Correction to: Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum

The publication of this article unfortunately contained mistakes. There were errors in the abstract and in one equation. The corrected abstract and equation are given below.

Incorrect abstract:

In this article, we study strongly convex matrix functions and the strong Davis-Sherman condition to see their relations, corresponding to those of strongly operator-convex functions in Brown (Can J Math 40:865–988, 1988; Ann Funct Anal 9:41–55, 2018)and in Brown and Uchiyama(Linear Algebra Appl) Linear Algebra Appl 553:238–251, 2018).

Correct abstract:

In this article, we study strongly convex matrix functions and the strong Davis-Sherman condition to see their relations, corresponding to those of strongly operator-convex functions in Brown (Can J Math 40:865–988, 1988; Ann Funct Anal 9:41–55, 2018) and in Brown and Uchiyama (Linear Algebra Appl 553:238–251, 2018).

Incorrect equation:

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} \mathrm {(i)}\quad |{ x}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ y}|^2 f(\beta ) - f(|{ x}|^2 \alpha + |{ y}|^2 \beta ) \geqq 0; \\{} & {} \mathrm {(ii)}\quad |{ z}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ w}|^2 f(\beta ) \geqq 0; \\{} & {} \mathrm {(iii)}\qquad \{|{ x}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ y}|^2 f(\beta ) - f(|{ x}|^2 \alpha + |{ y}|^2 \beta )\} \{|{ z}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ w}|^2 f(\beta ) \} \\{} & {} \quad \geqq |{ x}\overline{{ z}} f(\alpha ) + { y} \overline{{ w}}f(\beta )|^2. \end{aligned}$$

Correct equation:

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} \mathrm{(i)}\quad |{ x}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ y}|^2 f(\beta ) - f(|{ x}|^2 \alpha + |{ y}|^2 \beta ) \geqq 0; \\{} & {} \mathrm{(ii)}\quad |{ z}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ w}|^2 f(\beta ) \geqq 0; \\{} & {} \mathrm{(iii)}\quad \{|{ x}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ y}|^2 f(\beta ) - f(|{ x}|^2 \alpha + |{ y}|^2 \beta )\} \{|{ z}|^2 f(\alpha ) + |{ w}|^2 f(\beta ) \} \\{} & {} \quad \geqq |{ x}\overline{{ z}} f(\alpha ) + { y} \overline{{ w}}f(\beta )|^2. \end{aligned}$$

The original article has been corrected.