
Topological insulators (TIs) have attracted world-wide attention because of their intriguing fundamental physics and exciting application opportunities in spintronics1. Three-dimensional (3D) TIs2,3 are of particular technological importance as the unique spin generation can be realized in single crystals rather than in complex heterogeneous structures4. TIs are considered as efficient spin generators5, yet the spin generation is generally regarded as a pure surface phenomenon. Namely, the electronic momentum and spin are locked at the TI surface, and a net charge current leads to a net spin polarization at the surface, whose magnitude is directly proportional to the charge current6. In this view, all physics occur independently at the top and bottom surfaces of a TI and the role of the bulk is passive, which simply separates the top and bottom surfaces. The surface conductivity is understood through density of states and scattering rate, just like in other two-dimensional (2D) systems such as graphene and 2D electron gas. The conductivity behaviour governs the spin generation on the surface of a 3D TI, and spin accumulation is merely a side product of conductivity. Although this interpretation of spin generation in TIs is most mathematically straightforward, it is far from satisfactory in the sense that the most amazing feature of a TI—surface-bulk correspondence does not explicitly enter this physical picture.

On the other hand, there is an alternative viewpoint of spin generation. The external electric field induces a transverse pure spin current through the bulk, which acts as a bridge for transporting spins between top and bottom surfaces. Opposite spins are thus accumulated on the two surfaces, which lead to charge current in the same direction of the electric field because of the opposite chirality of the momentum-spin textures on the top and bottom surfaces (Fig. 1a). An empirical formula for the bulk spin current can be written down as

Figure 1: Proposed spin dynamics in a 3D TI.
figure 1

(a) An electric field induces a transverse pure spin current in the bulk. Consequently, opposite spins accumulate on the top and bottom surfaces, leading to a charge current according to the chiral momentum-spin texture. The small cylindrical arrows denote spins. The hollow vertical arrows indicate spin current. The long horizontal blue arrows indicate charge current. (b) The anomalous behaviour of transport coefficients proposed in this article. At a sufficiently high disorder level, conductivity σxx, electro-spin susceptibility κyx and spin relaxation time τs should all have positive dependence on the disorder, in contrast with the well-known negative dependence in the low disorder limit.

where js is the spin current density, E is the electric field and σs is the spin Hall conductivity tensor7. A system that is electrically insulating but can carry a pure spin current is termed a spin Hall insulator8. The bulk of a 3D TI has been demonstrated to be a spin Hall insulator because of its Z2 topological order9.

Analogous to Hall effect, the transverse spin Hall current leads to surface spin accumulation in a slab geometry. Yet unlike electric charge, spin is usually a nonconserved quantity in a spin Hall insulator. The ultimate spin accumulation induced on the surface closely depends on the spin relaxation mechanism. In the low disorder limit with μ being the Fermi level, being the momentum relaxation time, it has been demonstrated that the spin relaxation time on the surface of a 3D TI is identical to the momentum relaxation time because of the momentum-spin locking, and the traditional Dyakonov–Perel spin relaxation is absent13. (d) The DC conductivity of a single surface (σxx(0)) plotted against the Fermi level position (μ). The impurity concentration c varies from 0.002 to 0.2. (e) Conductivity (σxx(0)) plotted against the impurity concentration (c). The Fermi level position was fixed at μ=0.13 eV.