
With the continuous growth of the world population and the development of the global economy and society, worldwide energy demand keeps increasing at an alarming rate. Due to the desperate issues, it is vital to exploit a variety of clean and sustainable energy sources1,2,3,4. Compared with various current energy storage and conversion devices (e.g., lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, solid oxide fuel cells), electrostatic capacitors made of dielectric materials have attracted ever-increasing attention up till now owing to their benefits in terms of swift charging-discharging rates, ultrahigh power density, excellent thermal stability, and prolonged storage lifespan5,6,51,52,53 and Supplementary Table 1. This achievement signifies the substantial potential of BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP) as a promising candidate for advanced high-temperature energy storage applications.

Fig. 2: The energy storage performance under various conditions and charge/discharge characteristics of BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP).
figure 2

a Room-temperature P–E loops measured till the critical electric field of the BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP). b Comparisons of Wrec versus η (~150 °C) between our work with some recently reported lead-free bulk ceramics and certain MLCCs (Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitors). c Time dependence of discharge energy density under different electric fields (R = 202 Ω). d Frequency-dependent, and e temperature-dependent P–E loops at 500 kV cm−1. f Calculated P–E loops and microstructure evolution as a function of E at different temperatures. g Wrec and η as a function of temperature under 500 kV cm−1. h A comparison of energy storage performances across a wide operating temperature range between our study and other reported bulk ceramics. i Comparisons of comprehensive properties (Wtot, Wrec, η, Wd, Wrec ~150 °C and η ~150 °C) between our study and other representative ceramics with excellent energy storage comprehensive performance.

Apart from the ultrahigh Wrec and η, another crucial criterion to determine the availability of high-power pulsed electronic components is the charge/discharge performance. The overdamped discharge property for the BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP) under various applied electric fields was measured at room temperature using a purpose-constructed resistance–inductance–capacitance (RLC) load circuit, and the regular overdamped oscillation waveforms reflect steady discharge behavior, as illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 6. Meanwhile, it can be observed that the discharge current rapidly approaches its peak (Imax = 8.2 A, at 500 kV cm−1) and then tends to diminish swiftly. Moreover, the high discharge energy density (Wd) ~5.2 J cm−3 can be liberated in a short period of time (t0.9, 90% of Wd is released) ~244 ns at 500 kV cm−1 (Fig. 2c). According to the foregoing data, the BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP) exhibits excellent charge/discharge characteristics, making it a promising candidate for pulsed power applications.

To ensure steady functioning in complex settings, ideal frequency reliability, and temperature stability must be guaranteed. The frequency-dependent energy storage property of BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP) was investigated at 500 kV cm−1, as shown in Fig. 2d, all P–E hysteresis loops are slender with practically unchanged Pmax values at various frequencies. The corresponding results are recorded in Supplementary Fig. 7, it can be seen that the BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP) exhibits excellent frequency reliability (Wrec ≈ 8.63 ± 0.18 J cm−3, ƞ ≈ 94.5% ± 2.4%) across the entire frequency range (1–100 Hz). Likewise, Fig. 2e gives the temperature stability of BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP) at 500 kV cm−1, with the attainable Pmax value marginally decreasing as the enhancement of the random electric field raises the reaction rate of the PNRs during heating. As expected, this result fits well with the P–E curves derived from phase-field simulations, as presented in Fig. 2f. Simultaneously, the corresponding microstructural evolution in the existence of the external electric field at various temperatures demonstrates that the domain size and polarization strength decrease as temperature increases (Fig. 2f and Supplementary Fig. 8). Of particular significance is that the BNKT-20SSN ceramic (RRP) features not only a wide operating temperature range (25–160 °C) but also an unprecedently high Wrec (≈ 8.46 ± 0.35 J cm−3) and ƞ (≈96.4 ± 1.4%) in contrast to certain other cutting-edge lead-free ceramics with excellent temperature stability (Fig. 2g, h)6,8,9,18,34,40,46,Full size image

Atomic-resolution spherical aberration transmission electron microscopy was used in the scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) mode along with a high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) detector in order to analyze the local structure of multiphase-nanoregion coexistence. Precise atom arrangement of the 100/010 plane was captured and fitted by the 2D Gaussian function, see Fig. 3b. The arrangement presents a direct process of the formation of polarization, the coexistence of multiphase PNRs, and nanoregion distribution. The 110-plane atom arrangement could hardly distinguish the R and T phases; the 111-plane atom arrangement shows only the overlap of A and B sites; the higher Miller indices planes projection images present insufficient resolution hindered by the Moiré fringe formation. With the processing by the 2D Gaussian function, the polarization vector could be straightforwardly described by a vector from the B-site cations center to the A-site cations corner, represented by the yellow arrows in Fig. 3b. The R and T phases could be directly identified by the long magnitude arrows, whereas the C phase shows near-zero polarization. The bond lengths calculated from the B-site cations and the A-site cations along vertical and horizontal directions are noted as c and a, and the c/a ratio was then used to distinguish the R phase and the T phase, see Supplementary Fig. 10. Apparently, the captured image presents multiphase PNRs with R and T phases coexisting in the C matrix. The size of the same polarization direction and magnitude PNRs is ~2 nm. The coexistent multiphase-nanoregion destroys the long-range ferroelectric order and produces abundant small-size PNRs, consistent with those predicted by the phase-field calculation. Moreover, the randomly distributed nanoregions of different polarization directions and magnitudes could reduce polarization anisotropy. The enhanced polarization magnitude implies that the internal field is strong. The facts stated above could all lead to a more accessible and quicker polarization response to the external electric field, higher energy efficiency, and better energy storage performance. To better understand the polarizations in the sample, color-filled 2D patterns of summarized polarization directions and magnitudes are plotted in Fig. 3f, g. The patterns are highly corresponding to the phase-field calculation, signifying the reliability and the practical value of the phase-field prediction to design the dielectric materials for energy storage.

Composition-driven and temperature-driven features

Pure BNT and (1-x)BNKT-xSSN ceramics were prepared to understand composition-driven and temperature-driven energy storage properties further. The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns at room temperature (Supplementary Fig. 11a) show that all samples exhibit a typical BNT-based perovskite structure without impurities. The Rietveld refinement over PXRD patterns of each component was then processed by GSAS II software to determine the phases, and the results are displayed in Fig. 4a–c and Supplementary Fig. 1255. It is widely accepted that the BNT solid solution displays a rhombohedral (R3c) symmetry at room temperature31, consistent with the refinement result. The ratio of the R phase and the T phase gradually decreases with the increase of x, and the pure T phase was determined in the 0.82BNT-0.18BKT at 25SSN ceramic, identical to those from previous studies56,57,58. Temperature-dependent PXRD patterns of the BNKT-20SSN in the temperature range of 25–200 °C (Supplementary Fig. 13) indicate no peak splitting or phase change occurs, suggesting good temperature stability. Furthermore, all elements exhibit homogeneous distribution characteristics with no segregation in BNKT-20SSN ceramic, see Supplementary Fig. 14.

Fig. 4: Phase analysis, relaxation behavior, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of BNT and (1-x)BNKT-xSSN ceramics, along with their breakdown analysis.
figure 4

The Rietveld refinement of PXRD patterns of a BNT, b BNKT, and c BNKT-20SSN. Out-of-plane PFM phase images along with amplitude after polarization with different voltages and relaxation durations, d, g BNT, e, h BNKT, and f, i BNKT-20SSN ceramics. j Temperature and frequency-dependent dielectric spectra. k Unipolar P–E hysteresis loops at 100 kV cm−1. l Calculated P–E loops at 25 °C. m Weibull distribution of the breakdown strength on samples.

The genesis of optimum energy storage properties is intimately connected to the dynamic reaction of domain structures to external electric fields18,28. Here, the dynamic domain response to an applied voltage and the relaxation behaviors of the BNT, BNKT, and BNKT-20SSN ceramics were characterized by employing piezo-response force microscopy (PFM), as displayed in Fig. 4d–i, the schematics of the applied voltage and region are similar to our previous work (Supplementary Fig. 15, 16)40. For the BNT ceramics (Fig. 4d, g), significant phase deviations and amplitude signals were observed even at a lower external voltage (10 V), and the overwhelming majority of domains did not flip after a 20 min relaxation time, demonstrating a robust FE characteristic with substantial Pmax and Pr. A similar occurrence was also seen in the BNKT ceramic (Fig. 4e, h), albeit the feedback signal (after 20 min) of the BNKT ceramic is slightly weaker than that of the BNT at an applied voltage of 10 V. On the contrary, the phase difference and amplitude signals of the BNKT-20SSN ceramic (Fig. 4f, i) are weak in the entire electrical scan zone and become more potent at higher external voltages. After a 20-min relaxation duration, the signals have significantly decreased. The facts mentioned above could all lead to a negligible Pr and hysteresis loss in the BNKT-20SSN ceramic, thus increasing the energy storage efficiency.

In order to further investigate the mechanism of relaxation polarization behavior over a wide range of temperatures, the temperature (from room temperature to 400 °C) and frequency (from 1 kHz to 1 MHz) dependent dielectric permittivity of pure BNT and (1-x)BNKT-xSSN ceramics were performed and depicted in Fig. 4j and Supplementary Fig. 17. The pure BNT ceramic possesses two typical temperature-dependent dielectric anomalous peaks, labeled as “Ts” (depolarization temperature shoulder) and “Tm” (temperature of the maximum dielectric constant) at low and high temperatures, respectively59,60,61,62. At the ambient temperature (Tamb), as displayed in Supplementary Fig. 17a, the pure BNT ceramic exhibits a non-ergodic relaxor state and behaves as a normal ferroelectric with a R3c symmetry space group31,35,63. Afterward, with the addition of BKT (Supplementary Fig. 17b), the BNKT ceramic with R and T phase coexistence at MPB displays a much higher maximum permittivity value (~ 4600 at 1 MHz) than that of the pure BNT ceramic (~2500 at 1 MHz). The Tm of the BNKT ceramic shifts to a lower temperature, and a relatively broad permittivity peak can be detected in the MPB composition64. Subsequently, with increasing the content of SSN, the maximum value of the dielectric permittivity decreases step by step, see Fig. 4j. The two dielectric anomaly humps squint towards lower temperatures, and a gradually broaden temperature plateau of the dielectric constant can be observed. The analysis results of ln(1/ε´−1/εm´) versus ln(T – Tm) for BNT and (1-x)BNKT-xSSN ceramics are presented in Supplementary Fig. 18. It is observed that the calculated values of γ for (1-x)BNKT-xSSN ceramics lie within the range of 1.86−1.99, indicating the pronounced relaxor behavior. Noteworthy, the dielectric relaxor or frequency dispersion behavior of the BNKT-20SSN ceramic could be noticed around Tamb, which allows for the formation of relaxor ferroelectric (a significant polar order–disorder arrangement) at room temperature and is beneficial to upgrading the energy storage performances32.

The bipolar P–E hysteresis loops of all components mentioned above were performed under 100 kV cm−1 at room temperature, and the results are shown in Fig. 4k. The pure BNT ceramic exhibits a canonical FE behavior with large Pmax, Pr, considerable hysteresis, and a fully saturated P–E loop. A lower coercive electric field (Ec) and a slightly improved Pmax were obtained in the BNKT (MPB) ceramic, indicating a softened FE activity. The hysteresis losses decrease dramatically, accompanied by slimmer P–E loops seen in the SSN-introduced compositions, and are consistent with those calculated from the phase-field simulation method (Fig. 4l). To better understand composition-driven breakdown strength, the values of theoretical Eb of all ceramic samples were evaluated by the Weibull distribution experiments, see Fig. 4m. With increasing the SSN concentration, the theoretical Eb values first increased and then decreased, reaching a maximum at the BNKT-20SSN ceramics. To investigate the energy storage performance of the ceramics, the P–E hysteresis loops were performed on a ferroelectric analyzer. As depicted in Supplementary Fig. 19, the room-temperature P–E loops of the BNKT-20SSN ceramic were measured from 100 kV cm−1 to the critical electric field (385 kV cm−1) at 10 Hz. As a consequence, a great Wrec of 5.23 J cm−3 along with a high energy efficiency of 90.2% are simultaneously achieved in the BNKT-20SSN ceramic, demonstrating a substantial promotional impact of combinatorial-optimization strategy guided by phase-field simulations on energy storage performance.