
The primary scientific objective of artificial intelligence (AI) is to comprehend the underlying principles that drive intelligent behaviors in natural systems and utilize this knowledge to construct artificial systems capable of matching natural abilities. Achieving this goal involves two distinct approaches in develo** automated algorithms for enabling intelligent behaviors. One approach focuses on achieving high performance in specific domains by employing methods such as brute-force, optimization-oriented, or domain-specific solutions. A prime example of this performance-driven approach is the program AlphaGo, which surpassed professional Go players by combining Monte Carlo tree search, value and policy networks, and reinforcement learning [1]. This type of AI does not aim to replicate human functioning but can excel in its designated tasks [2,3,4,5,6,7]. The other approach seeks to mimic human behavior to attain comparable performance on cognitive tasks and comprehend the underlying principles [8,9,10,11]. Some researchers have even attempted to create computer models of the cognitive architecture of the human mind, a fascinating and crucial area of AI [12]. Notable cognitive architectures include ACT-R [13], Soar [14], and PRODIGY [15].

In this study, our objective is to investigate color pattern recognition and decision-making processes employed by human puzzle solvers. Puzzle solving has long been a beloved pastime, encompassing various types of puzzles like jigsaw puzzles, edge matching puzzles, and polyomino packing puzzles. Interestingly, all three puzzle types are considered NP-complete, and they can be converted into equivalent versions of each other [16]. This has piqued the interest of researchers from different fields, including computer vision, pattern recognition, and image processing, who have been exploring the possibilities of automating puzzle solving using computers.

The automatic puzzle-solving domain holds great potential for diverse applications. For instance, it can be employed in tasks such as speech descrambling [17], image descrambling [18], assembly of cracked oil paintings [19], reassembling archeological remnants [20] and document fragments [21], DNA/RNA modeling [22], and molecular docking for drug design [23]. The study of automated puzzle solving has opened up new avenues for innovative applications and has garnered significant interest and attention across diverse scientific disciplines.

The aim of our study is to create models that depict human perception of color patterns and problem-solving skills. We have developed an automated solver for rectangular piece puzzles that mimics the problem-solving approaches used by human solvers. Our investigation revolves around two core research inquiries: (1) What factors guide human solvers when choosing initial puzzle pieces? and (2) How skilled are human solvers in identifying color patterns on puzzle pieces? By tackling these questions, we aspire to enhance our understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying puzzle solving and contribute to the progress of automated puzzle solvers that replicate human-like strategies.

The subsequent sections of this paper are structured as follows. Firstly, we provide an overview of the puzzle problem and review existing research on solving puzzles. Secondly, in Section "Methods", we present a nucleation model of puzzle solving, followed by a detailed statistical analysis of edge features of puzzle pieces using a puzzle-solving database of human solvers. Additionally, we introduce a computer simulation algorithm designed to replicate human puzzle-solving processes based on the nucleation model and this statistical analysis. Moving on, Section "Results and Discussion" discusses the outcomes of computer simulations, focusing on the relationship between the average puzzle solving time and the number of puzzle pieces, as well as visualizations of the general puzzle-solving process. Finally, in Section "Conclusions", we present our conclusions based on the findings and discuss the implications of this research.

Problem definition

The puzzle problem involves correctly assembling all puzzle pieces to recreate the original picture. In our puzzle task, the original picture is rectangular and divided into N smaller rectangular pieces, each labeled based on its position in the picture. At the beginning, the puzzle pieces are randomly placed on the computer screen. While they can be moved, rotation is not allowed. When two neighboring pieces are correctly placed next to each other, they merge to form a larger piece and become inseparable. Solving the puzzle entails finding the unique configuration of these N pieces on the two-dimensional array. Our approach exclusively emphasizes the color factor during puzzle solving. The main objective is to comprehend the importance of human pattern recognition in puzzle solving and replicate the problem-solving strategies used by human puzzle solvers.

Related work

In 1964, Freeman and Gardner proposed the first jigsaw solver for apictorial 9 piece puzzles, focusing solely on the shape of the pieces [24]. Their method, called partial boundary curve matching, identifies critical points along the edges and calculates how well the pieces fit together. Radack and Badler also attempted puzzle solving using partial boundary curve matching with polar coordinates [25].

Apart from curve matching methods, the image on puzzle pieces plays a significant role in puzzle solving, especially for human solvers. In 1994, Kosiba et al. developed the first algorithm that utilized both image and shape information of puzzle pieces to solve puzzles with up to 54 pieces [26]. Other authors have also proposed similar algorithms based on both shape and image, where they first assemble the frame pieces and then employ a greedy algorithm to fill in the interior [27, 28]. These algorithms can handle puzzles with several hundred pieces, but the reconstruction results are usually reported for only one or a few images.

There has been a growing interest in pictorial puzzles with pieces of rectangular shape [18, 29, 30]. In this case, a puzzle solver utilizes the pictorial information on the pieces to construct the original picture by correctly assembling all pieces. Such a solver typically consists of two main modules: a compatibility metric that uses a cost function to evaluate the likelihood of a given pair of pieces being neighbors in the original configuration, and an assembly algorithm that determines the placement of pieces according to the compatibility metric. Cho and coworkers discussed several interesting applications of the rectangular piece puzzle in image editing and synthesis.


In Sect. "A nucleation model of puzzle solving", we introduce a puzzle-solving nucleation model as a key component of our effort to create automated solvers that mimic human behavior. We examine its time complexity, a crucial aspect of our research. This model emulates the human approach of commencing with a piece and gradually expanding it during the puzzle-solving process. Moving to Sect. "Statistical analysis of edges", we delve into the attributes of puzzle pieces serving as nucleation sites. Our analysis draws on data from an empirical database, detailed in the Supplementary Information, encompassing 8 puzzle pictures displayed in Fig. 1. By combining insights from Sect. "A nucleation model of puzzle solving" and "Statistical analysis of edges", we present an automated puzzle solver in Sect. "Computer simulation algorithm", specifically crafted to replicate the general behaviors demonstrated by human solvers. Figure 2 illustrates the framework of this study.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Eight different pictures used to examine human perception of color patterns in puzzle solving. Among these pictures, two (pictures 1 and 2) are portraits, two (pictures 3 and 4) are buildings, two (pictures 5 and 6) are animals, and two (pictures 7 and 8) are cartoons

Fig. 2
figure 2

An outline of the framework for puzzle-solving utilizing knowledge-based automation

A nucleation model of puzzle solving

In a puzzle composed of N non-rotatable rectangular pieces, there exist N! potential arrangements when assigning each piece to a position. As a result, employing a brute force algorithm to solve the puzzle would demand O(N!) operations.

Alternatively, we can approach puzzle-solving using a nucleation process combined with a trial and error approach. Initially, we select an arbitrary puzzle piece to serve as the nucleation site and then search for its neighboring piece with the corresponding edge from the remaining N–1 pieces. Once a correct choice is made, these two pieces are merged to form a larger piece. Subsequently, there are N–2 choices from the remaining pieces to fit one of the new edges for the merged nucleation site. The overall number of trials required to solve the puzzle is (N–1) + (N–2) + ··· + 1, which simplifies to N(N–1)/2, leading to a time complexity of the order N2. Notably, in this approach, puzzle-solving is achieved without utilizing any color information on the puzzle pieces. However, if color information is employed to assist in puzzle-solving, the number of trials needed to solve the puzzle would likely be reduced. In the general, we anticipate a power law relationship between the number of trials (T) and the number of puzzle pieces (N), denoted by T ∝ Nλ, where λ < 2. The value of λ depends on the available color information on the puzzle pieces.

Statistical analysis of edges

In computer simulations aimed at replicating human puzzle-solving behavior, the statistical analysis of edge features assumes a significant role. Specifically, features such as distinctive and iridescent edges in puzzle pieces are crucial for mimicking human solvers effectively. Empirical evidence indicates that during the initial stages of puzzle solving, human solvers tend to select pieces that are less common and exhibit greater color variation. These characteristics are particularly important for successful edge matching.

To analyze the color pattern of a puzzle piece, as demonstrated in Fig. 3a, we divide it into k2 sections, with each edge containing k sections. In contrast to the RGB color space, where most human solvers do not differentiate between similar colors during the puzzle-solving process, we employ a set of 16 colors (as shown in Fig. 3b) to represent color pixels within each section. This alternative color representation allows us to symbolize color patterns effectively.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Partition of a puzzle piece into 36 sections. Each piece contains 4 edges (top, bottom, left, and right), and each edge consists of 6 sections. b The RGB definition of 16 colors used to specify color patterns

To facilitate our analysis, we define the set of edges as E = {top-edge (1), bottom-edge (–1), left-edge (2), right-edge (–2)}. We refer to the edge e (where e belongs to E) of piece a and the edge -e of piece b as relative edges (a ≠ b) and define the level of their resemblance as

$$ R^{a,b;e} \equiv \frac{1}{k}\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{k} \frac{{\mathop{C}\limits^{\rightharpoonup}{}^{a;e} \cdot \mathop{C}\limits^{\rightharpoonup}{}^{b; - e} }}{{\left| {\mathop{C}\limits^{\rightharpoonup}{}^{a;e} } \right|\left| {\mathop{C}\limits^{\rightharpoonup}{}^{b; - e} } \right|}} $$

where \(\mathop{C}\limits^{\rightharpoonup}{}^{a;e}\), calculated by tallying the number of pixels for each color, denotes the color vector of the i-th section of an edge x in piece a. Ra,b;e represents the degree of similarity between two relative edges, indicating the likelihood of a human solver attempting to match pieces (a, b) with the edges (e, -e) during puzzle solving. Due to the imprecision of human perception regarding color distribution on edges, if Ra,b;e exceeds a threshold value Rt, the color patterns of two edges are considered ‘similar”. The ambiguity of finding a corresponding edge increases as the number of similar edges for a particular edge grows. To quantify this, we introduce the concept of the percentage of similar edges for edge e of piece a, denoted as \( P^{{a;e}} \equiv {\text{ }}M^{{a;e}} /N - 1 \), where Ma;e represents the count of similar edges and N is the number of puzzle pieces. Additionally, we define the color variation of an edge (e.g., edge e of piece a) using its color entropy as follows:

$$ S^{a,e} \equiv - \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{k} \mathop \sum \limits_{C = 1}^{16} p_{i,C}^{a;e} {\text{log}}\left( {p_{i,C}^{a;e} } \right), $$

where \({p}_{i,C}^{a;e}\) is the probability distribution of color C in section i of edge e. An edge with a higher value of Sa;e exhibits more iridescence, while an edge with Sa;e = 0 is monochromatic.

Our analysis of an empirical database, as presented in the supplementary information, reveals that human solvers solve puzzles effectively by preferentially selecting puzzle pieces with distinctive (small Pa;e) and iridescent (large Sa;e) edges. Notably, it is observed that human solvers commonly initiate the puzzle-solving process by focusing on pieces with distinctive edges (E1 = {edges with Pa;e ≤ 0.22}) and iridescent edges (E2 = {edges with Sa;e > 2.3}). Among these two characteristics, distinctive edges appear to have a more significant impact on their selection strategy than iridescent edges. As the puzzle-solving progresses, they gradually enlarge the initially chosen piece. Based on the above observations, we categorize the edges of puzzle pieces into three types: {A}, E1 ∩ E2; {B}, E1 − E2; and {C}, otherwise. In a typical puzzle-solving process, it is reasonable for us to assume that the likelihood of being a nucleation site follows the order: P({A}) > P({B}) > P({C}).

To validate our assumption, we employed data mining techniques, specifically association rules (X → Y), to calculate the support and confidence for edges belonging to the three sets to appear at the first stage of the puzzle-solving process [31]. In this context, X represents possible edges of type X = {A, B, or C} found in the empirical database, while Y represents the solved edges observed at the first stage. We calculated the support(X → Y) as σ(edges of type X at the first stage)/σ(edges of all types in the database) and the confidence(X → Y) as σ(edges of type X at the first stage)/σ(edges of type X in the database), where σ is the count of events. Indeed, the results in Table 1 suggest that edges of type {A} are more likely to appear at the first stage of puzzle solving than those of type {B} or type {C}.

Table 1 Association rule (X → Y) as well as the support and confidence for edges in sets {A}, {B}, and {C} to appear at the first stage of puzzle solving process

Computer simulation algorithm

To simulate the human puzzle-solving process, as illustrated in the flow chart of Fig. 4, we developed an automated algorithm to complete the puzzle task starting from a nucleation site. This algorithm functions as follows by specifying the picture ID, the number of puzzle pieces, and the parameter values (Rt, α, k, pA, pB):

  1. 1.

    The algorithm selects a picture from those in Fig. 1 and divides it into N rectangular pieces.

  2. 2.

    For each edge, the algorithm calculates its value of Pa;e and Sa;e.

  3. 3.

    Edges are categorized into three sets labeled as {A}, {B}, and {C} based on their Pa;e and Sa;e attributes.

  4. 4.

    To start solving, the algorithm picks a nucleation edge with probabilities pA from {A}, pB from {B}, and 1– pApB from {C}, where pA > pB > 1– pApB. This reflects human limitations in discerning picture details.

  5. 5.

    The algorithm creates a list for relative edges of the remaining pieces with Ra,b;e ≥ Rt and randomly selects one edge to check if it corresponds to the chosen edge. If no match is found, the selected edge is removed from the list in subsequent attempts.

  6. 6.

    When a pair of corresponding edges is matched, they are merged to form a larger piece, and the nucleation site expands as more corresponding edges are found during the puzzle-solving process.

  7. 7.

    The algorithm continues the process, selecting one edge of the new piece based on Pa;e and Sa;e to find its corresponding edge. If none of the selected edges fit, the algorithm selects another nucleation edge from the nucleation site.

  8. 8.

    The above procedures continue until the puzzle is solved, and the total number of attempts to solve the puzzle (T) is recorded.

  9. 9.

    Towards the late stage of puzzle-solving, when an empty list of relative edges (i.e., Ra,b;e < Rtb) is encountered, the algorithm reduces the threshold value to αRt, where α < 1.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flow chart of the nucleation algorithm of the automated puzzle solver

Figure 5 depicts a snapshot of the puzzle-solving process using picture 8. Throughout the study, puzzles using the eight pictures in Fig. 1 and the number of pieces N between 4 and 100 were considered. 30 computer simulations were performed for each case, and all puzzle-solving processes were recorded in a simulation database.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Snapshot of the puzzle solving process with the automated solver using the nucleation algorithm

Results and discussion

In this study, we employed eight different pictures from Fig. 1 for an automated puzzle solver to model human recognition of color patterns [32]. These pictures included two portraits (pictures 1 and 2), two buildings (pictures 3 and 4), two animals (pictures 5 and 6), and two cartoons (pictures 7 and 8). Among the pictures used, pictures 6 and 7 stand out due to their inclusion of multiple objects, providing more opportunities for multiple nucleation compared to pictures that feature a single object. Unlike human solvers, who are capable of employing multiple nucleation strategies to solve puzzles, the current automated solver relied exclusively on a single nucleation approach for puzzle-solving. In this study, we will compare our simulation results with those from both the dataset of 8 pictures and the dataset of 6 pictures (excluding pictures 6 and 7).

Our algorithm utilizes a nucleation rule for puzzle solving, as illustrated in Fig. 4, which effectively simulates the solving process employed by human solvers. Unlike brute force algorithms with an N! dependence, our approach shows a power-law relation between the average solving time (T) and the number of pieces (N), denoted as T(N) ∝ Nλ. The value of λ quantifies the efficiency in processing pictorial information, with smaller values implying better puzzle-solving efficiency.

For monochromatic puzzles lacking useful color information (Figure S3), the measured value of λ is approximately 1.85 based on trial and error. However, for puzzle pictures with specific color patterns, as shown in Fig. 6, the values of λ fall within the range of 1.60 and 1.77 when using the parameter set k = 6, Rt = 0.65, α = 0.55, and {pA, pB, pC} = {94, 4, 2} (as percentages). The observed power-law behavior in our simulations closely resembles the puzzle-solving patterns of human solvers in the empirical database, where the exponent λH ranges from 1.48 to 1.67. The inset of Fig. 6 demonstrates linear regressions of the data points of (λ, λH) from the empirical database and computer simulations with zero intercept, yielding λ = 1.06·λH with R2 = 0.79 for the dataset of 8 pictures and λ = 1.05·λH with R2 = 0.85 for the dataset of 6 pictures. This finding indicates that our simulation algorithm successfully mimics human solvers in puzzle solving.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Average puzzle solving time as a function of N. A power-law form with an exponent between 1.4 and 1.8 is found. The inset shows an excellent agreement between the scaling exponents calculated from simulations and their empirical values

In general, pictorial information within puzzle pieces can provide valuable clues to solve the puzzle. The small values of λ for pictures 6 and 7 are attributed to the fact that both pictures contain multiple objects, which act as helpful hints during the puzzle-solving process. On the other hand, pictures 5 and 8 have large values of λ because a significant portion of the picture exhibits a monotonic color distribution. It’s important to emphasize that our computer simulations exclusively focused on solving processes with a single nucleation site. In contrast, for pictures 6 and 7, human solvers may initiate multiple nucleation sites during the solving process. This leads to the values of λH (1.48 and 1.48) being smaller than the corresponding λ (1.61 and 1.60) for these pictures. This observation raises an interesting topic for our future investigation: exploring the performance of puzzle solving with different strategies.

Figure 7 depicts the collapsed-data diagram of our automated solver for both datasets, comprising 8 pictures and 6 pictures. The horizontal axis depicts Spearman’s ρ value, indicating the strength and direction of the monotonic relationship between our nucleation algorithm’s outcomes and the experiment’s observations. The vertical axis illustrates the R-squared value, assessing how well the model fits the observed data. Combining both measures offers a more thorough evaluation, capturing various aspects of the relationship between variables and overcoming individual measure limitations. Data collection spanned a wide range within the parameter space, with emphasis on k = 6, Rt = 0.65, α = 0.55, and {pA, pB, pC} = {90, 8, 2} (depicted by dashed circles). Theoretically, for closely mimicking human solving patterns, the optimal parameter range aligns with the upper-right quadrant of Fig. 7, highlighting a pronounced effect size. [33] Overall, our automated solver exhibits a more pronounced effect size when applied to the dataset containing 6 pictures, which is predominantly influenced by a single nucleation center. In this scenario, a stronger correlation between λ and λH is observed, particularly with higher pA values. Furthermore, we noted an exceptionally robust correlation with ρ = 1.0 and R2 = 0.94 when slightly adjusting the k value in accordance with N (k = 7 for N = 2, 3, or 4, k = 6 for N = 5, 6, or 7, and k = 5 for N = 8, 9, and 10), indicated as k(N). This adjustment is driven by the reduction in color pixels within puzzle pieces as N increases. Figure 7 illustrates the significant sensitivity of our results to the parameters Rt and α, with the correlation substantially diminishing as the parameter values (Rt, α) move away from (0.65, 0.55). Notably intriguing is the observation that our simulations, conducted with large Rt values (Rt > 0.7), exhibit a diminished correlation with experimental results, primarily attributed to relatively small λ values in comparison to λH. This discrepancy is logical, as our automated solver demonstrates superior proficiency in discerning color patterns compared to humans, especially in scenarios involving large Rt. From a computational perspective, the solver proves significantly more efficient than humans in puzzle-solving, leading to a weaker consistency between simulations and experimental outcomes.

Fig. 7
figure 7

A collapsed-data diagram of the automated solver for both datasets, comprising 8 pictures and 6 pictures. The horizontal axis corresponds to the Spearman’s ρ, while the vertical axis represents the R-squared value. Here k(N) signifies a slightly modified k value according to N

The process of puzzle solving, reminiscent of the endeavor to find a specific configuration within a vast configuration space, bears resemblances to protein folding. Levinthal underscored the impracticality of an unfolded protein navigating the entire conformation space at random and proposed the existence of a distinct pathway to its native state. To observe this phenomenon, we meticulously scrutinized all puzzle-solving procedures, documenting the likelihood of successfully solved puzzle pieces at each stage. Within this framework, the puzzle-solving process is segmented into five equally distributed stages, each marked by the native contact value (i.e., the percentage of completion) denoted as Q. This study also unveiled prevalent pathways in puzzle solving, as illustrated in Fig. 8. In this figure, we present puzzle pieces from pictures 1 and 7, indicating a likelihood of being solved at a stage surpassing 26% for each of the five stages. In the case of picture 1 in Fig. 8a, the facial section is recognized at the earliest stage (Q = 0.2) and functions as a nucleation center for identifying the complete portrait. The background surrounding the portrait in picture 1 features a uniform color palette, leading to its resolution in subsequent stages. Similarly, within Fig. 8b, the cartoon characters within picture 7 are identified during the initial stage, followed by the subsequent recognition of the uniform background. These central pathways leading to puzzle solving are distinctly evident across all eight pictures in Supplementary Figures S4 and S5. Remarkably, the color pattern on puzzle pieces plays a pivotal role in determining the trajectory toward the ultimate solution. This observation aligns with the experimental findings derived from the empirical database, as showcased in Figure S6. However, as depicted in Figures S7 and S8, the process of solving pictures 1 and 7 diverges in terms of the number of potential nucleation centers. In contrast to picture 1, picture 7 incorporates multiple nucleation centers, resulting in several primary pathways to puzzle solving.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Principal trails to the native configuration for two 10 × 10 puzzles: a picture 1 and b picture 8. At each stage, only puzzle pieces having greater than 26% probability of being solved during the stage are displayed


In this study, we have introduced a nucleation algorithm for puzzle solving and utilized computer simulations to emulate the puzzle-solving processes employed by human solvers. Based on this study of the empirical puzzle-solving database, we observed that puzzle solving of humans can be effectively explained through a nucleation model, where puzzle pieces with distinctive (small Pa;e) and iridescent (large Sa;e) edges are commonly chosen as the nucleation site.

Our proposed automated solver assesses the efficiency of human solvers in puzzle solving by adopting the nucleation strategy and considering the pictorial information on puzzle pieces. The average puzzle solving time follows a power-law relationship with N, with an exponent less than 2. The specific value of this exponent is influenced by the available pictorial information in the puzzle picture. Interestingly, we speculate on the similarity between the observed efficiency in finding the puzzle solution from the vast number of configurations and that of proteins folding into a unique native structure while exploring the conformation space. Drawing inspiration from Levinthal’s paradox in the protein folding problem, we identify the principal pathways for a single nucleation center or multiple nucleation centers in puzzle solving.

In summary, we statistically determined the preferential selection of puzzle pieces based on their edge features and introduced a nucleation algorithm to emulate the puzzle-solving strategies used by humans. This approach notably enhances the efficiency of solving jig swap puzzles by leveraging pictorial information from puzzle images. Given the absence of shape information for individual pieces, this problem formulation poses even greater challenges than conventional jigsaw puzzles. Our study makes a valuable contribution to develo** an architectural model for understanding human recognition of color patterns and its potential applications in problem-solving.