Extended Data Fig. 4: Formaldehyde induces global transcription arrest. | Nature Cell Biology

Extended Data Fig. 4: Formaldehyde induces global transcription arrest.

From: Transcription-coupled repair of DNA–protein cross-links depends on CSA and CSB

Extended Data Fig. 4

(a) Representative images showing formaldehyde-induced inhibition of transcription (EU incorporation) and DNA replication (EdU incorporation) in WT RPE1 cells; scale bars = 10 µm. (b-c) Quantification of (a) for EU (b) and EdU (c). (d-e) RRS assays in RPE1 (d) or HAP1 (e) cells treated with 5-aza-dC for the indicated times. (f-g) Quantification (f) and representative images (g) of RRS assays in RPE1 cells treated with formaldehyde and allowed to recover for the indicated times; scale bars = 10 µm. (h) RRS assay in RPE1 cells treated with UVC and allowed to recover for the indicated times. For (b-f) and (h), data are shown from one biological replicate, representative of 2 (e) or 3 (b-d, f, h) independent experiments with the mean value shown in black. Source numerical data are available in source data.

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