Extended Data Fig. 6: Light-mediated modulation of MR protonation in PBS (10 mM phosphate) by chemical communication between DASA-esterase and PISA-urease nanoreactors. | Nature Chemistry

Extended Data Fig. 6: Light-mediated modulation of MR protonation in PBS (10 mM phosphate) by chemical communication between DASA-esterase and PISA-urease nanoreactors.

From: Photoswitchable gating of non-equilibrium enzymatic feedback in chemically communicating polymersome nanoreactors

Extended Data Fig. 6

a. Monitoring of absorbance evolution by continuous irradiation of green light at 1.49 mW∙cm−2 with volume ratios of PU:DE of 1:5 (triangle), 1:10 (square), and 1:15 (circle) (n = 3 technical replicates, mean ± SD). In all cases the samples were irradiated by green light (λ = 530 nm) at 1.49 mW∙cm−2 for 220 min and in darkness for 105 min. b. pH calculation derived from absorbance data in panel a.

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