Extended Data Fig. 9: Co-sensing crosstalk characterization of the in-ear integrated sensors. | Nature Biomedical Engineering

Extended Data Fig. 9: Co-sensing crosstalk characterization of the in-ear integrated sensors.

From: In-ear integrated sensor array for the continuous monitoring of brain activity and of lactate in sweat

Extended Data Fig. 9

a. Top view of the electrode layout of the in-ear integrated sensors. bc. Co-sensing setup, with testing performed under (b) less sweaty and (c) more sweaty conditions. d. ASSR PSD of the three 70-s 40-Hz ASSR baseline measurements in the absence of electrochemical recording. ej. Effect of lactate chronoamperometry (CA) current recording on simultaneous EEG recording under less sweaty (eg) and more sweaty (hj) conditions. (e,h) Time traces of the 40-Hz ASSR measurements, with light red and blue shaded regions representing the data rejection and data acceptance intervals used in the artifact blanking method. (f,i) Currents recorded for CA measurements initiated at t = 5 s and completed at t = 65 s into the simultaneous EEG recording. (g,j) PSD of the 40 Hz ASSR after artifact blanking (averaged rejection interval: 9.63 s under less sweaty conditions, and 10.78 s under more sweaty conditions; see Supplementary Note 4 for more details). For each electrophysiological and electrochemical sensor, the participant-averaged mean and standard deviation of the measured time series and PSD, are represented by solid lines and shaded bands, respectively.

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