
Synthetic molecular machines are fascinating and have a great promise to revolutionize scientific and technological fields. The immense interest on this research area is evident by the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded for the “design and synthesis of molecular machines”. To date, various molecular machines that can be operated on solid surfaces such as molecular vehicles and molecular motors have been developed1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Among them, molecular propellers have shapes similar to their macroscopic counterparts and they are formed by molecular scale blades that rotate along a shaft8. In nature, molecular propellers are vital in many biological applications ranging from the swimming of bacteria to intracellular transport9,20,21. To trigger the IET process, the probability of electron capture by the molecule is important and a sufficient tunneling current is necessary. Unlike the electric field induced rotation where a low tunneling current (pA regime) and a high bias are used, the IET induced rotations are realized with a high current (greater then 2 nA) with a lower positive tunneling voltage of 0.6 V. The use of positive bias means that the electrons are tunneling from the tip to the unoccupied states of the sample in our case. Figures 4f–h present a sample IET induced rotation. Here, the STM tip is positioned directly above the propeller at a fixed height with the tip set-point current of 2 nA (Fig. 4f). Then a tunneling bias of 0.6 V is applied for 30 s, and the corresponding tunneling current is recorded as a function of time (Fig. 4g). The changes in the tunneling current can be associated with the rotation events, which can be confirmed by STM imaging after the manipulation (Fig. 4h). Typically, an IET induced rotation is triggered by a transfer of electron energy via a temporary electron attachment to an unoccupied orbital. Figures 4i, j present the calculated highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (HOMO and LUMO) of the propeller adsorbed on Au(111) surface. The LUMO occupies the central Ru atom, as well as the phenyl rings of the stator, and the vibrational relaxation through the excitation of this orbital could result in the observed rotation5. This can be directly confirmed by a threshold energy measurement, which shows that ~0.6 V is necessary to trigger the IET manipulation while the dI-dV spectroscopy and the projected density of states unveil this energy as close to the energy of the LUMO orbital (Supplementary Fig. 4). Therefore we attribute the observed IET rotation as triggered by a temporary electron attachment to the LUMO orbital of the propeller (Supplementary Discussion 1).

Mechanical rotation

Next, we examine the rotation mechanism of both enantiomers by mechanically rotating the propeller blades with the STM tip. The mechanical rotations are performed by using tunneling resistances from 1.3 MΩ to 70 MΩ, and with the bias range of 0.01–0.1 V. For these rotations, the tip is initially positioned above the Au(111) surface next to a propeller blade and then the tip height is reduced for 3 Å to 4 Å from its initial position. Then the STM tip is laterally moved towards the propeller blade in a constant current mode, i.e., maintaining the tip height by the electronic feedback loop, until it mechanically pushes the blade22 (Fig. 5a). During this process, the tip-height trace is recorded as a function of distance. A successful rotation can be confirmed by comparing the STM images acquired before and after the manipulation. The recorded mechanical rotation signals show a small dip proceeding a pushing like curve22,23 as the examples presented in Fig. 5b. These mechanical rotation signals can be explained as follows (Fig. 5c): When the tip approaches the propeller blade (1), it swings away from the tip until it is stuck with the up-ramp of the molecular gear tooth formed by a tilted phenyl ring (2). This swinging motion of the blade causes the tip height to reduce thereby producing a dip (2). Next, the tip climbs up the propeller blade whereby the lateral push-force of the tip increases (3). When the push force exceeds the threshold lateral force to overcome the barrier, the propeller is rotated stepwise. Since the propeller blade is now moved away from its position underneath the tip, the tip height suddenly drops to maintain the constant current by the electronic feedback loop (4). The latter part is similar to the pushing of individual atoms on a surface with an STM tip22,23 except that the propeller blade here is rotated on the ratchet shape molecular gear. The successful rotation of the propeller is then confirmed by comparing the STM images acquired before and after the mechanical rotation.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Propeller rotation by mechanical manipulation. a A drawing depicting the mechanical rotation. b Mechanical manipulation signals during a single step rotation of M and P propellers. Inset: The arrows indicate the path and direction of manipulations. The top manipulation signal is vertically displaced 1.5 Å for clarity. c The mechanical rotation process. The dashed circles indicate the propeller bottom and the position of a phenyl ring underneath. d STM image before and e after a single propeller blade rotation. White arrow in d indicates the manipulation direction [Imaging parameters: Vt = −0.1 V, It = 50 pA]. f An initial STM image of a left-handed molecular propeller. g and h After single step rotations into clockwise direction. i STM image of a right-handed propeller and j and k are after stepwise rotations into anticlockwise directions. [Imaging parameters: Vt = −0.1 V, It = 50 pA] l and m Rotation angle as a function of count for the forward and reverse rotations, respectively

From the mechanical rotation experiments, one can unravel the rotation mechanism as swinging the blade followed by passing the molecular gear teeth for each rotation step. Such mechanical manipulation could result in rotating just one propeller blade or the whole propeller. For instance, STM images of Fig. 5d, e show the initial and final stages of a mechanical rotation where just one propeller blade is rotated. The rotation of a single blade here requires only a small energy, from 45 meV to 68 meV (Supplementary Fig. 3). A sequence of STM images presented in Fig. 5f–h shows stepwise rotation of a left-handed molecular propeller into clockwise direction. Similarly, Fig. 5i, j, and 5k present the stepwise mechanical rotations of a right-handed molecular propeller. Because of the tri-blade propeller symmetry, the initial structure of the propeller is reproduced in every 5 rotation steps, i.e., in 120°. The rotation of both left and right handed chiral propeller can be directly visualized by animating the STM images acquired at the each rotation step (Supplementary Movie 2). Figure 5l presents the number of mechanical rotation events as a function of the average rotation angle of the three propeller blades. Since this process is taking into account swinging angle of the propeller blades, the average rotation angles are not confined to the multiple of 24°. However, the Gaussian fit of the statistical data clearly unveils the peak rotation angle as 24° (Fig. 5l), and thus a full step rotation is preferred.

The STM tip can be used to forcefully rotate the propeller blades into the reverse direction as well. The process is similar to the one described above but the tip pushing direction now is opposite to the preferred rotation direction, i.e., clockwise rotation for the right-handed and anticlockwise rotation for the left-handed propellers (Supplementary Fig. 5). The propellers can be rotated stepwise into the reversed directions using similar manipulation parameters as above and the Gaussian fit from the statistical analysis (Fig. 5m) gives the peak rotation angle as 18.5°. This means that most of the reverse rotations are not a full step rotation, i.e., 24° or higher angles. Moreover, the mechanical manipulation signals for the reverse rotation process shows much larger pushing curves than the rotation into the correct directions indicating a larger push force22,23 (Supplementary Fig. 5). This finding indicates that although a forceful manipulation of the propellers into a reverse direction is possible, it is not a preferred direction for the rotation. This is in good agreement with the electric field and IET induced rotations of the propellers.

In summary, we have developed a multi-component molecular propeller that can be operated on materials surfaces when energized. Unidirectional rotations of the molecular propeller are demonstrated on a gold crystal surface using STM tip manipulation schemes on one-propeller-at-a-time basis. Unidirectional rotation here is dictated by the stator forming a ratchet shape gear that leads to dynamical chirality in the propellers. An important aspect to discuss here is whether they are useful to actual work. We find that a full rotation of the blades can displace other molecules located next to the propeller indicating that they can be used to move a molecular load (Supplementary Fig. 6). For some applications, it may be useful to consider cascading the propellers. However, our molecular propellers may not be suited for such cascade-gear applications because of their trigonal geometry with approximately 120° angle between the blades. Such a large angle could result in slippage and thus the molecular gear with more teeth would be required24. A key demonstration of our work is that the substrate surface can be used to engineer chirality of the molecular propellers and thus not only the internal structure of the molecules but also the substrate should be considered for the design of the molecular machines to be operated on solid surfaces. For instance, it could be envisioned that using a particularly patterned substrate, the molecular propeller having mono-chirality may be able to form selectively for potential applications. Of great interest for chiroptical devices and asymmetric synthesis, propeller chirality has been mostly studied theoretically and experimentally in solution. The design and operation of a chiral propeller motor formed by multiple components at the single molecule level on a surface here will have impact not only for potential applications in a solid state environment but also for the further development of complex molecular machines and their operations.


Sample and tip preparation

The single crystal Au(111) sample was cleaned by a repeated sequence of Ar+ ion sputtering and annealing. Before deposition of the molecules, the cleanliness of the sample was checked by imaging. The molecular compound was synthesized as follows:15,16 Initially, pentaphenylcyclopentadiene is first brominated on the para-positions of the phenyl and on the cyclopentadiene core using neat bromine giving an hexabrominated compound. After subsequent oxidative addition on the ruthenium carbonyl cluster, conversion of piano-stool complex into the molecular propeller was finally achieved by reaction with the potassium salt of thioether-functionalized hydrotris(indazolyl)borate in presence of thalium sulfate. The overall yield for 3 steps was 63%. The molecules were deposited onto atomically clean Au(111) sample using a custom built Knudsen source under an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) environment. For the deposition, the molecular source was heated to ~450 K and the Au(111) substrate temperature was held at ~120 K. The sample was then transferred to a Createc GmbH STM scanner directly attached to the sample preparation chamber via a gate valve under UHV condition. The sample temperature was then lowered to 80 K and 5 K for respective experiments. For all the experiments, an electrochemically etched tungsten wire was used as the STM tip. The tip was prepared in-situ by gently dip** into the substrate prior to the manipulation experiments25 and thus it was assumed to cover with Au.

STM imaging and tip-induced propeller rotations

The STM tip induced electric field, inelastic tunneling electrons, and the mechanical rotations of the propellers were performed at 80 K substrate temperature. STM imaging was performed at 80 K and 5 K substrate temperatures, and a low tunneling current range between 10 pA and 70 pA was used. The mechanical rotations of the both chiral propellers with the STM tip were performed by using tunneling resistance range of 1.3 MΩ to 70 MΩ, the tunneling current range of 16 nA to 75 nA, and the bias range of 0.01 V to 0.1 V. The initial set point tunneling current and voltage before the manipulation were 50 pA, and ±1 V, respectively.

DFT theory calculations

Spin polarized Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were carried out with the Vienna ab initio simulation package code26, with core electrons described by the projected augmented wave method27. Exchange-correlation was treated in the Generalized Gradient Approximation28. Because of the relative importance of non-bonding molecule surface interactions, van der Waals D3 functional was used29. The plane wave basis was expanded to a cutoff of 600 eV. The Au(111) surface was modeled by a three-layer slab containing 432 atoms and the first Brillouin zone was sampled at the Γ point only. The molecular propeller composed of 117 atoms was placed on top of a three-layer Au(111) slab representing the surface with a vacuum space of 20 Å. The geometry optimizations were converged within 2 meV per formula unit for the total energies.