
The small-footprint integration of optical and photonic components allows for on-chip processing via controlled routing, interaction, and manipulation of light. Such photonic integrated circuits have paved the pathway towards the development of novel devices across various research areas1. More recently, actively controlled reconfigurable photonic integrated circuits have emerged and are being explored experimentally2,3,4. These chips process waveguide modes inside a reprogrammable light processing unit with the help of meshes of optical gates / Mach-Zehnder interferometers and thus losslessly manipulate relative on-chip amplitudes and phases across the photonic circuit. Tailoring, rerouting and assessing on-chip light in such interferometric meshes has enabled applications across various fields, like communication5, information processing and quantum optics6,7 and photonic computing and neural networks8,9,10. Programmable photonic processors like these can also be interfaced to free-space, e.g., via grating coupler based layouts. Operating where on-chip waveguide modes meet off-chip free-space light, the resulting photonic chips can be utilized in different ways and used for multiple purposes in free-space optics11,12. This can, for example, allow the targeted generation of structured light

Fig. 1: Utilized photonic integrated processor.
figure 1

a Optical microscope image. On-chip light flows from left-to-right and is processed losslessly in a central mesh of reconfigurable Mach-Zehnder interferometers (yellow). b Schematic view of the central light processing unit’s waveguide and interferometer layout.

Fundamental to the photonic integrated processor is its interface to free space on the left (blue) which is used to sample free-space light distributions. This interface can feature any layout of grating couplers, e.g., a regular grid-like layout similar to pixels of a normal camera. However, our prototype device is restricted to 16 grating couplers and has thus been carefully designed to enable multiple applications. The chosen arrangement along two concentric rings is, for example, well suited for applications featuring rotational symmetry. Details on this ring-like layout are discussed in more detail in the method section. The final crucial aspect of the photonic integrated processor is how on-chip light is processed in the interferometric mesh which acts as a central light processing unit, see Fig. 1b. Mach-Zehnder interferometers (yellow) arranged in a binary-tree can reroute the flow of light across the chip. On-chip amplitudes and phases can be accurately controlled across the interferometric mesh. Light coupled into the circuit via the free-space interface and traveling through the mesh can, for example, be processed to be fully or partially combined in a single output waveguide thus enabling sorting, merging or adapting to free-space modes. Alternatively, by running light backward through the programmed mesh, this platform can also be used for other purposes. Modes of arbitrary relative intensity and phase could be generated in the circuit and emitted into free-space to form tailored distributions of structured light31. Note, that while the central light processing unit does not introduce any fundamental loss14, the manufactured on-chip components are not perfect, and, e.g., waveguide side-wall roughness is introducing transmission losses. However, these are smaller than 2 dB over the whole photonic circuit and their impact can be further mitigated by routing the waveguides such that they share the same geometrical lengths. This can be seen in Fig. 1a between the free-space interface and the central light processing unit. Remaining losses are thus balanced and do not affect the measured relative amplitudes.

Before we describe how the photonic processor was used experimentally to measure higher-order beams we briefly discuss the utilization of the interferometric mesh. All mentioned applications rely on processing light in the central light processing unit while monitoring resulting waveguide intensities. One approach to measure unknown amplitude and phase distributions is based on self-alignment and power minimizations11,14, after training the device with specifically designed input distributions of light. Tracking/configuration times of interferometric meshes operated this way can be sub-millisecond, enabling fast operation and self-stabilization5,16. However, the specific training distributions require prior generation, and it can be challenging and demand elaborate setups to accurately send them onto the free-space interface. A second approach, described in detail in Ref. 15, relies on calibrating the interferometric mesh with a single reference input beam thereby characterizing all on-chip components simultaneously. This reveals the full transmission matrix of the mesh, which can be utilized in subsequent applications to configure the mesh as required. On-chip waveguide modes can now be examined by monitoring the effect the interferometric mesh has on the transmitted intensities upon processing. The photonic system, utilized this way, can handle imperfect components like non 50:50 on-chip beam splitters, and no further training of the device is required. Here we follow the second approach and further details on the principle of operation of the photonic integrated processor are discussed in the method section. We calibrate the mesh with a circularly polarized Gaussian beam of sufficient diameter (2 mm) to act as amplitude and phase reference. Unknown free-space distributions of light can afterwards be analyzed with regard to their relative amplitudes and phases at the grating coupler positions of the free-space interface.

Measuring higher-order beams

An illustration of the setups core components is shown in Fig. 2a. A free-space laser beam with a wavelength of 1570 nm is converted into a scalar spatial mode of light using a reflective phase-only spatial light modulator. The resulting higher-order beam is polarized circularly before finally passing a lens of 300 mm focal length. The beam is weakly focused and thus matched in size to the free-space interface in order to only illuminate the grating couplers on the ring-like layout. The beam waist of the focused Gaussian beam was ~250 μm, with the spot size of higher-order beams increasing accordingly32,33. The photonic processor is wire-bonded to a printed circuit board (PCB). The structured beam im**es normally onto the free-space interface where it couples to on-chip waveguide modes. The resulting on-chip light travels across the interferometric mesh and is processed by reconfiguring all interferometers while the transmitted on-chip intensities are recorded. In this experiment this is done off-chip by imaging the monitoring interface onto a conventional camera via a D-shaped pick-off mirror. Alternatively, power monitoring could be fully integrated on-chip, thus no longer requiring grating couplers. Both off-chip and on-chip power monitoring is discussed in more detail in the method section.

Fig. 2: Illustration of the experimental setup to measure higher-order beams.
figure 2

a Input beams are weakly focused onto the free-space interface of the photonic processor where they couple to on-chip waveguide modes which are processed on-chip in a mesh of interferometers while transmitted intensities are recorded off-chip by imaging the monitoring interface. b, c Ultimately, not only amplitude but also the phase information of the input beams is measured at each grating coupler position.

Now, we discuss what information the photonic processor can record in these measurements and what its advantages are compared to, e.g., a normal camera. Nowadays, structured higher-order beams can be generated with ease and their properties with respect to intensity and phase distributions are well known theoretically. Experimentally, their intensity information can be accessed by, for example, placing a camera in the beam path of, e.g., a Laguerre-Gaussian beam LG0,1, which reveals its ring-like intensity distribution. However, a camera is blind for the helical phase-front and the associated orbital angular momentum of such a beam. In contrast, our photonic processor is capable of measuring amplitude and phase distributions simultaneously, compare Fig. 2b, c respectively. In case of the Laguerre-Gaussian beam this can be used to immediately access the featured helical phase front and orbital angular momentum, as we will discuss in detail in the results section. Note that while this information is not directly accessible to conventional cameras, other techniques and devices, mentioned in the introduction, are able to access the phase information of, e.g., higher-order beams. Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors with tens of thousands of pixels, for example, can also measure phase information. Our multipurpose photonic processor is a powerful and versatile addition to the list of phase sensitive devices. Note, that the underlying principle of converting free-space light into on-chip waveguide modes, and vice versa, enables numerous novel applications across multiple research fields13,14,15,16,17.

Phase and amplitude measurements

To demonstrate the capabilities of the integrated photonic processor in terms of measurements of higher-order beams and, where applicable, the identification of their orbital angular momentum, we measured different Hermite-Gaussian (HG)34 and Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams23. In Fig. 3 we show the theoretical as well as measured amplitude and phase profiles of a Hermite-Gaussian beam HG1,0, a HG1,1 beam and a Laguerre-Gaussian beam LG0,1. Theoretical distributions are plotted with high resolution in the background. Measured amplitude and phase values are superimposed as squares at the positions of the 16 individual grating couplers within the free-space interface of the photonic processor. To allow for a comparative analysis of relative amplitudes and to mitigate the impact of varying overall intensities, both the theoretical amplitude distributions and the measured amplitude values are normalized using their respective mean at the grating coupler positions. This normalization process ensures that both amplitude distributions center around a mean value of 1, and the relative variations in amplitude become qualitatively comparable. Theoretical expectation and experimental data are in very good agreement. In detail, the measured phases nicely follow both the abrupt phase changes of the Hermite-Gaussian beams and the gradually azimuthally changing phase in case of the Laguerre-Gaussian beam. For the latter, the phase clearly increases around the ring from 0 by 2π, corresponding to an orbital angular momentum of 1, i.e., the azimuthal index of the LG0,1 beam. Minor deviations of the measured values could arise due to the intricate alignment of this few-pixels detector relative to the distributions of the light beam, modal imperfections of the input beams or minor systematic errors in the calibration, measurement or imaging of the photonic processor. These results showcase how our photonic processor can measure higher-order beams and provide insights into their amplitude and phase information.

Fig. 3: Amplitude and phase distributions of higher-order spatial modes.
figure 3

Measured values are shown as squares at the 16 individual grating coupler positions. Theoretically calculated distributions are shown in the background. a Hermite-Gaussian beam HG1,0. b Hermite-Gaussian beam HG1,1. c Laguerre-Gaussian beam LG0,1.

Distinction and identification of orbital angular momentum

While the detector’s resolution with 16 pixels is limited, it allows for distinguishing the orbital angular momentum of input beams. The ring-like layout of the free-space interface does not resolve radial information with sufficient resolution, and we thus set the radial index of Laguerre-Gaussian input modes tested here to zero. We only measure azimuthal changes along the ring-like layout and thus change the index l of the input beams LG0,l. This index is associated with the beam’s orbital angular momentum. For a given LG0,l beam, the relative phases between neighboring pixels in the transverse plane increase or decrease linearly, depending on the sense of the spiraling phase-front of the beam. The overall phase change around the ring is l ⋅ 2π. We show our experimental results of the measured phases for LG modes of azimuthal index 1 to 6 and -1 to -6 in Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively. The measured phase values nicely follow the expected linear behavior with beams of higher azimuthal indices featuring a steeper slope. By fitting a linear regression to the measured data we can extract the individual slopes s of the curves and calculate the associated orbital angular momentum l = 16s/2π of the various input beams. We include these linear fits in Fig. 4. The results of this orbital angular momentum retrieval method along with the resulting standard error are shown in Table 1. The retrieved orbital angular momentum values match the azimuthal index of the Laguerre-Gaussian input beams very well, both in case of positive and negative azimuthal indices. Deviations from the expected integer values of l are small and could arise from modal impurities of the input beam or other small systematic measurement errors. This shows that our photonic processor detects phases of higher-order beams very accurately and can be used to distinguish such beams based on phase information alone, which conventionally is difficult to access.

Fig. 4: Phase distributions of higher-order Laguerre-Gaussian beams.
figure 4

Measured phases (squares) of Laguerre-Gaussian beams of different azimuthal order. The phase is measured at the grating coupler / pixel positions numbered clockwise around the free-space interface. The phase increases linearly (fits shown as solid lines) and the overall change in phase around the ring varies by multiples of 2π. a Laguerre-Gaussian beams of azimuthal order 1 to 6. b Laguerre-Gaussian beams of azimuthal order -1 to -6.

Table 1 Measured orbital angular momentum and standard error of higher-order Laguerre-Gaussian input beams.