
Precision oncology, defined as tailoring cancer treatment to the individual clinical and molecular characteristics of patients and their tumors [1], is an increasingly important goal in cancer medicine. This strategy requires linking tumor molecular data [2] to data on patient outcomes to ask research questions about the association between tumor characteristics and treatment effectiveness. Despite the increasing sophistication of molecular and bioinformatic techniques for genomic data collection, the ascertainment of corresponding clinical outcomes from patients who undergo molecular testing has remained a critical barrier to precision cancer research. Outside of therapeutic clinical trials, key clinical outcomes necessary to address major open questions in precision oncology, such as which biomarkers predict cancer response (improvement) and progression (worsening), are generally recorded only in the free text documents generated by radiologists and oncologists as they provide routine clinical care.

Clinical cancer outcomes other than overall survival are not generally captured in standard cancer registry workflows; historically, abstraction of such outcomes from the electronic health record (EHR) has therefore required resource-intensive manual annotation. If this abstraction has occurred at all, it has generally been performed within individual research groups in the absence of data standards, yielding datasets of questionable generalizability. To address this gap, our research group developed the ‘PRISSMM’ framework for EHR review. PRISSMM is a structured rubric for manual annotation of each pathology, radiology/imaging, and medical oncologist report to ascertain cancer features and outcomes; each imaging report is reviewed in its own right to determine whether it describes cancer response, progression, or neither [3]. This annotation process also effectively yields document labels that can be used to train machine learning-based natural language processing (NLP) models to recapitulate these manual annotations. We previously detailed the PRISSMM annotation directives for ascertaining cancer outcomes and demonstrated the feasibility of using PRISSMM labels to train NLP models that can identify cancer outcomes within imaging reports [3, 4] and medical oncologist notes [4, 5].

While applying NLP to clinical documents can dramatically accelerate outcome ascertainment, training these models from randomly initialized weights remains resource-intensive, requiring thousands of manually annotated documents. Modern advances in NLP could reduce this data labeling burden. Semi-supervised learning techniques based on language modeling, or using components of a sentence or document to predict the remainder of the text, have become cornerstones of NLP [



The overall cohort for this analysis consisted of patients with cancer participating in a single-institution genomic profiling study [27], and relevant data consisted of imaging reports for each patient. Each report was treated as its own unit of analysis, and reports were divided, at the patient level, into training (80%), validation (10%), and test (10%) datasets.

For language model pre-training on data from our institution, reports for all patients in the training set were included. This dataset included 662,579 reports from 27,483 patients with multiple types of cancer whose tumors were sequenced through our institutional precision medicine study [27].

For classification model training, the imaging reports for a subset of patients with lung cancer were manually annotated to ascertain the presence of cancer response or progression in each report using the PRISSMM framework, as previously described [3]. Briefly, during manual annotation, human reviewers recorded whether each imaging report indicated any cancer, and if so, whether it was responding/improving, progressing/worsening, stable (neither improving nor worsening), mixed (with some areas improving and some worsening), or indeterminate (if assigning a category was not possible due to radiologist uncertainty or other factors). For NLP model training, response/improvement and progression/worsening were each treated as binary outcomes, such that an imaging report indicating no cancer, or indicating stable, mixed, or indeterminate cancer status, was coded as neither improving nor worsening. This process, and interrater reliability statistics for manual annotation, have been described previously [3]. The classification dataset consisted of 14,218 labeled imaging reports for 1112 patients. Among the reports, 1635 (11.5%) indicated cancer response/improvement, and 3522 (24.8%) indicated cancer progression/worsening.


Our baseline architecture was a simple logistic regression model in which the text of each imaging report was vectorized using term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) vectorization [28]. This model used elastic net regularization with alpha = 0.0001, L1 ratio of 0.15, and was trained with stochastic gradient descent. Other architectures included one-dimensional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [

Table 2 Model characteristics