
A number of mechanisms have been proposed in material and geological sciences to explain how fluids percolate through a medium under ductile and brittle conditions1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Most postulated mechanisms agree that in a 3-dimensional material framework, grain/phase boundaries play a major role in fluid percolation7,2); depth profiles were obtained across them using the AFM. Grain boundary widths are then computed from these depth profiles.

Force Distance Spectroscopy

Force-distance spectra have been obtained using the AFM both over grain boundary domains, and in the interior of grains. A total of 36 points for ANG 1 and 21 points for RN 171 have been identified by first imaging the area and then capturing the FD spectra at each point. Details with regard to this technique have been outlined in Cappella and Dietler53. Out of several extractable parameters, which describe the sample surface with the help of Force—Distance (FD) Spectroscopy, a property known as ‘Plastic Deformation’ has been calculated in this study, which can qualitatively explain variations in intermolecular forces within the grain boundary domains, as well as variations in intermolecular forces between grain boundary domains and the grain interior. This is actually deformation that occurs and recovers gradually over time depending upon the elasticity of the material, and indicates that there is ongoing deformation at that particular point within the observation time-scale or time window during which the FD curves are being generated. Lesser deformation implies stronger grain boundary structures. In addition to this, elastic modulii (ES) of locations within the grains and near the grain boundaries have been calculated for both samples; detailed calculation procedures are shown in Section S5 of the ESI. To obtain the FD spectra, the applied force on the AFM tip has been kept constant throughout the study at ≈ 6.84 µN (equivalent to 9.5 V on photodiode) (calculation of the applied force from electrical signal generated on photodiode is shown in Section S4 of ESI).

EBSD studies

Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) data have been generated using a Zeiss-Auriga Compact system with a Gemini column Schottky type field emission filament. EBSD pattern detection is carried out using an Oxford Nordlys detector. The EBSD analyses have been carried out using a voltage of 30 kV and a step size of 0.5 microns. Grains within the EBSD map have been delineated using a threshold angle of 10° and from indexed grains only. Raw EBSD data have been de-noised using a half-quadratic filter and the KAM threshold has been set as 2.5° to document sensitive local misorientations, which provide an estimate of the dislocation density in a region.