FormalPara Key Points for Decision Makers
Table 1

1 Introduction

Hemophilia A (HA), caused by an inherited deficiency of factor VIII (FVIII), is the most common type of hemophilia, with an incidence of 1 in 5000 male births [1]. Patients with HA are at risk of life-threatening bleeding, particularly patients with severe disease (defined as endogenous factor VIII coagulant activity [FVIII:C] level < 1% of the normal amount), which accounts for approximately 46.2% of Italian cases [2]. More commonly, patients experience bleeding into joints (hemarthroses) and muscles, which can be severely debilitating [3, 4].

Hemarthroses and bleeding into muscles can result in the development of arthropathy (disease of the joint), which is associated with swelling, pain, and reduced movement [4]. Repeated hemarthroses in the same location leads to increased medical resource use and impaired patient health-related quality of life (HRQoL) [5]. As such, the primary treatment goals for patients with severe HA (SHA) pertain to the reduction of bleeding events and the prevention of joint health deterioration.

In Italy, the treatment of SHA most commonly involves routine prophylaxis using recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) replacement products as well as episodic rFVIII treatment for the resolution of breakthrough bleeds. Published literature suggests that 90–92% of total direct healthcare costs associated with HA patients are attributable to drug acquisition [6, 7]. Most adult Italian SHA patients are treated with rFVIII prophylaxis, and nearly all pediatric patients are expected to be treated prophylactically [2].

Compared with on-demand use only (i.e., used only for the resolution of a breakthrough bleed), prophylaxis with standard half-life (SHL) rFVIII treatment has been shown to significantly reduce the annualized bleeding rate (ABR) for SHA patients [8,9,10,11,12,13]. The most commonly used rFVIII product for prophylaxis treatment in Italian practice is Advate® (Shire Pharmaceuticals Ltd) [2, 14].

Extended half-life (EHL) FVIII Fc fusion protein (rFVIIIFc, Elocta®, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB) offers an alternative rFVIII treatment option. Its EHL means that patients treated at the same frequency and dose as those using SHL rFVIII products are expected to spend less time below a given targeted trough level (endogenous FVIII:C level) such that the risk of experiencing breakthrough bleeds is reduced [15, 16]. Alternatively, the EHL of rFVIIIFc may permit a reduction in administration frequency versus conventional factor therapies and consequently reduce treatment burden, which may also increase adherence to treatment and improve HRQoL [17]. rFVIIIFc prophylaxis has been studied in both adult and pediatric populations and has been shown to be associated with low ABRs as well as improved joint health outcomes (determined via the modified Hemophilia Joint Health Score [mHJHS]) over time [18,19,20].

Until recently, data regarding the association between joint health and patient HRQoL in patients with SHA were limited. In 2018, O’Hara et al. [5] published a study that provided information regarding the difference in utility between patients with and without “target joints” (TJs), and von Mackensen et al. [21] demonstrated the relationship between improved joint health (measured with the mHJHS) and HRQoL (measured using the EuroQoL 5-Dimensions [EQ-5D] and the Haem-A-QoL questionnaires). In addition, data are now available on the real-world usage of SHL and EHL rFVIII products in the prophylactic setting. Analysis of these data permit an assessment of factor consumption within a real-life setting.

This study aims to assess the cost effectiveness of rFVIIIFc versus SHL rFVIII for the prophylaxis treatment of SHA patients from an Italian healthcare perspective. This analysis makes use of recently published data regarding joint health and real-world usage of rFVIII products and thus provides an estimate of the cost effectiveness of rFVIIIFc versus rFVIII in Italian practice.

2 Methods

2.1 Model Structure

The model used to inform this cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) built on the structure previously adopted by Henry et al. [22], who assessed the cost effectiveness of rFVIIIFc versus conventional rFVIII for Swedish SHA patients. Henry et al. [22] did not explicitly model the impact of treatment on joint health because published evidence was lacking, particularly for the Pettersson score, which is a scoring system used to reflect the extent of hemophilic arthropathy (permanent joint damage caused by hemophilia-related bleeding) and is widely used in hemophilia clinical trials [22, 23]. Without this evidence, it would not be possible to link the measured joint damage to patient-related outcomes.

While evidence concerning the relationship between patient utility and the Pettersson score remains limited, a study by O’Hara et al. [5] facilitated the specification of a CEA with health states according to TJ status. Other studies in SHA have also captured joint health, but these were primarily constructed to correspond with the availability of patient data. We considered the model structures employed within these previous studies but ultimately rejected them because of the lack of comparably robust data for rFVIII and rFVIIIFc.

The definition of a TJ has changed over time and typically refers to the frequent occurrence of bleeding into a given joint within a relatively short time [24, 25]. However, the definition of a TJ accepted by the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis is a single joint into which three or more spontaneous bleeds occur within a consecutive 6-month period [26]. Patients may develop multiple TJs in different sites, the most common of which are the knee, ankle, or elbow [24, 27]. Data regarding the incidence and/or resolution of TJs are now routinely collected in SHA clinical studies, the latter of which is particularly important given the treatment goals of HA being the prevention of bleeding and joint destruction to preserve normal musculoskeletal function [25].

We constructed a three-state semi-Markov model in Microsoft® Excel (overview shown in Fig. 1). Upon model entry, patients are categorized by TJ status (i.e., whether they had at least one TJ). Transitions between the “alive” TJ-related health states were determined according to calculated rates of TJ development or resolution, whereas transitions to death were based on background mortality rates (which are age dependent). The impact of each treatment on patient HRQoL was determined according to the ABR (to determine the impact of a bleed event) and the presence of TJs. The costs considered by the model are related only to Factor consumption (both as prophylaxis and for the resolution of breakthrough bleeding).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Model overview (schematic and determination of outcomes). TJ target joint

In this analysis, we did not consider the probability of develo** inhibitors for patients treated with either rFVIII or rFVIIIFc. No clear evidence exists of a differential risk of inhibitor development by prophylaxis regimen, so the inclusion of inhibitor development would be unlikely to affect the overall conclusions that may be made from the analysis.

Guidelines for the pharmacoeconomic evaluation of new drugs in Italy were reported by Capri et al. [28]. They recommend the presentation of outcomes in terms of costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), annual discount rates for these outcomes of 3.0%, and limiting to 30 years the time horizon over which these outcomes are considered [28]. We applied annual discount rates of 3.0% for both costs and QALYs but considered a lifetime horizon in the model base case (up to 99 years) as patients are treated with prophylaxis indefinitely (and are assumed to enter the model at the age of 1 year). While restricting the time horizon to 30 years would omit important costs and outcomes from the analysis, alternative time horizons were explored within sensitivity analysis. A model cycle length of 1 year was used, and—based on published guidance—a half-cycle correction was applied because the probability of leaving a given health state was > 5% (and the model cycle length is > 2 weeks) [29, 30].

The CEA adopts the perspective of the Italian national health service. The population considered is that of Italian patients with SHA, for which rFVIII prophylaxis represents the standard of care. In Italy, the most commonly used SHL rFVIII is Advate, hence a comparison between prophylaxis regimens with rFVIII (for which Advate is assumed to be representative of Italian practice) and rFVIIIFc is presented [2]. Use of rFVIII to resolve breakthrough bleeding episodes is also included within the analysis because, in the event of a bleed, the condition is controlled with rFVIII.

2.2 Model Inputs

2.2.1 Efficacy

Treatment efficacy was considered in two categories: (1) the impact of treatment on the number of bleeding episodes (measured with the ABR)—“bleeding-related outcomes” and (2) the impact of treatment on joint health—“joint-related outcomes”. Bleeding-related outcomes are well reported in published literature for each treatment, as the ABR is often the primary outcome of clinical trials in HA. However, joint-related outcomes are less reported, so we undertook a literature search to address data gaps.

We used published ABRs to determine the number of bleeds for patients treated with rFVIII and rFVIIIFc per model cycle (1 year), and these were subsequently used to determine the number of QALYs lost as a result of bleeding. The ABRs used for adult and pediatric patients receiving rFVIII and rFVIIIFc are summarized in Table 1 and were taken from the A-LONG, Kids A-LONG, and rAHF-PFM clinical trials (NCT01181128, NCT01458106, NCT00243386, NCT00157040) [19, 20, 31, 32]. We found no trials that provided direct comparisons between rFVIII and rFVIIIFc prophylaxis, so used unadjusted indirect comparisons within the model (as adjustment was not considered possible because of the small number of patients enrolled within each study). However, alternative ABR estimates were explored within sensitivity analysis to ascertain the impact of ABRs on cost-effectiveness results.

Table 1 Annualized bleeding rates used within the model [26, 31, 49]

For joint-related outcomes, annual probabilities of develo** or resolving TJs were applied for patients treated with rFVIII and rFVIIIFc. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to ascertain the impact on results of alternative assumptions regarding joint-related health.

For rFVIIIFc, the probability of TJ resolution was calculated as 99.18% based on data from the A-LONG (n = 233 of 235 resolved) and Kids A-LONG (n = 9 of 9 resolved) clinical trials [19, 33]. Data for the development of TJs were not available; however, given the high probability of TJ resolution, we assumed that no patients developed TJs while receiving rFVIIIFc. Recently available data from the A-LONG and Kids A-LONG studies showed that 95% and 100%, respectively, of TJs with ≥ 6 months of follow-up post-resolution showed no TJ reoccurrence [34]. Therefore, we conducted a scenario analysis wherein the probability of TJ development was assumed to be equal to the proportion of TJs that showed no reoccurrence. However, it should be noted that this scenario assumed that TJ reoccurrence was equivalent to the probability of patients develo** a TJ and so should be interpreted with caution.

For rFVIII, the probability of TJ resolution was assumed to be 73.33% based on a study by Panicker et al. [35], wherein 11 of the 15 patients with TJs at baseline had no further TJ bleeds (with a minimum follow-up of 1 year). The study by Panicker et al. [35] was the only study identified by the authors that contained sufficient information to quantify the development of TJs for patients treated with prophylaxis. The probability of TJ development was estimated at 9.87% based on a study by Kern et al. [24] in which 15 of 16 boys developed at least one TJ while receiving episodic SHL rFVIII treatment over a 20-year period, adjusted according to the ratio of TJ-related bleeds observed in a study of once-daily and prophylaxis SHL rFVIII treatment by Manco-Johnson et al. [36].

2.2.2 Dosing

To determine the total weekly consumption of rFVIII per kilogram of body weight, the average dose per administration was multiplied by the frequency of administration per week. The average dose of rFVIII per administration and every-other-day dosing was applied based on a study by Valentino et al. [31] for adults and one by Blanchette et al. [32] for pediatrics. In the model base case, average weekly doses of 109.75 IU/kg for adults and 107.30 IU/kg−1 for pediatrics were applied. Pediatric dosing was applied within the model until 12 years of age (per the license for rFVIIIFc) [33].

For rFVIIIFc, the average reduction in weekly factor consumption versus conventional SHL rFVIII is reported in a range of published studies, identified via a targeted search of conference websites and the MEDLINE® In-Process (using electronic database [37,38,39,52]. The study is expected to complete in December 2019 and may provide data regarding patient utility, bleed resolution, joint health outcomes, the development of inhibitors, and the incidence of new TJs [52].

The costs captured within the CEA are related entirely to the consumption of Factor product—either as prophylaxis or to treat breakthrough bleeding. We acknowledge that several other direct medical costs are incurred by patients with SHA in Italy, including emergency hospital admissions for severe bleeding episodes and routine monitoring appointments with a hematologist. Data to inform the estimation of non-Factor costs were unavailable for the CEA. However, omission of these costs from the study is not expected to drastically alter the findings, as the reduction in ABR for rFVIIIFc versus rFVIII is expected to lead to reduced medical resource utilization.

We also note that pricing of rFVIII products in Italy is based on a tender market. That is, static list prices do not reflect the cost of each product, and the “true” prices of each product are updated periodically. Our study aims to address fluctuations in pricing for rFVIII products through the presentation of a sensitivity analysis regarding the price of rFVIIIFc, yet we note that such fluctuations may influence the usage of different rFVIII products in Italy and therefore influence the likely cost effectiveness of rFVIIIFc versus SHL rFVIII.

An additional consideration is that, over time, SHA patients may develop an immune response to rFVIII products in the form of inhibitor antibodies. In most cases, patients are able to resolve their inhibitors through a regimen of immune-tolerance induction (ITI) therapy with rFVIII treatment. The development of inhibitors was not captured within the CEA structure. Further research is required to understand the clinical and economic implications of using EHL rFVIII therapies (such as rFVIIIFc) with respect to the development of inhibitors.

The CEA also did not capture the impact of SHA on patient caregivers in terms of both costs and health effects. Kodra et al. [7] found that 21 of the 89 Italian hemophilia patients surveyed required a carer. The authors also determined an average loss of earnings for caregivers of children with hemophilia amounting to €4099.70 per year, though how improved care may affect this figure is unclear. The impact on caregivers and family members further demonstrates the importance of effective treatment options for patients with SHA.

5 Conclusions

This study constitutes the first CEA in SHA to utilize recently published data regarding joint health and real-world dosing to establish the long-term cost effectiveness of rFVIIIFc versus conventional (SHL) rFVIII therapy in the Italian setting. The model structure adopted within this CEA is the first in SHA to distinguish between patients according to the absence or presence of TJs. Our results demonstrate that rFVIIIFc provides a cost-effective treatment option versus SHL rFVIII treatments based on the improved bleeding- and joint-related treatment outcomes predicted by the model (as well as reduced burden of administration because of its EHL). Further research is required to more accurately determine the relative improvement of rFVIIIFc versus SHL rFVIII treatments in terms of overall joint health.

Data Availability

The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are proprietary of Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (publ) (Sobi) and Bioverativ (a Sanofi company). Access to datasets and/or the economic model is at the discretion of both Sobi and Bioverativ (a Sanofi company) and may be available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.