Here are some new lines of poetry

That speak of history and chemistry

And may also be understood, as prefatory

About Struct. Chem., and me

Many, oh so many, years ago

Istvan Hargittai, Art Greenberg and I

Were invited for a new journal start, and so

While Istvan and Art immediately said “aye!”

All waited and waited for my reply

Eventually, I said “no, with many reasons why”

But acceding to Istvan’s and Art’s wishes

Along with those of the publishers

I’d be a consulting editor, and also

I would have my own column, which we know

As “Paradigms and Paradoxes” (PnP)

And so, the pair of “docs” now was more like three

And with many coauthors so joining me

All part of the evolution of Structural Chemistry

I’ve written numerous reviews and series

And many primary studies are found therein

Many contributions to “my column”

Combining, interweaving experiments and theories

With an abbreviated list, let me begin

With “Interplay of Thermochemistry and Structural Chemistry, the Journal and the Discipline”

And also papers on resonance energies, ambisaline

carbonyl compounds, and distorted olefins

compound names, amides, ions and astatine

Here is a journal in which I’ve proudly published many times

And with that, awaiting and writing more, I end my current rhymes

Joel (Liebman), (Professor and Poet)