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Supplementary Figure 2 | Molecular Neurobiology

Supplementary Figure 2

From: Neurogranin Expression Is Regulated by Synaptic Activity and Promotes Synaptogenesis in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons

Supplementary Figure 2

Distribution of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in hippocampal neurons in culture. DIV16 hippocampal neurons were fixed and processed for immunofluorescence. 10 x 10 images were acquired with a 25X oil objective for each channel (DAPI, MAP 2, GluN1, GAD6) and stitched using Metamorph software. Upper panel shows complete tilescans of the total number of cells (DAPI), total number of neurons (MAP 2), excitatory neurons (GluN1), and inhibitory neurons (GAD6). White square shows the ROI detailed in the lower panel. Only a small proportion (11,41% ±3,43 SD n = 2) of neurons in culture expressed the inhibitory marker GAD6 when quantified, while the vast majority (82,55% ±1,41 SD n = 2) were excitatory neurons and expressed GluN1 marker. (PNG 3355 kb)

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