Correction to: Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology

Figure 1 as originally published was incorrect—on the published fig. 1C there is no RVA catheter and the wrong figure caption was used. Figure 1 has been corrected along with the figure caption.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Figure 1A presents the 12-channel-ECG of the first clinical VT (Cycle length 580 ms, positive in II, III, aVF and transition in V2). Figure 1B shows the 12-channel-ECG from the epicardial VT with a very wide QRS-complex (Cycle length 560 ms, positive II, III, aVF and a positive concordance). Figure 1C demonstrates local abnormal ventricular activities (VT 2) using the high resolution multipolar catheter (red circles). The catheter composed of a shaft containing two electrodes and four splines, each containing four electrodes. RVA marks the signals of a diagnostic catheter in the right ventricle