In October 2022, the Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica (SMEQ)Footnote 1 held its XXXVII National Congress and the 15th Meeting of the Mexican Section of the Electrochemical Society in the wonderful colonial city of Puebla-Mexico, in the facilities of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)Footnote 2 under a hybrid format. This academic activity joined scientific researchers, professors, students, professionals, guest plenaries, and invited speakers, all related to research, development, and application of Electrochemistry in several disciplines. During the activities of the Congress, five international Keynote Lectures were given by Dr. Carlos Alberto Martinez Huitle (Brazil), Dr. Luis F. Garfias Mesias (USA), Dr. Robert Francke (Germany), Dr. Susana I. Cordoba de Torresi (Brazil), and Dr. Eric Borguet (USA). Besides, three Plenary Lectures by young researchers who made their Ph.D. in different Mexican Institutions shared their first research result: Dra. Mayra Rodríguez Peña, Dr. José Ángel Barragán López, and Dr. Gregorio García. In addition, a technical program included more than 300 abstracts presented in four symposia over 5 days. It let us offer a scientific program consisting of 119 oral lectures and 87 poster presentations, distributed on various topics such as Analytical Electrochemistry (EA), Electrochemical Engineering and Technological Applications (IE), Molecular Electrochemistry and Bioelectrochemistry (EMB), Electrochemistry of Materials (EM), Environmental Electrochemistry (EAM), Corrosion and Surface Treatment (CTS), Energy Conversion and Storage (CAE), and Electrochemical Education (EE). This Congress was the first to offer the possibility of online participation with 106 presentations from several countries in America and Europe, breaking time and distance barriers.

During the Congress, the SMEQ directive board and the local committee, presided by Dr. Erika Mendez-Albores, organized the best thesis and poster contest, including pre-grade, Master, and Ph.D. categories. In addition, renowned researchers in the area offered three pre-congress courses on corrosion, catalysis, and electrochemical oxidation such as Dr. Luis Garfias, Dr. Robert Francke, and Dr. Carlos Martinez-Huitle. Similarly, Dr. Bernardo Frontana-Uribe received the National Prix of Electrochemistry 2022 and offered a lecture on Organic Electrochemistry and Conductive Polymers. The social activities of the Congress included visits to Puebla downtown, Cholula, and surroundings. As is traditional in every SMEQ Congress, the Jardin Textil Santo Domingo was, in this occasion, the venue of the reception for the dinner-dance party where the participants could enjoy the typical gastronomy of puebla state and live music.

In this special issue of the Journal of Solid-State Electrochemistry, we gather a selection of the most representative and important research projects presented during the XXXVII Congress of SMEQ. The guest editors acknowledge the journal, the editor-in-chief (Dr. Prof. Yair Ein-Eli) and the technical editor (Dr. Michael Hermes) for the support and the great opportunity for disseminating the Mexican Electrochemistry in this number.

The guest editors of the special issue.

Electrochemistry in Latin America I.

Dr. Erika Méndez Albores, President of the XXXVII Congress of SMEQ.

Dr. José Angel Cabral-Miramontes, President of the SMEQ 2021–2023.

Dr. Bernardo A. Frontana Uribe, Expresident of the SMEQ 2019–2021 and Topical Editor of JOSSEC.