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Supplementary Figure 8: Separation between dmPFC and BLA putative principal neurons and putative interneurons. | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 8: Separation between dmPFC and BLA putative principal neurons and putative interneurons.

From: 4-Hz oscillations synchronize prefrontal–amygdala circuits during fear behavior

Supplementary Figure 8

(a, b) Location of recording sites in the dmPFC (a) and BLA (b). (c) Among dmPFC recorded neurons, 27.56 % were classified as putative inhibitory neurons (INs, red circle) and 72.44 % as putative projection neurons (PNs, blue circle) using an unbiased unsupervised cluster separation algorithm based on three extracellular electrophysiological properties: firing frequency, spike half width (SHW) and spike area under waveform (AUC) peak. Inset, average waveform of a representative PN and IN illustrating the methodology used to quantify SHW and AUC. (d) Among BLA recorded neurons, 17.24 % were classified as putative inhibitory neurons (INs, red circle) and 82.76 % as putative projection neurons (PNs, blue circle) using the same methodology as in (c). (e, f) Cumulative distribution of firing rate ratio for freezing and no freezing periods of dmPFC (e) and BLA (f) putative PNs. Inset, percentage of phase-locked and non phase-locked dmPFC (e) and BLA (f) neurons to 4 Hz oscillations characterized by enhanced firing rate during fear behaviour (n = 13 mice, dmPFC: 46 cells; BLA: 21 cells).

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