
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most prevalent causes of cancer-related deaths globally. Most colorectal cancers start as polyps which could become threatening over time and even spread to adjacent organs. Hence, detecting polyps at an early stage can help in the timely treatment of colon cancer1. Colonoscopy is the gold standard for detecting the location and appearance of polyp cells, which aids doctors in removing these before they develop into CRC. Thus, precise polyp segmentation is of great importance in clinical practice. It is, however, a very daunting task due to several reasons. The polyp cells have a wide variety of geometry and textures, each associated with the risk of advancing to the cancerous stage. Furthermore, the absence of adequate amount of the labeled dataset in the medical domain hinders the current research paradigm due to a high-cost annotation. A solution to this could be an approach that could leverage a vast amount of unlabeled datasets.

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) maneuvers in colonoscopy have achieved encouraging and promising results. Deep learning (DL) is among the widely accepted tools in the AI field and is also a subfield of machine learning (ML). In general, it is a method of extracting class-specific important features by stacking multiple nonlinear and linear blocks in deep layers, and the information is transferred between them. Especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a category of deep learning algorithms, have become the center of attraction in analyzing medical images, including other computer vision tasks. The foremost reason is that it takes input as a raw image and modifies them; however, it preserves spatial relationships. In medical image analysis, preserving the spatial relationship is crucial since it shows the relationship and interconnection between normal and polyp regions. Therefore, it remarkably contributed to analyzing polyp regions and eventually helped medical experts to highlight and diagnose polyp areas2. The utilization of such algorithms have improved polyp localization3, segmentation4, and detection5 task assisted by several data augmentation techniques. Usually, all DL methods require a huge dataset to learn the class-specific features. In the case of supervised learning, the dataset should have ground-truth information. Alternately, semi-supervised learning uses both labeled and unlabeled datasets.

Recently, deep learning-based supervised methods such as FCN6,7, U-Net8 and its variants: U-Net++9, ResUNet++10, A-DenseUNet11 have often achieved superior performance in polyp segmentation. The success of prior methods depends on a large number of labeled data and transfer learning. With this, they can obtain the precise segmentation result; however, the performance can still suffer when dealing with polyp varying in shape, scale, and size. The presence of a massive number of the labeled dataset could solve this problem. Recently, Hyper-Kvasir-SEG12, the largest image and video dataset containing a gastro-intestinal track, was released to provide a positive direction towards solving the data scarcity in the medical domain. However, it comes with an exorbitant amount of unlabeled dataset, and obtaining high-quality labeling data is very expensive in clinical settings. The semi-supervised learning (SSL) aims to solve the above problems by learning from the less labeled data and unlabeled data, which is highly demanding and can impact the medical imaging research community. The semi-supervised methods have been widely studied and accepted over the years. Lee, D.-H. et al.13 introduced pseudo-labeling approach for the deep learning methods. First, it trains the model with labeled training set, predicts the results on the unlabeled set and then use the same predicted results with the combination of original training sets to retrain the model. Berthelot, D. et al.14 proposed Mix-Match to generate more accurate pseudo labels by taking average predictions of augmented inputs. The same author proposed Remixmatch20. \(\pi \)-model was proposed which encouraged consistent prediction over two perturbed version of same input image17. Such technique thus works as a supervision for unlabeled set and can be easily integrated into training loss. SSL models based on generative adversarial networks have also received much attention these days21,22. However, the research field involving SSL has been limited to classification tasks. Its application in image segmentation is also severely limited; especially polyp segmentation has not been explored much.

This paper proposes a semi-supervised method for polyp image segmentation based on the cross-consistency regularization method and continuous update of pseudo-label generated by the teacher-student model. Our main motive is to answer the complication of insufficient training data and exorbitant labeling cost in the medical world. We propose a powerful encoder-decoder architecture for the segmentation task that achieved benchmark performance in the Medico2020 Challenge, winning first prize. We apply the mean teacher-student model concept leveraging the consistency regularization method. We randomly perturbed the unlabeled data and fed it to the teacher model, which is the student model’s exponential moving average weight. With the cross-consistency, the aftermath of cross-entropy loss of labeled data from the student model and the teacher model’s unsupervised loss is added to obtain a better model. To utilize the pseudo label, we propose to combine the continuous update of pseudo-label (CUPL) generated by the teacher-student model so that only the confident parts are used. This method can generate better pseudo-labels with the iterative optimization method and eventually achieve significant performance gain in polyp image segmentation.

The main contribution of this paper are:

  • We propose encoder-decoder method that is well suited for the polyp which have varying shape, size and scales.

  • We present a new and robust semi-supervised method for medical image segmentation especially for polyp images that utilizes small number of labeled images and large number of unlabeled images.

  • We propose an enhanced consistency regularization method to utilize unlabeled data and encourage the model to perform consistent predictions for the same input under different perturbations.

  • We propose continuous update of pseudo-label generated by the average of teacher-student model to obtain confident pseudo-labels and finally improve the performance of polyp images.

  • Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a good performance and lead existing method by a large margin, on two challenging datasets.

Related work

CNN-based polyp segmentation

Accurate polyp segmentation is crucial for the patient to reduce the overall death ratio caused by the cancer. U-Net8 have been widely accepted for myriads of medical segmentation tasks, which originally based on encoder-decoder architecture. Recently, various U-Net variants have been proposed to improve the segmentation performance4,9,23,24,25,26,27,\(\theta '\) and \(\theta \); then the weight is updated by:

$$\begin{aligned} \theta ' = \alpha \theta '_{t-1}+(1-\alpha )\theta _{t} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha \) is the smoothing coefficient hyperparameter, which defines how the teacher model relies on the student model. A high value of \(\alpha \) indicates that the teacher model is relying on its last teacher model in last step. Otherwise, the model relies on the parameters of current student model. According to the experimental settings in\(\alpha \) = 0 is equivalent as a variation of \(\pi \)-model and performance is better when kept \(\alpha \) = 0.999. Therefore, we also follow this experimental evidence and set aforementioned values for all experiments. For the supervised segmentation applied in the student model, we use a binary cross-entropy loss to train as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} L = -\sum _{i}^{j}y_{i}(logy_{i}'-(1-y_{i})log(1-y_{i}')) \end{aligned}$$

L is the loss for prediction \(y'\) consisting of j pixels at a specific network output. Similarly, for the consistency regularization, the teacher model predicts the two different label under different perturbations from the unlabeled dataset, and finally calculates the average of the mean-square error difference of each output. Let us suppose \({z_{y}}\) be an output of the teacher model from the unlabeled set and \({z_{y}'}\), \({z_{y}''}\), \({z_{y}'''}\) are outputs after applying different perturbations such as random scaling, Gaussian noise, and rotation of input image, and the consistency loss is applied by:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} Consistency \ Loss (CL) = Average (||z_{y} - z_{y}'||^2 + ||z_{y} - z_{y}''||^2 + ||z_{y} - z_{y}'''||^2) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

We apply the transformation-consistent method to utilize the unlabeled data in the unsupervised regularization45. The overall loss function is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} Overall \ Loss = L + \lambda (CL) \end{aligned}$$

Finally, we train the model by reducing the weighted combination of supervised cross-entropy loss and the unsupervised regularization loss. Significantly, the model’s generalization capacity will be increased, and make consistent prediction by minimizing equation 3 accordance with the smoothness assumption.

Encoder–decoder network overview

The architecture of our encoder-decoder-based UNet is shown in Fig. 2. We propose a powerful framework to enhance the strong feature representations for polyp segmentation. For the encoder path, we employ the pre-trained weight of EfficientNet47. The combined components such as MobileNet inverted block (MB)48 and squeeze and excitation network49 make EfficientNet as a better feature extractor. To deal with the presence of polyps of varying scales, we leverage the redesigned skip connections from the UNet++ that enables multi-scale feature fusion at the same resolution9.

Figure 2
figure 2

Overview of the encoder-decoder-based EfficientUnet method.

At different levels, each node concatenates the feature maps from its previous node of the same level and the upsampled feature maps of the next level, enabling aggregation of multi-scale features. Next, the concatenated features are passed through the channel-spatial network50 at each node which restrains irrelevant features and allows only useful spatial details. The addition of deep supervision enables significantly better performance and faster convergence.

On the decoder side, a transposed convolution is used for upsampling the feature maps. Similarly, we upscale the outputs of the decoder block at different level and apply a 1x1 convolution with 1 kernel and a sigmoid function. Then, all the outputs (after deep supervision) are averaged and a final result is generated. With this, the model can aggregate the multi-scale semantic features and eventually increase the segmentation accuracy.

Continuous update of pseudo-label

Pseudo-labeling is a crucial step in semi-supervised learning. This step is an improvement over our baseline model which eventually helps in generating better output masks. Initially, we train the semi-supervised method until it converges on the provided labeled X and unlabeled set Z. Then, we generate the pseudo-labels from the teacher model. We then take an average between current generated pseudo-labels with the last epoch pseudo-labels and finally add them with the original labeled datasets. We used this technique continuously to improve the segmentation accuracy on unlabeled dataset. We employ the labeled dataset X (xy) and the unlabeled set Z as training set to the network. For the training, we denote unlabeled input 2D image by: \(z_{i} \in R^{H*W*3} \) and ground-truth segmentation mask by \(u_{i} \in {0,1}^{H*W}\). While generating pseudo-labels, only those images were taken and performed averaging whose outputs have the low MSE error difference between the teacher and student model so that only the confident part can be used for the ground-truth generation. The main difference with the traditional pseudo-label technique was that we keep updating the pseudo-labels by taking averages of current and last pseudo-labels in regular interval.

The loss functions after combining the labeled data and pseudo-labels of unlabeled data is as follows :

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} Combined \ Loss =\frac{1}{|X|}(L) + \frac{1}{|Z|}\left(-\sum _{i}^{j}u_{i}(logu_{i}'-(1-u_{i})log(1-u_{i}'))\right) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

We obtain more accurate and smooth pseudo labels after continuous iterations. The whole process of semi-supervised polyp image segmentation method based on CL and CUPL is shown in Algorithm 1.


Datasets and baselines

We perform experiments on two different polyp datasets: Kvasir-SEG44, and CVC-ClinicDB/CVC-61251. The Kvasir-SEG and CVC-ClinicDB/CVC-612 dataset includes a total of 1000 polyp and 612 polyp images with their corresponding ground truth respectively. We compare our proposed method with different medical image segmentation methods in semi-supervised settings. In the experiments, we utilize different portions of the dataset for comparison. For the Kvasir-SEG dataset, we utilize 50, 200, and 400 sets of labeled data. Similarly, 1/8,1/4, and 1/2 portions of labeled data were used for training in the case of the CVC-612 dataset. Further, we also perform experiments on different volume of label and unlabel data to evaluate the performance when introducing more unlabel data. All the experiments reported on the table are averaged for three trials.

figure a

Implementation details

We split the dataset into training, testing, and validation set with a ratio of 80:10:10 percent, respectively for both datasets. All the images are resized to 256 × 256 to reduce the computational cost and balance the segmentation performance. We implement our model in Pytorch and conduct our experiments on NVIDIA TITAN RTX GPU. As mentioned above, we employ pre-trained network EfficientNet as an encoder backbone; therefore we use Adam optimizer with a small learning rate of 0.00001 for all the experiments. Setting the high learning rate may cause undesirable divergent behavior in the loss function especially when using pretrained networks. We train both supervised and semi-supervised approach for 200 epochs. Meanwhile, we use a batch size of 40 for both supervised and semi-supervised settings. To propagate the unlabeled information using the CUPL approach, we update the pseudo-labels at every 10 epochs.

Experiments on Kvasir-SEG dataset

Quantitative results with different labeled/unlabeled data

We present the quantitative and qualitative performance of the proposed method which is trained in different semi-supervised data distribution. The different labeled and unlabeled sets are randomly selected from the dataset. Table 1 presents the experimental results of different labeled and unlabeled distribution sets of training data with the baseline supervised method, Consistency loss (CL), and Continuous update of a pseudo label (CUPL) on the testing subset.

We apply the same network backbone while performing experiments. We use the cross-entropy loss function for the supervised training on the 50/100/200/400 sets. Further, the proposed method (combination of baseline, CL, and CUPL) is trained semi-supervised with the combined loss function as stated in Eq. (5). From Table 1, we can observe that our proposed method achieves higher segmentation accuracy in terms of all evaluation metrics with a good marginal lead over the baseline supervised model. It can be seen that baseline supervised model with the addition of CL and CUPL method increases the overall segmentation accuracy. The continuous improvements of “Baseline + CL ” and “Baseline + CL + CUPL” in Table 1 indicate that consistency loss and updating the pseudo-labels in a certain interval of time is also an effective way to increase accuracy. Figure 3 presents the pseudo-labels generated by each modules including the proposed method (Baseline + CL + CUPL). Figure 4a shows the qualitative results of different methods. Compared to the baseline supervised method, “Baseline + CL” and the proposed method generate an output that fits closely with the ground truth. Similarly, Fig. 4b shows the Dice coefficient score of the “Baseline”, “Baseline + CL” and the proposed method trained with different sets of labeled and unlabeled images. We can observe that the proposed method consistently improves the performance in different settings and demonstrates that the proposed method utilizes the unlabeled data effectively. As anticipated, the baseline supervised model’s performance is increased with an increasing number of labeled datasets. Also, the accuracy of the semi-supervised methods is increased with more labeled images (see Table 1). However, the margin gap between the baseline supervised and the proposed method decreases when the number of labeled datasets increases, indicating that the proposed method behaves well and achieves high performance when the number of labeled data is small. The improvement in accuracy indicates that consistency loss applied also acts as a regularization to the labeled dataset and encourages the model to learn the features more efficiently.

Table 1 Segmentation accuracy (Jaccard, Dice coefficient, Accuracy, Recall and Precision) comparison of CL and CUPL in our method on Kvasir-SEG dataset.
Figure 3
figure 3

Some pseudo-labels of polyp segmentation obtained by CL and the CUPL on the validation subset.

Figure 4
figure 4

The Dice coefficient score under different distribution of labeled/unlabeled sets in (a) Kvasir-SEG and (b) CVC-612 dataset.

Effectiveness of different augmentation strategies

To show the effectiveness of the different augmentation strategies in consistency regularization, we performed ablation studies on the Kvasir-SEG as shown in Table 2. The experiments were performed on 50 labeled and 750 unlabeled images and inference on the testing dataset. In the supervised settings, we trained the model on only 50 images. In Table 2, “Baseline” indicates the normal supervised learning, whereas “Baseline + CL” indicates the adoption of consistency regularization loss in training. As shown in the table, different data augmentation techniques such as random scaling, Gaussian noise and rotation contribute to the increase in performance. However, combining all three techniques enhanced the performance compared to independent ones.

Table 2 Ablation of semi-supervised method (50 labeled / 750 unlabeled) on the testing set of Kvasir-SEG dataset.
Figure 5
figure 5

Results on the testing subset of both Kvasir-SEG and CVC-612 dataset with fixed number of labeled and different number of unlabeled images.

Results under different number of unlabeled data

We also perform an experiment to evaluate the model’s performance when introducing more unlabeled data. We draw the Dice coefficient score and Jaccard index in Fig. 5 of both datasets. Note that the experiments were performed on the fixed number of labeled images 50 and 64 for Kvasir-SEG and CVC-612, respectively. Similarly, a varying number of unlabeled images (450, 550, 650, 750 for Kvasir-SEG) and (128, 256, 384, 448 for CVC-612) were used for the experiments. We can observe the significant performance gain when increasing the number of unlabeled images, demonstrating that the proposed method utilizes the unlabeled data information effectively.

Experiments of CVC-612 dataset

We show the performance of the proposed method on CVC-612 datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our semi-supervised method in Table 3. We split the training images as aforementioned and used the small portion of the dataset for the training purpose in semi-supervised settings. Usually, we set 64/128, 128/385/ 256/256 distributions and perform training under the same settings as the Kvasir-SEG dataset. We employ the Dice coefficient score, Jaccard index, accuracy, recall, and precision for the evaluation. We present the quantitative results in Table under different labeled/unlabeled sets. We can observe that the proposed method achieves good performance in all settings with a 2–3% improvement in dice coefficient score.

Table 3 Segmentation accuracy (Jaccard, Dice coefficient, Accuracy, Recall and Precision) comparison of CR and CUPL in our method on CVC-612 dataset.

Comparison with other semi-supervised segmentation approaches

We compare the proposed method with different semi-supervised segmentation methods adopted in medical domain34,35,36,45 and present in Table 4. Note that the Mean-Teacher method6. It is expected that the segmentation performance is affected by the few labeled datasets. However, we improved the segmentation results on both datasets after adding the unlabeled set into the training dataset by applying the consistency regularization method. These results suggest that both modules improve segmentation accuracy, and the proposed method can generate satisfactory outputs. We also visualize the pseudo-labels in different epochs during optimization for comparison (see Fig. 7). With the semi-supervised settings, the models are constantly updating the outputs to generate better pseudo-labels.

Figure 6
figure 6

Some pseudo-labels of polyp segmentation obtained by baseline supervised model, Baseline + CL and the baseline + CL + CUPL (Proposed) on the testing subset. Note that the labeled/unlabeled images used for the training was 50/750. Further, (a–e) denotes original image, output of “Baseline”, “Baseline + CL”, “Baseline + CL + CUPL (Proposed) ”, and ground truth respectively.

Figure 7
figure 7

Some pseudo-labels of polyp segmentation obtained by CUPL method in different epochs.

The limitation of the proposed method is the assumption of the same data distribution for the labeled and unlabeled sets. However, obtaining similar distribution might not be possible in real-time clinical applications. When the unlabeled set comes from the different distributions, there is a high possibility of generating false positives, degrading the overall performance. It is necessary to investigate more trustworthy solutions to mitigate or solve the problems in future work. Similarly, strong data augmentation techniques can be applied in consistency training. However, it may not guarantee success in increasing performance; hence requires more research. Despite having a good frame per second (FPS) of 42 by the proposed method, leveraging a large amount of unlabeled data by applying pseudo-label techniques increases the training time and cost, which may not be efficient sometimes.


This paper proposes a segmentation method for accurate polyp segmentation in a semi-supervised manner. To increase the polyp segmentation generalization, which has a varying shape, size, and scale, we propose a powerful encoder–decoder-based architecture that obtains better segmentation accuracy than prior architectures. Further, to leverage the unlabeled data and propagate its meaningful hidden information to the model, we utilize the consistency regularization approach and train the network on teacher-student strategy by adding supervised and unsupervised loss. We also upgrade a traditional pseudo-labeling scheme by a continuous update of pseudo-labels to generate better outputs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can remarkably increase the segmentation accuracy in the absence of fewer labeled data. It shows the practical importance in clinical settings and can be applied to other domains.