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Extended Data Figure 7: U-series and ESR samples and dating results. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 7: U-series and ESR samples and dating results.

From: Age and context of the oldest known hominin fossils from Flores

Extended Data Figure 7

a, b, Hominin incisor (SOA-MM6) crown and root samples (number 3543A and number 3543B, respectively) from Layer II, Mata Menge. ce, U-series laser tracks for Stegodon molar samples from Layer II. f, g, Dose response curves obtained for the two powder enamel samples from number 3541 and number 3544, respectively. Fitting was carried out with a SSE function through the pooled mean ESR intensities derived from each repeated measurement. Given the magnitude of the DE values, the correct DE value was obtained for 5 > Dmax/DE > 10 (ref. 50).

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