
Genomes from isolate sequencing, metagenomic assembly, and single-cell sequencing are being generated at an increasing pace, and they are all correspondingly increasingly available through public resources. This provides invaluable insights into the overall characterization of microbial diversity affecting the human body and the planet. Phylogenetic and corresponding taxonomic characterization is crucial in microbial genomics, for contextualizing genomes without prior phenotypic information, and for determining their genetic novelty and genotype-phenotype relationships. At the largest scale, reconstructing a complete microbial tree-of-life is fundamental in understanding evolutionary relationships in any context, and in microbial community studies such a reference can be a crucial link between novel sequences and health or environmentally relevant microbes. Regardless of the scale, many current microbial genomic tasks thus include the need to place newly sequenced genomes and metagenomic assembled genomes into the microbial taxonomy and phylogenetically characterize them with respect to the closest relatives. With such a volume of microbial genomes generated at a wide range of qualities and completeness, however, there are no scalable phylogenetic methods that can easily tackle these challenges for investigators studying genomes and metagenomes.

Many methods exist for more targeted microbial genome and metagenome phylogenetics. These, include the first implementation of PhyloPhlAn1, PhyloSift2, ezTree3, GToTree4, and AMPHORA5, among many others for more general genome- and gene-based phylogenetics6,7. Most of these methods are limited in at least one way that prevents their ease of use to link newly sequenced genomes, or metagenomic assemblies, into the tremendous space of already characterized microbial phylogenies. None, for example, allow different genomic regions to be selected to achieve optimal resolution in differing clades. This both degrades performance for some clades and prohibits the same methods from being used for strain-level versus phylum-level placement. None leverage the complete set of >100,000 publicly available microbial genomes and and of >200,000 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from >10,000 metagenomes, and while GToTree automatically retrieves reference genomes from public resources, it does not provide access to MAGs or phylogenetic markers for species-level clades. While computational methods for genome assembly of isolate sequencing and for quantitative analysis of known features of metagenomic data are now mature and well standardized, comparably convenient and automatic tools for downstream phylogenetic and taxonomic assessment of MAGs and microbial isolate genomes are instead lacking and limiting microbial genomic analyses.

These end-to-end phylogenetic solutions should also be differentiated from algorithms and implementations for individual steps of genome placement (e.g., pplacer8 and SEPP9) and taxonomic assessment. Examples include algorithms for multiple-sequence alignment (MSA) like MUSCLE10, MAFFT11, T-Coffee12, OPAL13, PASTA14, and UPP15 and phylogenetic reconstruction like FastTree16,17, RAxML6, ASTRAL18,19,20, ASTRID21, and IQ-TREE22. Each tool can be separately and sequentially applied providing full step-by-step control on the whole phylogenetic analysis, but doing so requires substantial expertize not only in identifying the right targets, parameters, and steps for computational phylogenetics, but also in understanding how such tools should be interfaced one with the other.

Separate and human-supervised execution of these steps is also impractical when individual studies generate thousands of microbial genomes, or when massive numbers of genomes are retrieved and analyzed in combination. Very efficient algorithms have been proposed, including those based on ty** only a few representative marker genes, such as multilocus sequence ty** (MLST) approach23 or on species-level core genes24. Computational MLST, for instance, can operate rapidly using as few as five to ten loci for each species. However, this comes at the cost of greatly reduced accuracy of phylogenetic placement. Pangenome-based profiling like Roary24 is instead very accurate for phylogenetic modeling at species level but cannot be generalized to higher-level clades. Strain-resolved phylogenies integrating thousands of reference genomes from diverse species—or at least those most closely related to new sequences of interest—result in a more accurate characterization of microbes’ population structure and characteristics, while also more accurately guiding taxonomy. Whole-genome large-scale microbial phylogenies, particularly robust to partial assemblies and able to integrate existing genomes and metagenomic assemblies, are thus an open computational challenge.

We thus present here PhyloPhlAn 3.0, a fully automatic, end-to-end phylogenetic analysis framework for contextualization and characterization of newly assembled microbial isolates and metagenomes. PhyloPhlAn 3.0 can, as needed, retrieve and integrate hundreds of thousands of genomes from public resources, while also incorporating preprocessed information from tens of thousands of metagenomes. It automatically uses species-specific sets of core proteins, stably identified using UniRef90 gene families, to build accurate strain-level phylogenies, while also scaling to tens of thousands of genomes for inferring deep branching and very large size phylogenies. PhyloPhlAn 3.0 is both accurate at the strain and species level and fast when scaling to the whole set of available genomes. Compared to available alternatives such as the genome taxonomy database (GTDB)25, PhyloPhlAn 3.0 is able to automatically perform taxonomic assignment of MAGs based on the NCBI taxonomy and to consider unnamed and uncharacterized species in the genomic contextualization task.


Precise phylogenetic placement of genomes and metagenomes

PhyloPhlAn 3.0 provides an easy-to-use and fully automatic method for accurate phylogenetic and taxonomic contextualization of microbial (meta)genomes (Fig. 1). The method can consider combined input sets of microbial genomes from isolate sequencing and of MAGs to produce phylogenies at multiple levels of resolution. Placement of input genomes and MAGs is performed by de novo reconstruction of the phylogeny. For highly resolved phylogenetic trees of related strains, PhyloPhlAn 3.0 uses species-specific core genes from the >18,000 sets of preselected UniRef90 gene families. Instead, for high-diversity genomes, it relies on the 400 most universal markers1,26 with more aggressive alignment trimming options (see “Methods”). Multi-resolution phylogenetic reconstruction is also at the core of the approach to assign taxonomic labels from phylum to species level to input genomes or MAGs, which exploits >150,000 MAGs and >80,000 reference genomes integrated into the PhyloPhlAn 3.0 database. The pipeline thus integrates the large body of available whole-genome microbial data to phylogenetically contextualize input genomes by adopting several methodological advances depending on the characteristics and scale of the specific tasks (see “Methods”). PhyloPhlAn 3.0 is not bound to particular methodological choices for the internal steps: it allows users to choose among multiple tools for sequence map**27,28,23 are highlighted in different colors.