
General background of evolutionarily conservative miR-15/107 family

The miR-15/107 family (also called as miR-15/107 gene group) contains multiple highly conservative miRNA members, including miR-15a-5p, miR-15b-5p, miR-16-5p, miR-103a-3p, miR-107, miR-195-5p, miR-424-5p, miR-497-5p, miR-503-5p and miR-646 [1]. Mature miRNA form of this entire family was found highly expressed in eleven human tissues including the cerebral cortex, frontal cortex, primary visual cortex, thalamus, heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, stomach and skeletal muscle [2]. These miRNAs share a common “AGCAGC” sequence within the crucial No.2-No.7 seed binding region for their targets [1], which leads to the potential functional overlap among this family.

Family behavior vs. individual signature

Since this miRNA family was recognized [3], the researchers started to capture the impact of the entire family rather than focus exclusively on a single one of such miRNA, which helped us better understand their biological role [

Fig. 1
figure 1

Intersection of miR-15/107 regulated target genes. a. Numbers of computationally predicted (archived in Targetscan database) and experimentally validated (archived in TarBase database) target genes. b. Computationally predicted target genes regulated by multiple miR-15/107 members. c. Experimentally validated target genes regulated by multiple miR-15/107 members

The overlap** target genes were analyzed and a cluster dendrogram of miR-15/107 family was plotted accordingly (Fig. 2). Concerning the profile of their target genes, it was shown that there are three pairs of miRNAs including miR-15a-5p/miR-15b-5p, miR-103a-3p/miR-107 and miR-424/miR-497 closely resembling each other, while three of them including the miR-6838-5p, miR-503-5p and miR-646 vary independently.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Cluster dendrogram of miR-15/107 family according to the overlap** miRNA-target gene relationship archived in TarBase (a database for experimentally validated miRNA-target gene recognition)

Collective effects of target regulation from the miR-15/107 family

Since there are massive overlap** target genes among the miR-15/107 family, we further calculated and emphasized the collective effects of target regulation from multi members. According to the regulatory network calculated by miRTargetLink database, we can see that dozens of target genes (located in the central part of this network) could be affected by this family collectively, especially for genes such as CCNE1, CCND1, VEGFA and so on which were simultaneously subject to regulation from more than 5 members of this family (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The multi-miRNA and target gene interaction network for miR-15/107 family. a. The general outline of miR-15/107 interaction network calculated by miRTargetLink database based on target evidence. miRNA displayed as the edges, and target genes as the nodes of the network. Blue color refers to target genes with 2 interactions, while orange color refers to target genes with more than 2 interactions. b. Indicated central part from A was enlarged for details. Green bold lines indicate the target interactions of CCNE1 (node) from 8 various miRNAs (edge)

Pathway analysis of the miR-15/107 family

miR-15/107 regulated pathways were calculated using mirPath v3.0 web-server, and the results showed that 39 KEGG pathways (see Additional file 3) were significantly (P < 0.05 in Fisher’s Exact Test) regulated by the miR-15/107 family (Fig. 4). Pathway calculation was based on merging and meta-analysis algorithms according to experimentally validated miRNA target interactions, hence we could find that cluster dendrogram based on miRNA regulated pathways was consistent with that of miRNA target gene. The pathways regulated by the miR-15a-5p/miR-15b-5p, miR-103a-3p/miR-107 and miR-424/miR-497 closely resembled each other, while the miR-6838-5p, miR-503-5p and miR-646 vary independently. Besides, the cluster dendrogram of these pathways further showed that the most significantly regulated pathways included the fatty acid metabolism/biosynthesis/degradation/elongation, various signaling during carcinogenesis, and some crucial pathways for cell survival such as cell cycle, meiosis, adherent junction et al.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Cluster dendrogram of miR-15/107 significantly regulated KEGG pathways calculated by miRPath v3.0 web-server

Cell cycle as a representative pathway regulated by the miR-15/107 family

Here, we take the cell cycle pathway as an example, to uncover the implication of miR-15/107 family in determining cell fate. miR-15/107 targeted genes within the cell cycle pathway was highlighted in Fig. 5 and listed in Additional file 4. The results showed that 47 of 65 cell cycle related genes (up to 72%) were regulated by miR-15/107 family. Particularly, some of these target genes play multi-functional roles as molecular contacts within the pathway, such as CDKN2A, RBL1, E2F5, TFDP1, RBX1, SKP2, and MCM3. Besides, cell cycle related complex machineries including ORC (origin recognition complex) and MCM (mini-chromosome maintenance complex) were also regulated by miR-15/107. More importantly, there were up to 15 genes subject to regulation from more than 5 members from the miR-15/107 family simultaneously. These bioinformatics evidence suggested a strong implication of miR-15/107 family in cell cycle regulation, while such prediction was also widely supported by experimental evidence (see Additional file 5). Taken together, miR-15/107 family was strongly implicated in multiple pathways including the cell cycle regulation.

Fig. 5
figure 5

miR-15/107 family targeted genes in cell cycle KEGG pathway calculated by miRPath v3.0 web-server. Green box: regular genes. Yellow box: genes regulated by single miRNA. Orange box: genes regulated by multiple miRNAs

Members of the miR-15/107 gene family have an inhibitory effect on cell proliferation

Based on our previous signaling pathway prediction, this family may play an important role in the cell cycle pathway. We validated their role during cell proliferation in human synovial fibroblast cell line SW982 after gain of miR-15/107 function for 48 h. The results showed that the miRNA mimic for miR-16, miR-497, miR-503, miR-646 and miR-6838 displayed a significant inhibition on cell proliferation (Fig. 6). The results demonstrated that this gene family indeed has impact on cell cycle signaling as we predicted.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Cell proliferation during gain of miR-15/107 function in SW982 cells. Cell proliferation was detected by using CCK-8 assay after the SW982 cells were transfected with 10 nM miRNA mimic of the miR-15/107 family members for 48 h. Bar: mean ± SEM from 3 independent cell experiments, and 4 cell replicates were used in each cell experiment. *: p < 0.05 vs. NC (scramble miRNA mimic as negative control), #: p < 0.05 vs. mock (vehicle control)

Dysregulation of miR-15/107 in diseases and prospect of therapeutics

According to the archives in miR2Disease, dysregulated miR-15/107 family was reported in various human diseases, especially in cardiac hypertrophy [24], chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) [25] and prostate cancer [26] (Table 3). More than 5 of such members were simultaneously found abnormally expressed in those diseases, while there are also some of the members individually participated in various diseases such as miR-103 in cerebellar neurodegeneration [27].

Table 3 Dysregulated miR-15/107 family in human diseases

These dysregulated miRNAs offered a prospect of therapeutics. Some lncRNAs were discovered to serve as miRNA sponge and since might alter disease progression. For example, miR-107 is found upregulated in glioma cell lines and binds to LncRNA nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (NEAT1). NEAT1 silencing inhibits glioma progression, and NEAT1 induces glioma progression by regulating miR-107 as its endogenous sponge [28]. Besides, lncRNA RP11-79H23.3 might suppress the pathogenesis and development of bladder cancer by acting as a sponge for miR-107 to increase PTEN expression [29].