Extended Data Fig. 2: Liposome characterization. | Nature Microbiology

Extended Data Fig. 2: Liposome characterization.

From: Phosphatidylserine-exposing extracellular vesicles in body fluids are an innate defence against apoptotic mimicry viral pathogens

Extended Data Fig. 2

(a) Representative NTA histograms showing size distribution detected for liposome preparations with indicated molar percentage of PS in dipalmitoyl-PC (DOPC) or distearoyl-PC (DSPC) backbones. Lines show mean and shadings SD of 3 replicate acquisitions. (b) Surface charge of liposomes measured as Zeta-potential in 1 mM KCl. n = 5 or n = 3 (for 100, 50 and 0.02%) measurements per preparation, data show means ± SD. (c) Metabolic activity of Vero E6 cells incubated with liposomes containing different molar ratios of PS in a PC backbone as used in antiviral experiments in Fig. 1c. n = 3 biological replicates, means ± SD. (d) Half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) (ZIKV-MR766 MOI 0.25 on Vero E6) of liposomes containing 1 or 0.2 mol% PS in a 18:0 (DSPC) or 18:1 (DOPC)-PC backbone, with or without addition of 40 mol% cholesterol. n = 3 biological replicates, data show means ± SD. IC50 values compared using ordinary one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post test (95% CI); all comparisons p > 0.05, those without specific indication > 0.01. (e) NTA histograms of fluorescent (1% PC-TopFluor (PC-TF) containing) liposomes containing 0 or 50 ml% PS used in attachment assays. Lines show mean and shadings SD of n = 3 replicate acquisitions.

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