
Disability is a key outcome for public health [1]. It is associated with a decrease in quality of life, increased use of healthcare resources, institutionalization and mortality in community dwelling older persons [2], and is therefore generally considered a primary outcome for intervention (e.g. strength and mobility programs). The high prevalence of multimorbidity and the onset of functional impairments in older persons, make this population particularly vulnerable for the development of disability in their instrumental and basic activities of daily living (ADL), e.g. shop**, walking, washing [3,4,5]. Numbers vary substantially, but the incidence of disability in instrumental and basic ADL in community dwelling older persons ranges between 5% and 59% [6, 7]. The incidence is typically higher for instrumental ADL than for basic ADL [8], and also increases with age [9].

Decades of research have focused on identifying risk factors for disability in ADL in community dwelling older persons. Key risk factors include, among others, multi-morbidity, frailty, cognition, depression, body mass index, physical activity, and sensory and physical impairments [10,11,12,13,14]. If modifiable, these factors can be the focus of interventions. Alternatively, they can be used to identify an individuals’ risk for disability or predict a score on a disability scale when incorporated in a prediction model. Prediction models can inform persons about their individual prognosis (risk), can support older persons and healthcare professionals in the decision-making process, and can inform research designed to explore subgroups that respond better (or worse) to interventions that aim to improve functional status or prevent disability.

One systematic review, published in 2015, has previously investigated the utility of clinical prediction models for the outcome functional decline [15]. This review included 16 models in the evaluation and observed areas under the curve ranging between 0.63 and 0.78, thus indicating poor to moderate predictive performance of the models. However, this review had some limitations, e.g. only including short case finding instruments, only including instruments with validation, only considering decline in ADL as outcome. Also, a large number of studies have since been published. A second review investigated the association between frailty indicators and disability, and observed an important association between gait speed and disability [9].

We therefore performed a systematic review to identify models developed for the prediction of functional status in community dwelling older persons. We investigated the types of predictors that were included in the models, and how well the models predicted functional status.


A protocol for the systematic review was drafted before the start of the study (see appendix 1) and the PRISMA statement was used to structure the report of the study. [16]

Eligibility criteria

Studies had to include older persons, indicated by a mean sample age of 65 years or older, with the majority of the sample living at home.

Prediction models described in the studies had to predict the outcome functional status, defined as the ability to perform instrumental or basic ADL, and could include ADL scales (e.g. Katz scale) or specific aspects of ADL (e.g. washing or mobility). Physical performance outcomes were considered relevant if the reported data related to daily activities, e.g. ability to mobilise. Physical performance related to strength or speed was not considered for inclusion.

Predictions could include the prediction of ADL (scale or item score), or decline, maintenance, recovery or improvement in ADL (scale or item). The prediction model had to measure a single characteristic (univariable model) or a set of characteristics (multivariable model) to estimate a person’s individual prognosis and could include patient, care outcome and care process factors. The models could be presented in any format, e.g. as a statistical model, regression formula with coefficients, web or electronic application, nomogram, or score chart.

Studies with binary or survival outcomes had to report the concordance (c) statistic (which is equal to the area under the curve). Studies with continuous outcomes had to report the R2 statistic.

We included nested case-control studies, prospective and retrospective cohort studies (including database and registry studies), and secondary analyses of trials.

Information sources

We searched the Medline and EMBASE databases from inception up to March 2022 for eligible studies. After selecting the full text manuscripts, we screened references lists and prospective citations (using Google Scholar) for eligible studies. Lastly, the ICTPR portal was searched for protocols and Web of Science for conference proceedings in order to track full text manuscripts.


A search string was drafted using a combination of free text words and MeSH terms. The search terms were grouped according to outcome, prediction models, and setting. We used a validated search string for the terms related to the prediction models [17]. The terms related to the outcome and setting were derived from other systematic reviews, entry terms related to MeSH term, thesaurus searches for synonyms, and key words from published manuscripts. The final search string was adapted to the EMBASE database. No limits were used for the search. The final search string is available in appendix 2.

Study selection

Identified records were collected in an Endnote database. One author screened all titles and abstracts for inclusion in two stages: screening titles and abstracts, and reading full text manuscripts. The second author verified the final inclusion using a standardised checklist. The final selection was based on a consensus decision. Authors were not blinded to the manuscripts’ citation information.

Data collection process

Data were collected in an Excel database. The data collection was first piloted in order to standardise the collection process and define uniform terms. The data collection was performed by one author. Data were verified a second time by the same author.

Data items

The following information was collected: study citation, country, design, setting, sample characteristics, sample size, outcome definitions and measurements, statistical analyses, definition of predictors, purpose and design of prediction models, and the evaluation and performance of prediction models.

Risk of bias

The PROBAST tool (Prediction model Risk Of Bias ASsessment Tool) was used to assess the risk of bias for the participants, predictors, outcome and analysis for each model [18]. A standardised questionnaire was used to rate the risk of bias as ‘yes’, ‘probably yes’, ‘no’, ‘probably no’, or ‘no information’. An overall judgement was made as either low risk of bias, high risk of bias or unclear risk of bias. One author assessed the risk of bias.

Summary measures

We investigated the discrimination and calibration for models with a binary and survival outcome, and the R2 measure and calibration for models with a continuous outcome [19]. The discrimination was expressed using the concordance (c) statistic. The c statistic is equivalent to the area under the curve (for binary outcomes), and the following values were used in the interpretation of the performance: < 0.7 is poor, 0.7 – 0.8 is moderate, 0.8 – 0.9 is good, > 0.9 is very good [20]. The performance of linear models was measured using R2. The calibration could be measured using different statistics: observed versus expected events, calibration slope, calibration in large, calibration plot, or the Hosmer-Lemeshow test.

Synthesis of results

Summary tables were drafted to describe the study characteristics, risk of bias and findings of the studies. We originally planned to construct funnel plots to visualize the different performance measures (R2, discrimination, calibration). However, the majority of the studies did not report standard errors or sufficient information to construct confidence intervals. We changed our strategy and described the distribution using scatter plots to visualize the discrimination and R2 of the individual studies, and constructed box plots to describe the central tendency (median) and spread of the data (interquartile range). We further observed substantial differences between studies and models and therefore decided to describe the results within subgroups based on the 1) definition of the outcome (ADL, IADL, ADL or IADL, mobility or disability), 2) type of summary measure (c statistic or R2), 3) type of model (univariable or multivariable), 4) type of model evaluation (development or validation). We used the ‘bag of words’ text mining procedure to summarise the clinical predictors included in the models. This procedure was used to create a word cloud to describe the frequencies of the predictors. Analyses were performed using R studio (using the ‘dplyr’, ‘ggplot2’, ‘Hmisc’, ‘tm’ and ‘wordcloud’ packages).

In addition, we described individual models that demonstrated a good performance in a validation cohort (c statistic > 0.8, R2 > 0.5) separately using a narrative synthesis.


A total of 11952 titles and abstracts, and 316 full text manuscripts were screened for inclusion. A total of 34 studies were retained for inclusion. [6, 7, 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,

Availability of data and materials

The dataset supporting the conclusions of this article is available upon request. Please contact


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All authors designed the study and wrote the protocol. All authors were involved in the study selection, and BVG collected and analysed the data. All authors interpreted the data. BVG wrote the manuscript and TvA critically revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Theo van Achterberg.

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 Prediction Models for Functional Status in Community Dwelling Older Adults: Review Protocol, Search Strategy and Prisma Checklist.

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Van Grootven, B., van Achterberg, T. Prediction models for functional status in community dwelling older adults: a systematic review. BMC Geriatr 22, 465 (2022).

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