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Extended Data Fig. 6: PEDOT electrodes for real-time auditory monitoring. | Nature Biomedical Engineering

Extended Data Fig. 6: PEDOT electrodes for real-time auditory monitoring.

From: Soft and stretchable organic bioelectronics for continuous intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring during microsurgery

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Schematic and variation of cochlear nerve action potentials (CNAP) waveforms measured by PEDOT electrodes during nerve tugging. * denotes the time point of nerve tugging. b, Schematic and variation of CNAP waveforms measured by Au during nerve tugging. * denotes the time point of nerve tugging. c, Comparison of response latencies of CNAP recorded by PEDOT or Au electrodes during nerve tugging. (n = 4 rabbits, P = 0.427). d, Comparison of recovery latencies of CNAP recorded by Au or PEDOT electrodes during nerve tugging. (n = 4 rabbits, P < 0.001). e, Percentage of CNAP amplitude after physical nerve tugging recorded by Au or PEDOT electrodes. (n = 4 rabbits, P < 0.001). All error bars denote s.d. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; unpaired, two-tailed student’s t-test was used for c-e. Schematics in a and b were created with BioRender.com.

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