
Automatic image processing with ML is gaining increasing traction in biological and medical imaging research and practice. Research has predominantly focused on the development of new image processing algorithms. The critical issue of reliable and objective performance assessment of these algorithms, however, remains largely unexplored. Algorithm performance in image processing is commonly assessed with validation metrics (not to be confused with distance metrics in the pure mathematical sense) that should serve as proxies for the domain interest. In consequence, the impact of validation metrics cannot be overstated; first, they are the basis for deciding on the practical (for example, clinical) suitability of a method and are thus a key component for translation into biomedical practice. In fact, validation that is not conducted according to relevant metrics could be one major reason for why many artificial intelligence (AI) developments in medical imaging fail to reach clinical practice1,2. In other words, the numbers presented in journals and conference proceedings do not reflect how successful a system will be when applied in practice. Second, metrics guide the scientific progress in the field; flawed metric use can lead to entirely futile resource investment and infeasible research directions while obscuring true scientific advancements.

Despite the importance of metrics, an increasing body of work shows that the metrics used in common practice often do not adequately reflect the underlying biomedical problems, diminishing the validity of the investigated methods3,4,5,2.2 for ImLC, Supplementary Note 2.3 for SemS, Supplementary Note 2.4 for ObD and Supplementary Note 2.5 for InS.