Editorial Expression of Concern to: Oncogene

https://doi.org/10.1038/onc.2008.388, published online 13 October 2008

The Editors-in-Chief would like to alert readers that after publication of this article, concerns have been raised regarding potential partial image overlap in Fig. 5B between WT11 and WT20. Due to the age of the article, raw images are not available to address these concerns. Readers are advised to interpret the content of this article with caution.

Authors, X Zhang and JQ Cheng agree with this Editorial Expression of Concern. Authors, PA Kruk and SV Nicosia did not respond to correspondence from the Publisher about this Editorial Expression of Concern. The Publisher has been unable to obtain current email addresses for the authors W Bai, J Chen, Y Zhang, M Zhang, H Dong, S Yong, X Li, and N Olashaw.