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Extended Data Fig. 5: The effect of cold stress on the content of endogenous amino acids in maize. | Nature Plants

Extended Data Fig. 5: The effect of cold stress on the content of endogenous amino acids in maize.

From: Natural polymorphism of ZmICE1 contributes to amino acid metabolism that impacts cold tolerance in maize

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, The -log10 (peak area) value of free amino acids evaluated by LC-MS/MS before or after cold treatment (4 °C, 12 h) in maize association panel. The plots shown are means ± s.d. (n is shown in figures; two-sided t-test). b, Relative expression of ZmAS3 and ZmGS1-3 in WT, ZmAS3- and ZmGS1-3-overexpression seedlings. Data are means ± s.d. from 3 biologically independent samples. P-values shown are from two-sided t-test. The experiments were independently performed three times with similar results. c, Relative leaf injury of cold-treated seedlings without or with application of Leu or Val. Maize seedlings at V2 stage were treated with 20 mM Leu or Val for 12 h, followed by 4 °C treatment for 2 d. Data are means ± s.d. from 3 biological replicates (n = 5 plants for each replicate). P-values are from two-sided t-test. d, Relative amount of endogenous amino acids in maize seedlings with exogenously applied Asn and Glu at 20 mM. Data are means ± s.d. from 4 biologically independent samples. P-values shown are from two-sided t-test.

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