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From Coding To Curing. Functions, Implementations, and Correctness in Deep Learning

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This paper sheds light on the shift that is taking place from the practice of ‘coding’, namely develo** programs as conventional in the software community, to the practice of ‘curing’, an activity that has emerged in the last few years in Deep Learning (DL) and that amounts to curing the data regime to which a DL model is exposed during training. Initially, the curing paradigm is illustrated by means of a study-case on autonomous vehicles. Subsequently, the shift from coding to curing is analysed taking into consideration the epistemological notions, central in the philosophy of computer science, of function, implementation, and correctness. First, it is illustrated how, in the curing paradigm, the functions performed by the trained model depend much more on dataset curation rather than on the model algorithms which, in contrast with the coding paradigm, do not comply with requested specifications. Second, it is highlighted how DL models cannot be considered implementations according to any of the available definitions of implementation that follow an intentional theory of functions. Finally, it is argued that DL models cannot be evaluated in terms of their correctness but rather in their experimental computational validity.

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  1. The LoAs here listed should not be taken to suggest a cascade software development model (Sommerville, 2021): from intention to execution, but rather to define a stratified ontology for computational systems. The different development methods, such as cascade, spiral, or agile, may go through some or all those levels. See on this Angius et al. (2021).

  2. Andrej Karpathy, former director of AI at Tesla, recently revealed that much of the self-driving dataset for Tesla cars is being collected using cameras only (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6bOwQdCJrc).

  3. The Cityscape dataset contains video recordings from 50 cities with 25.000 labelled frames, concerning street scenes in distinct seasons. See https://www.cityscapes-dataset.com/. The graph in Fig. 2 is taken from https://paperswithcode.com/sota/semantic-segmentation-on-cityscapes.

  4. Karpathy’s keynote talk at the 2021 IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) is available at https://karpathy.ai/; unfortunately, no published paper or proceedings is associated with the talk.

  5. The algorithm proceeds by first ranking snippets given a set of complexity measures and a task, then by selecting the most interesting snippets (with high ranking scores), and finally by ensuring diversity of the snippet set, quantifying diversity as a difference in their complexity measures.

  6. Recall that a finite transition system \(TS=(S, A, T, I, F, AP, L)\) is a set-theoretic structure defined by a finite set of states \(S=\{s_0, \ldots , s_n\}\), a finite set of labels for transitions A, a transition relation \(T \subseteq S \times A \times S\), each transition having form \(s_i \xrightarrow {\alpha } s_j\), a set of initial states \(I \subseteq S\), a set of final states \(F \subseteq S\), a finite set of labels for states AP, and a state labelling function \(L: S \rightarrow 2^{AP}\). The example in Fig. 5 is inspired by a similar one in Baier and Katoen (2008, 100-102).

  7. Clearly, that both traffic lights enter the green state infinitely often together is avoided by requiring safety property S.

  8. Distinct cases should be made for the two different forms of malfunction: dysfunction when the system does not display required behaviours, and mysfunction, when the system displays behaviours not requested by its specifications (Floridi et al., 2015).

  9. It follows from this analysis that any LoA can also be considered a specification level for its lower LoAs, in that it corresponds to the functional level of an artefact prescribing functions for its implementations.

  10. That is, if the focus is on a high-level language program as an implementation of an algorithm, the program is understood as a structural level; supposing then focus is made on the computational machine as an implementation of the high-level language program, the latter has to be reinterpreted as a functional level.

  11. Note that this is not a problem for biological systems in evolution theory, new functions caused by the same structure being known as exaptations (Gould & Vrba, 1982).

  12. It would be interesting at this point analysing such a taxonomy in the light of the conceptual distinctions made, for instance, by Fresco & Primiero (2013); Primiero (2014); Floridi et al. (2015) and comparing it to the empirical classification of traditional software errors carried out by Horner & Symons (2019). This, however, would go far beyond the scope of this paper.

  13. Notice that in case the validation process requires to fix the model may times, modifying the so called hyper-parameters (such as the number of layers or the size of the layers), the model may also overfit to the validation data set. In this case it said that an information leaks from the validation set to the trained model takes place. For more details see Chollet (2021, pp. 97-100).

  14. It should be noted that, as it is for common formal verification, applying those methods to real cases often requires using abstractions and approximations to allow computational tractability. However, abstractions and approximations lead to the incompleteness of the involved verification method: the algorithm may either terminate with an ‘unknown’ answer, or terminate with a false negative, that is, a counterexample showing a violation of the verified functional property to which, though, does not correspond any actual model computation.

  15. Another restraint is given by the difficulty of controlling every parameter involved in a specific function, given the complex layered structure of contemporary networks (Gerasimou et al., 2020).

  16. A mathematical model is called by Primiero (2020) robust; in case it is able to include all variables of interest and all the inferential properties of the simulated empirical system.

  17. There are indeed scientific contexts in which DL models used to predict the evolution of some empirical system also bear structural similarities with the target system. The convolutional DL model used by Monk (2018) to simulate parton shower, the neural model by Choudhary et al. (2020) for simulating the Henon-Heiles potential, and the MetNet-2 (Meteorological Neural Network 2) (Espeholt et al., 2021) DL model are some examples.



Deep Learning


Level of abstraction


Autonomous vehicle


Explainable artificial intelligence


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Nicola Angius was partially funded by the Research Project ANR-17-CE38-0003-01 (ANR - Agence Nationale de la Recherche) titled ‘What is a (computer) program: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives’.

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All authors equally contributed to the study conception and design of this paper. Material preparation and analysis were performed by both NA e AP. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Nicola Angius.

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Nicola Angius and Alessio Plebe declare they have no financial interests.

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Angius, N., Plebe, A. From Coding To Curing. Functions, Implementations, and Correctness in Deep Learning. Philos. Technol. 36, 47 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13347-023-00642-7

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