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Extended Data Figure 8: Carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of dental enamel. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 8: Carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of dental enamel.

From: Age and context of the oldest known hominin fossils from Flores

Extended Data Figure 8

a, 13C and 18O values of Stegodon florensis and murine rodent tooth enamel. All but one of the δ13C ratios correspond to a C4 diet, indicating that the analysed Stegodon and murine rodents were predominantly grazers. The positive shift observed in 18O of the younger Stegodon samples (from the hominin-bearing Layer II) is more difficult to interpret with the limited data available, but could mean a distinct source of drinking water (i.e., run-off versus lacustrine) and/or warmer conditions. b, Benferroni corrected P values for a pairwise Mann–Whitney statistical analysis to test for similarity of δ13C between subsamples. c, Benferroni corrected P values for a pairwise Mann–Whitney statistical analysis to test for similarity of δ18O between subsamples; P values showing significant differences in median values are in bold.

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