Correction to: Biogeochemistry

In the original version of this article the figure legends of Figs. 3–7 were incorrect. The correct legends are given below. The original article has been updated.

Fig. 3 Leaf traits for different functional groups. Different letters indicate significant differences among different groups for each trait.

Fig. 4 Relationships between leaf and soil nutrient concentrations for N, P, K, and Ca.

Fig. 5 Relationships between leaf elements and climatic factors in karst areas, Southwest China. Dotted lines were shown if the linear regressions were significant at 0.05 level; n is the number of samples.

Fig. 6 Individual and shared effects of soil properties (SWC, pH, SOC, soil TN, soil TP, soil TK, soil TCa), site characteristics (longitude, latitude, altitude), climatic factor (MAT, MAP) and leaf features (DM, SLA) on leaf nutrients (N, P, K, Ca) as derived from variation partitioning analysis. (Eigenvalues, contribution rate and the matrix of soil properties and site characteristics were shown in Table S5 and S6).

Fig. 7 SEM for the relationships among climatic factors, plant family composition, and leaf nutrient stoichiometry. The solid and dashed lines represent the positive and negative effects, respectively. The arrow width is proportional to the strength of the relationship. Numbers above the arrows indicate the path coefficients (the pathway was significant at 0.05 level and all the path coefficients were standardized), R2 values are the proportion of variance explained for each variable.