown below. Furthermore, in Extended Data Fig. 7, the selected area electron diffraction patterns presented for positions 1 and 2 were the same, and those presented for position 3 and 5 were the same, due to two datasets being mistakenly saved twice. The original and corrected Extended Data Fig. 7 are shown below. The corrected selected area electron diffraction patterns were taken from another tetralayer graphene sample. These errors do not affect the conclusions of the paper. The online versions of the Article have been amended.

Extended Data Fig. 6
figure 1

Original and Corrected.

Extended Data Fig. 7
figure 2

Original and Corrected.