Extended Data Fig. 8: The actin nucleation factors Formin-2 is enriched in the nucleus of porcine oocytes. | Nature Cell Biology

Extended Data Fig. 8: The actin nucleation factors Formin-2 is enriched in the nucleus of porcine oocytes.

From: Actin-driven chromosome clustering facilitates fast and complete chromosome capture in mammalian oocytes

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, Immunofluorescence airyscan image of a porcine oocyte before NEBD. White, F-actin (phalloidin); magenta, Formin-2. Scale bar, 5 µm. Outlined regions are magnified below. Colored arrowheads point to Formin-2 foci on actin filaments. b, Bar plot showing mean distance of Formin-2 (Fmn2) spots from actin filaments in cytoplasm of porcine oocytes. Data are presented as mean values +/− s.d., individual values shown as dots. Statistical test: two-tailed unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction (p = 0.0007). c, Western blot from 30 porcine oocytes stained with anti-Formin-2 antibody. d, Live porcine oocytes expressing H2B-mCherry (chromosomes), EGFP-MAP4 (microtubules) and Snap or Snap-FH2 progressing through anaphase with or without successful cytokinesis. Z-projections, 9 sections every 3 µm. e, Quantification of completion or failure of cytokinesis in porcine oocytes expressing Snap or Snap-FH2 as shown in d. Scale bar, 10 µm. Time, minutes (min) from NEBD or hours:minutes (h:min) from anaphase onset. Number of oocytes in brackets. Data from three independent experiments. Source numerical data and unprocessed blots are available in source data.

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