
The discovery of graphene has inspired enormous research interest in searching for topological materials with Dirac cones1,2,3,4,5. In a Dirac material, the valence and conduction bands touch at discrete points in the momentum space, and the band degeneracies are protected by symmetries, such as time-reversal and mirror reflection. The topological band structures of Dirac materials can give rise to various exotic properties, including the half-integer quantum Hall effect6, Klein tunneling7, and extremely large magnetoresistance8. Compared to three-dimensional Dirac materials, two-dimensional (2D) Dirac materials are relatively rare because of the scarcity of realizable 2D materials9. In addition, most of the experimentally realized 2D Dirac materials are hexagonally symmetric, such as graphene10,11 and silicene12,13. In rectangular or square lattices, Dirac states are quite rare14,15,16, despite the recent prediction of candidate materials including 6,6,12-graphyne17,18, t1(t2)-SiC19, and g-SiC320,21. On the other hand, breaking certain symmetries can gap out the Dirac point, giving rise to topological (crystalline) insulating states with conducting edge channels.

A prototypical model to realize topological states is the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, which was initially put forward to describe spinless electrons hop** in a one-dimensional (1D) dimerized lattice22. Recently, the 1D SSH model has been extended to 2D square lattices23,24,25. In the 2D SSH model, a gapless Dirac cone exists at the M point when electron hop**s are homogeneous, as shown in Fig. 1a, b. Suppose the hop** amplitudes alternate in one direction while kee** constant in the other one. In that case, the application of a staggered potential in the other direction can gap out the Dirac cone, as shown in Fig. 1c, d, with topological edge states along specific peripheries. Experimentally, the 2D SSH model has been realized in several systems, including photonic/acoustic latticesFull size image

In this work, we demonstrate that Dirac electronic states can be realized in a rectangular Si lattice, and the topological properties of this system can be described by the 2D SSH model. The rectangular Si lattice can be synthesized by epitaxial growth of Si on Ag(001), which was reported as early as 200730. Previous works on this system only focused on the structural characterization using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and surface X-ray diffraction, while studies of its electronic structure are still lacking, both experimentally and theoretically.

Here, we systematically study the atomic and electronic structure of the rectangular Si lattice by ARPES measurements, first-principles calculations, and tight-binding analysis. Our first-principles calculations show that adsorption of Si on Ag(001) will result in the periodic missing of topmost Ag atoms, in contrast to the previously proposed unreconstructed Ag(001) surface30,31. Interestingly, our ARPES measurements proved the existence of a gapped Dirac cone at each M point of the Si lattice, which is supported by our first-principles calculations. Our tight-binding (TB) analysis based on a 2D SSH model reveals that the gap of the Dirac cone is driven by the alternation of bond lengths in one direction and stagger of potential energies in the other one. In addition, our calculations show that topological edge states exist along specific peripheries, which indicates rich topological properties in this system. These results call for further research on the exotic topological properties of the 2D SSH model in condensed matter physics.