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Extended Data Figure 6: Numerical simulations of the PLASS–cFFI circuit motif. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 6: Numerical simulations of the PLASS–cFFI circuit motif.

From: Axonal synapse sorting in medial entorhinal cortex

Extended Data Figure 6

See Fig. 6. a, The effect of PLASS on suppression of synchronized activity, for a synchronization interval Δtsync of 10 ms (compare with Fig. 6g, i). b, c, The effect of additional background activity on PLASS-based suppression of synchronized activity propagation. Example shows 20 Hz background activity, under which PLASS-based suppression is still effective for synchronization intervals 3 and 10 ms. dh, The effect of an additional postsynaptic pre-depolarization on recovery from PLASS-induced supression. d, Emulated current injection in the postsynaptic neuron for a PLASS circuit with 0.7 ms inhibitory delay and 1 ms PLASS delay. e, Presynaptic synchronized activity and 8-ms-long rectangular pre-depolarizations in the postsynaptic neuron. f, Simulated membrane potential transients in the postsynaptic excitatory neuron. Note spike suppression by PLASS (magenta, no additional stimulation), that can be gradually recovered from by current injections of increasing amplitude Istim. g, h, Titration of PLASS recovery over stimulus strength and effective pre-depolarization before the synchronized input activity. A pre-depolarization of 10–20 mV is sufficient for the recovery from PLASS; this could be achieved by underlying membrane potential modulation or an additional gating input to the postsynaptic excitatory neuron, for example at its apical dendrites in L1.

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