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Extended Data Fig. 10: The spectral fitting results. | Nature Astronomy

Extended Data Fig. 10: The spectral fitting results.

From: Impact remnants rich in carbonaceous chondrites detected on the Moon by the Chang’e-4 rover

Extended Data Fig. 10

The spectral fitting results and corresponding CMOS images. (a) Reflectance spectra of the four typical ROIs of N65, N60, N55, and N15, and the corresponding best-fit modeling results. (b) CMOS images at wavelength of 560 nm with ROIs of N60, N55, N16, and N15. All the images are stretched from 0 to 0.2. The measurement locations of N65, N60, and N55 are shown in Extended Data Fig. 3a. The ROI of N65 is the same material as that of N66 (Fig. 1d). The ROI of N60 represents the background regolith outside the crater. The ROI of N15 represents a fresh rock found on the 3rd lunar day of the mission’s operation.

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