
TableĀ 7 Generalized nanostructured silicon anode materials: scalability and commercial prospects

From: Innovative Solutions for High-Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Applications

Nanostructure type



Scalability potential

Commercial feasibility

0D Si-based anode materials

Si nanoparticles and composites

Utilization of porous Si nanoparticles and composites, including Si@TiO2 and Si/Ti2O3/rGO. Techniques include electroless etching, self-assembly, CVD

Moderate, challenges in consistent quality production at scale

Emerging, hinges on integration with current battery manufacturing processes

1D Si-based anode materials

Si nanowires (SiNWs) and nanotubes (SiNTs)

Development of 1D structures like SiNWs and SiNTs using CVD and other methods. Examples include Si@NC, carbon-coated SiNWs

High for SiNWs with established methods; moderate for SiNTs due to complexity

Promising, particularly for high-end applications requiring advanced battery properties

2D Si-based anode materials

Si thin films

Application of Si thin films on substrates, e.g., amorphous Si on Cu. Techniques include electrodeposition and magnetron sputtering

Moderate, dependent on deposition technologies and material handling

Feasible, with potential in niche markets and specialty applications

3D Si-based anode materials

3D macroporous Si structures

Creation of 3D macroporous Si using methods like magnesiothermic reduction and galvanic displacement. Examples include Si@C electrodes and hollow Si nanospheres

High, especially with advancements in 3D material synthesis techniques

Good, subject to demonstration of long-term durability and cost-effectiveness
