Telepresence robot-mediated communication is human–human communication in which at least one party is telepresent via, and remotely controlling, a robot. Although telepresence robots have existed since 1998 (Paulos and Canny, 1998), it has only become feasible to deploy such robots in real-world contexts since high bandwidth wireless networks became pervasive. Accordingly, a growing number of telepresence robots have become commercially available. Telepresence robots have been field tested with caregiving of homebound elderly people (Fiorini et al., 2020), education of children who could not be in the classroom (Newhart and Warschauer, 2016; Weibel et al., 2020), education of children who live at a distance from the instructor (Kwon et al., 2010), education of children who required special education (Fischer et al., 2019), geocaching between a person in nature and a person indoors (Heshmat et al., 2018). While not as ubiquitous as videoconferencing, telepresence robot-mediated communication has great potential because it is richer in presence, affording human operators the sense of being at the remote location (Weibel et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2017). The human operator can also enjoy the benefits of embodiment with enhanced navigational control, allowing active exploration of the remote environment.

We conducted a controlled experiment to compare how people communicated in an in-person versus a robot-mediated communicative setting and how such communication depended on their communicative expectations. The in-person versus robot-mediated manipulation was within participants: Each participant experienced both conditions. The communicative expectations varied across participants: Some participants expected to talk to a person, others expected to talk to a telepresence robot, and others expected to talk to a person using a telepresence robot who was “disabled” due to the robot’s physical limitations. We did not find differences regarding people’s expectations of the communication. We also did not find differences in communication style. But we did find differences in how people felt about their addressee based on communication modality. People felt more positively about the same person when they were in person versus when they were using the telepresence robot.

1 Technology-mediated interaction

There has been relatively little study of conversational processes and outcomes in robot-mediated communication (Herring, 2016); however, this topic has been well studied for video-mediated conversations (Chapanis, 1975; Chapanis et al., 1972; O’Conaill et al., 1993; Short et al., 1976; Sellen, 1995; Whittaker, 1995, Whittaker and O’Conaill, 1997). Comparisons between videoconferencing and face-to-face conversations show relatively few differences in outcomes, for example, as regards learning (Storck and Sproull, 1995), negotiation (Sellen, 1995; Short et al., 1976; Morley and Stephenson, 1970), and in object co-construction tasks (Chapanis, 1975; Reid, 1977). Nevertheless, studies of remote learning suggest that social relationships are affected by video mediation. In a hybrid learning setting where class interactions were a mix of face-to-face and video-mediated, participants were more positive about classmates they had interacted with face-to-face compared with those they had only met over video (Storck and Sproull, 1995). Although there is little difference in the content of video-mediated versus face-to-face conversations for a variety of tasks (Short et al., 1976; Rutter, 1984; Morley and Stephenson, 1970), in video mediation, participants may attend more to remote participants’ verbal communication than to their non-verbal behaviors because body movements are less visible in video-mediated communication (Storck and Sproull, 1995).

Moreover, many studies show differences in conversational processes that make video conversation seem less interactive than face-to-face. For example, video conversations have fewer backchannels (Fox Tree et al., 2021; O’Conaill et al., 1993; Whittaker, 1995) and interruptions (Sellen, 1995). Furthermore, transitions between video speakers are more formal, with greater use of formal handovers (O’Conaill et al., 1993) and more pausing between turns (Hollingsworth, 2022). In a study of narrative structure, an overarching conclusion was that in-person interactions increased story-telling, but telepresence interactions increased story-acting (Fox Tree et al., 2021). Together these findings suggest that video compromises grounding processes (Clark and Brennan, 1991) that allow listeners to show incremental understanding and offer feedback. Video also makes it harder for listeners to gain the conversational floor to clarify or elaborate on what a speaker is saying.

The technical limitations of video help explain these differences. Network limitations can introduce speech lags, which disrupt the flow of conversation and can have major impacts on basic grounding processes, for example by reducing backchannels (Cohen, 1982; Krauss and Bricker, 1967; O’Conaill et al., 1993; Sellen, 1995). Furthermore, gestures and eye gaze, which are critical turn-taking cues, are harder to interpret over video (Argyle, 1990; Beattie, 1978; Monk and Gale, 2002). Gaze misalignment is a pervasive problem in video conferencing systems due to the disparity between the locations of the subject and the camera. This makes mutual eye contact difficult to achieve, as users tend to look at the image of their interlocutor on the screen rather than at the camera (Kuster et al., 2012). Finally, emotional expressions are important when building social relationships, but these, too, can be hard to read over video due to screen resolution, poor internet connections, and other problems (Bruce, 1995; Whittaker and O’Conaill, 1997). All of these studies have examined conversational behaviors in settings where cameras are fixed. In robot-mediated communication, in contrast, telepresence robot pilots are able to navigate through their environment, allowing them more control over where they direct their camera.

An earlier report on how people communicate using telepresence robots supported the idea that using telepresence robots increases psychological distance. Psychological distance is how mentally close communicators feel to other communicators, and it is related to the concepts of immediacy and social presence (Fox Tree et al., 2021). The researchers observed changed story elements (more abstracts of the stories in person), differently manipulated objects (more object manipulation in telepresence), and differences in backchannels (more backchannels in person), which they argued were a result of increased psychological distance when using telepresence robots (Fox Tree et al., 2021).

In another study, increased psychological distance and changes in discourse patterns were observed when participants communicated with a static humanoid robot versus a robot whose head and lips moved (Tanaka et al., 2014). Participants agreed more strongly with the statement that they felt like they were in the same room with their addressee when the robot’s head and lips moved like the (unseen) speaker the robot was emulating than when the robot did not move. Participants also produced more silent pauses when speaking with a robot whose head and lips moved compared to a two-dimensional avatar whose head and lips moved. The researchers proposed that the increase in pauses was caused by increased “tension” in the moving-robot condition (Tanaka et al., 2014, p. 108). While not involving movement through space, these results support the proposal that movement affects psychological distance, which in turn influences how people feel about their interactions and how they produce discourse phenomena.

In the current study, we tested how use of a telepresence robot affected participants’ attitudes towards the human communicating through the robot, as well as participants’ production of discourse phenomena. We predicted more positive attitudes for in-person interactions over telepresence interactions. The discourse phenomena assessed were discourse markers (such as you know), fillers (such as um), laughter, and gaze. We predicted that some phenomena would be more likely in person, but that others would not. We also assessed how participants’ metaphorical representation of the person they would be interacting with affected their attitudes and discourse phenomena. These representations were primed to be: a person (not using a telepresence robot), a telepresence robot, or a person using a telepresence robot where the robot-person combination was “disabled” due to the limitations of the device (e.g., unable to open doors). We now turn to discussion of the attitudes assessed, the discourse phenomena assessed, and the participants’ expectations of their interactions prompted by metaphorical primes on the door of the testing room.

2 Attitudes

How people think about robots may play an important role in conversational interaction. The way people talk to non-human agents is not the same as how they talk to people. For example, some people adopt an “imperious language style” in communicating with digital assistants (Bonfert et al., 2018, p. 96). Thinking in more human-like terms about a robot can lead to more human-like social expectations of, and behavior towards, the robot (Lee and Takayama, 2011; Takayama and Go, 2012). Based on field notes and interviews with workers in technology-focused companies where telepresence robots were used, Takayama and Go (2012) identified different metaphors that people used for interacting with and talking to the telepresence systems: as nonhuman-like (sub-categorized as: communication medium, robot, and object) or as human-like (sub-categorized as: person and person with disabilities). Remote users operating the robot were defined as pilots, and individuals physically co-located with the robot were defined as local users. Local users who held a human-like metaphorical model of the robot were more likely to exhibit polite social behaviors toward the robot (e.g., asking the pilot to adjust the volume of the robot audio) and show a similar level of respect for personal space toward the robot as they would toward a human. Local users with the metaphorical model of disabled human would sometimes go out of their way to help the robot (e.g., by talking extra loudly so that the pilot could hear, writing in large letters on a white board so that the pilot could read it, and slowing their pace to walk the robot through the office). In contrast, local users who held a nonhuman-like metaphorical model of the robot were more likely to breach social norms of polite behavior and personal space (e.g., pressing buttons on the robot to adjust its volume directly). In cases where the pilot and local users held differing metaphorical models for the robot, conflicts sometimes occurred (e.g., a local user turning off the robot mid-conversation as if they were hanging up a phone).

In order to approximate users’ metaphorical understandings of telepresence robots as identified by Takayama and Go (2012), we explicitly primed participants to interact with a robot, a person, or a “disabled” robot-person combination – that is, a person using a telepresence robot whose mobility was limited due to the limitations of the robotic system. We predicted that the metaphorical prime would affect attitudes, with more positive attitudes when participants were primed to interact with a human being, disabled or not, rather than a machine.

The attitudes we assessed have been explored in previous work primarily with non-telepresence robots (Hoffman et al., 2020; Mirnig et al., 2017; Niemelä et al., 2017; Torrey et al., 2013; Ullman et al., 2014), although politeness has been assessed with telepresence robots (Takayama and Go, 2012). To broaden our understanding of responses to telepresence robots, we assessed: (1) likableness (Hoffman et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2017; Mirnig et al., 2017; Torrey et al., 2013), (2) awkwardness (Huang et al., 2017), (3) capableness (Hoffman et al., 2020; Niemelä et al., 2017), (4) intelligence (Mirnig et al., 2017; Ullman et al., 2014), (5) intimidating-ness (Huang et al., 2017; Niemelä et al., 2017), (6) politeness (Niemelä et al., 2017; Takayama and Go, 2012; Torrey et al., 2013), and (7) in-control-ness (Torrey et al., 2013).

3 Discourse phenomena

Discourse phenomena can differ across telepresence and in-person settings. For example, while backchannels (words like mhm and really spoken by an addressee listening to a floor-holder’s turn) were generally similar across telepresence and in-person settings, more yeahs were used in person (Fox Tree et al., 2021), aligning with prior observations that people use more social chat in person in comparison to over the phone (Short et al., 1976). In the current study, we investigated additional discourse phenomena, including discourse markers (like and you know), fillers (um and uh), laughter, and gaze. Following the prior findings for yeahs, we anticipate more of these discourse phenomena in in-person communication compared to telepresence communication.

3.1 Discourse markers

Discourse markers are used in conversation to indicate discourse structure and provide sign-posts to conversational participants about how to interpret talk (Fox Tree, 20102015; Haselow, 2019). Two discourse markers in particular are associated with providing information about how to interpret conversational contributions: you know and like (Haselow, 2019). They have been called tailored markers because they are tailored to the particular addressees engaged in the conversation (Fox Tree, 2015). The discourse marker uses of like and you know are common in dialogue. Two examples of discourse marker uses of like are “this guy came up to me and like tried to run in front of me” (Liu et al., 2016, p. 3160) and “it was like really empty” (Fox Tree, 2006, p. 731). Two examples of discourse marker uses of you know is “Everybody wakes up and goes straight to the bathroom, you know, putting on all their make up and everything” (Fox Tree and Tomlinson, 2008, p. 102) and “it’s my my favorite car but you know they’re not they’re not great cars” (Fox Tree, 2001, p. 734).

Like is a marker of loose expression of language (Andersen, 1998) – “a precise marker of imprecision” (Fox Tree, 2006, p. 729). Experimental tests demonstrate that like is not the same as hedges (Liu and Fox Tree, 2012), and that like is functional, not sprinkled in to indicate informal language (Fox Tree, 2006). Like is pragmatically useful in interviews, where “like is used to focus on salient information, qualify contributions, and introduce examples” (Fuller, 2003, p. 370). Likes are also used by interviewers trying to sound less formal (Fuller, 2003). People report adjusting their use of like for their addressees, using it more with friends (Fox Tree, 2007). The argument has been made that to use likes properly, conversational participants need to know something about each other (Liu and Fox Tree, 2012). Our expectation was therefore that if people feel more able to interpret each other’s conversational contributions in person, they should use more likes with each other in person than in telepresent settings.

You know is used as an invitation to the hearer to fill out the speaker’s meaning (Fox Tree and Schrock, 2002). It decreases social distance (Stubbe and Holmes, 1995), and, indeed, people report using you know more with friends (Fox Tree, 2007). It has been argued that you know requires less tailoring than like; Fox Tree (2015) found a bigger difference between written and spoken like use than written and spoken you know use. We therefore anticipated larger differences in like use than you know use across telepresent and in-person settings.

Together, we hypothesized that likes and you knows would occur more often in in-person communication than telepresence communication because of the decreased psychological distance in in-person communication (Fox Tree et al., 2021).

3.2 Fillers

Unlike discourse markers which are used in the process of conversational negotiation, fillers (the words uh and um) are associated with speech processing difficulty. Two examples of uses of fillers are “so right where you found that um painting” and “from Walnut you should uh make a left on Cedar” (both examples are from Liu et al., 2016, p. 3162). Fillers indicate upcoming delays in communication, which are often indicated by silent pauses or more fillers (Clark and Fox Tree, 2002). They can be elongated to indicate delay as well (Clark and Fox Tree, 2002), as has been observed with other words (Fox Tree and Clark, 1997). Listeners use fillers to assist in comprehending upcoming speech (Fox Tree, 2001), including making judgments about why the speaker needs to delay, such as when they are uncomfortable with a topic (Fox Tree, 2002) or that they are lying (Fox Tree, 2002; Hosman and Wright, 1987). But delays occur across conversational settings – they would be expected in both telepresent communication and in-person communication. Consequently, we hypothesized that ums and uhs will not differ across settings.

3.3 Laughter

Laughter in conversation accomplishes complex interactional goals. Far beyond being a response to humor, laughter is a response to others (Provine, 1993; Provine and Fischer, 1989). In a week-long diary study, laughter was 30 times more likely to occur with others than when alone (Provine and Fischer, 1989), supporting the argument that laughter is a sign of rapport and playfulness (Provine, 1993). At the same time, in a study of communication across pairs in a variety of settings, laughter was more likely to occur in response to one’s own speech than another’s speech (Adelswärd, 1989). The settings assessed included job interviews, professional conversations, and simulated negotiations.

Despite the higher rate of laughing at one’s own speech, laughing together is important to conversational success. The laughter produced in a dyadic setting can be mutual across two conversational participants or unilateral, where only one of the two participants laughs. Adelswärd (1989) found that job interviews with more mutual laughter compared to unilateral laughter were more likely to lead to job offers. Another finding related to mutual laughter was that in post-trial interviews with defendants accused of fraud, defendants produced more unilateral laughter and initiated more mutual laughter than the interviewers (Adelswärd, 1989). The simulated negotiations were of two types: seeking agreement, or seeking to win. While there was more laughter in the conflict condition and more unilateral laughter across both conditions, the proportion of unilateral laughter was lower in the agreement condition (Adelswärd, 1989). That is, seeking consensus led to more mutual laughter.

In this study, we hypothesized that people would be better able to use laughter in the in-person communicative setting than the telepresent setting. We predicted this because people experience less psychological distance in person (Fox Tree et al., 2021).

3.4 Gaze

Where we look has a large effect on how we experience conversations. We rely on gaze to facilitate turn transitions (Duncan, 1972; Novick et al., 1996), to disambiguate reference to objects in the environment (Hanna and Brennan, 2007), to check understanding of what was said (Monk and Gale, 2002), and to seek information on how someone is reacting to us (Argyle and Dean, 1965). Moreover, the way we gaze reflects communicative difficulty. Novick et al. (1996) compared two types of gaze patterns; one was the mutual-break pattern, where “as one conversant completes an utterance, he or she looks toward the other. Gaze is momentarily mutual, after which the other conversant breaks mutual gaze and begins to speak” (p. 1889). The other pattern was the mutual-hold pattern, where “the turn recipient begins speaking without immediately looking away” (p. 1889). Mutual-hold was used when conversational participants had more difficulty communicating (Novick et al., 1996). In our study, we assessed average gaze duration across settings. Based on prior work, we predicted more gaze in the telepresent communication, which we predicted would be more difficult for participants than in-person communication.

4 Hypotheses

Telepresence robot-mediated interaction is typically evaluated in comparison to in-person interaction. We therefore tested how people (1) evaluated a telepresence robot interviewer and (2) behaved with a telepresence robot interviewer as compared to an in-person interviewer in a within-participants study design. The setting was a mock job interview where participants were primed in advance to expect to participate with either a human, a robot, or a human piloting a robot with physical limitations. These primes were intended to approximate the conceptual metaphors for telepresence robots identified by Takayama and Go (2012).

Based on previous research on video-mediated communication (e.g., Storck and Sproull, 1995), we expect participants to be more positive about the in-person interviewer. Based on previous research on metaphorical communication primes (Takayama and Go, 2012), we expected participants to be more positive when they expected a human interviewer. Based on prior work on laughter and discourse markers, we predicted people would produce more mutual laughter, likes, and you knows with the in-person interviewer because of the use of these elements in the presence of others or with friends or to decrease social distance (Fox Tree, 2007; Fuller, 2003; Provine and Fischer, 1989; Stubbe and Holmes, 1995). Another way to think about this prediction is that telepresence communication increases psychological distance (Fox Tree et al., 2021), leading to less mutual laughter and fewer likes and you knows with telepresence. While proportionally more unilateral laughter was found in a conflict setting (Adelswärd, 1989), in our study we did not incorporate conflict. We predicted more unilateral and mutual laughter in person. Further, because fillers are used to indicate upcoming delay rather than to decrease social distance (Clark and Fox Tree, 2002), we did not predict differences in filler use across settings. Finally, we predict that participants will gaze more at the robot interviewer than the in-person interviewer. Gaze and eye movements convey important interactional cues (Argyle, 1990; Argyle and Dean, 1965; Duncan, 1972; Novick et al., 1996), but the interviewer’s eyes are less visible through the robot’s small screen than in person, so we expect that participants will gaze more at the robot interviewer in an attempt to overcome this perceptual limitation. The hypotheses are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Hypotheses

5 The telepresence robot interview study

We tested the role of setting (in-person, telepresence) and metaphorical prime (robot, person, “disabled” robot-person combination) on attitudes towards the interviewer and the production of discourse, laughter, and gaze phenomena.

5.1 Method

Participants participated in a mock job interview that involved multiple activities.


Fifty-four people participated in this study, including 53 undergraduate students from a West Coast research university in the United States and 1 participant not affiliated with the university. The undergraduates received course credit for participation. Two participants declined to be filmed, resulting in 52 participants for the behavioral measures.


The experiment was a 3 (metaphor prime: robot/person/“disabled” robot-person combination) × 2 (interviewer modality: telepresence/in-person) design. The metaphor prime was a between-subject variable and the interviewer modality was a within-subject variable.

Before entering the experiment room, participants were primed with three different metaphors for the interviewer. These conditions were selected based on a subset of the five categories defined by Takayama and Go (2012). The conditions were: (1) the robot condition, (2) the person condition, and (3) the “disabled” robot-person combination condition. Participants in each condition received a different version of instructions; all versions contained the same information but featured different wording and a different image representing the interviewer.

In the robot condition, participants were primed to think of the robot interviewer as an object. Instructions included a photo of the robot with a non-human smiley face (captioned: “The interviewer, a Beam+ robot”) and used phrasing appropriate for an inanimate object (e.g., “you will be greeted by the robotit will ask you… answer its questions”). In the person condition, participants were primed to think of the robot interviewer as an extension of the human operating it. Instructions included a photo of the human interviewer (e.g., captioned: “The interviewer, Robert”) and used phrasing appropriate for a person (e.g., “you will be greeted by the interviewerhe will ask you… answer his questions”). In the “disabled” robot-person combination condition, participants were also primed to think of the robot as an extension of the human interviewer operating it, but with an additional suggestion that the interviewer has limited physical capacity. Instructions included a photo of the robot with the face of the human operator superimposed on it (e.g., captioned: “The interviewer, Robert, using the robot”) and used the same phrasing as the human condition, with the following additional instruction (“Please be aware that Robert has limited physical capability while piloting the robot, and he may require assistance maneuvering or manipulating objects”).

The main task in the study was an interview with two phases. One interview phase was conducted using the Beam+ in robot-mediated interaction, and the other phase was in person. Twenty-eight interviews were conducted in the robot-mediated interaction first, and 26 were conducted in person first. The interviews analyzed in the present study were conducted in two sets approximately one year apart by two male, native English-speaking students. Both interviewers received training and practice in using the Beam+ robot and the interview protocol prior to conducting their first interviews.


Participants were invited to the lab to participate in a mock job interview. Upon arriving at the lab, participants encountered a poster mounted on the closed lab door which provided instructions explaining the study procedure and included an image of the interviewer (either a picture of the Beam+ , a head shot of the interviewer, or a picture of the Beam+ robot with an image of the interviewer in the screen). Participants were instructed to enter the lab after fully reading the instructions.

Upon entering the lab, participants encountered either the robot interviewer (the Beam+ robot piloted by the interviewer) or the interviewer in person. The order first encountered, robot or human, was counterbalanced. We used a Suitable Technologies Beam+ telepresence robot. It stands approximately 4.4ft (1.35 m) tall and features a 10 inch LCD screen mounted on a long neck attached to a motorized base approximately 14 × 12 inches (0.36x.3 m) in size. The form factor of the Beam+ is roughly equivalent to a tall seated adult or a short standing adult. The system also features two cameras (one facing downward to assist the pilot in maneuvering and avoiding obstacles), speakers, and a microphone array. The system was controlled remotely using Beam software running on a MacBook Air and connected to the Beam+ over a local WiFi network. This software provides the remote pilot with a simultaneous view of images from both the front-facing and down-facing cameras, and allows the robot to be controlled by keyboard or mouse/trackpad input. During this study we disabled the picture-in-picture view on the Beam+ display so that participants would not see a view of themselves while interacting with the system.

Prior to each interview that began with the robot interviewer, the Beam+ robot was positioned next to the table, facing the door that participants would use to enter the room. When the interview began in person, the interviewer was seated in a chair in the same location. The interviewer greeted participants, welcomed them to the lab, directed them to read and complete a consent form, and verified that they had fully read the instructions, thereby ensuring they received the priming condition. A second copy of the instructions was placed on the table next to the consent form in case any participant had not fully read the instructions on their own. After giving consent, the participants were invited to sit down at the table across from the interviewer. If the interviewer was using the Beam+ , the interviewer moved the Beam+ robot to a position at the table approximating a comfortable seated conversation. If the interviewer was in person, he seated himself in a chair located in the same place. The participant sat in a single open chair was placed on the opposite side of the table next to a collection of office supplies (several sheets of paper, a stapler, a box of staples, a small digital timer, a whiteboard eraser, three whiteboard pens, and two ballpoint pens). These objects were selected as items which could be used as props during the interview and would not seem out of place in an office setting. The chair(s) and office supplies were arranged in the same position before each interview.

During one half of the interview, the participants interacted with the Beam+ robot piloted remotely by their interviewer (the robot interviewer). During the other half of the interview, they were interviewed by the same interviewer in person (the human interviewer). After completing the interview, participants filled out a short online survey asking them about their experience during the interview and their subjective rating of the robot interviewer and the in-person interviewer.

Audio and video recordings were captured using a GoPro Hero4 video camera mounted on a tripod located next to the table opposite the study participants. The GoPro was positioned so that both the interviewer and participant were visible in the recording. Secondary recordings were also captured using Screencastify (screen capture software) running on the MacBook Air to record the robot-interviewer portion of the interview, and using a MeCam Classic camera with a lanyard mount (worn around the interviewer’s neck) to record the human-interviewer portion of the interview.

Interview questions

The first half of the interview opened with a series of warm-up questions, such as: “How are you doing today?,” “Can you tell me a little bit about your previous work experience?,” and “What kind of job would you like to have in the future?” We refer to this as the conversational portion of the interview. Next, the interviewer asked a series of questions framed as creative thinking questions; we refer to this as the formal portion of the interview. Some questions were designed to be answered entirely verbally (e.g., “Why is the earth round?” or “If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?”). These were based on a blog post discussing the use of creative interviewing questions (Greenberg, 2015). The remaining questions required interaction with the objects on the table (e.g., “Using the items on the table in front of you, please act out a scene from a movie, show or book. Spend about a minute or two on this and give as much detail as you can.” or “Using the items on the table, please arrange them to represent a map of a place you have lived…”).

The interviewer asked a series of 10 questions in the following order: three verbal, two interactive, three verbal, two interactive.

After these questions, the interviewer stated that the first portion of the interview was over. In interviews where the first half was conducted via the Beam+ , the interviewer explained that they would return the robot to its charging station and come to the room in person to continue the interview. The interviewer then piloted the robot to the side door of the room, at which point they turned the robot to face the participant and asked the participant to open the door so that the interviewer could exit the room. The interviewer parked the robot in its charging station in the adjacent room, disconnected from the robot, stopped screen recording, activated the wearable MeCam camera, and joined the participant in the other room. In interviews where the first half was conducted by the human interviewer, the interviewer explained that the robot was charged and ready to conduct the second half of the interview (after stating earlier that it needed to charge), left the room by the side door, connected to the robot, and piloted the robot around to the door that participants used to enter the room. At that point the interviewer asked the participant to open the door so that they could enter the room. The interviewer then piloted the robot to approximately the same position across the table from the participant that the human interviewer previously occupied.

The second half of the interview was designed to match the structure and content of the first half of the interview, with the exception that the conversational portion followed the formal questions to better fit the structure of an interview and maintain a more natural conversational flow. Upon entering the room, the interviewer thanked the participant for waiting, confirmed that the participant was ready to continue, and then began the second formal portion of the interview. These questions were matched as closely as possible to the previous questions and contained the same proportion of verbal and interactive questions. Ten questions were asked in the same order as before, three verbal, two interactive, three verbal, two interactive. The interviewer concluded with a second conversational portion of the interview. We attempted to match question content and duration to the warm-up questions at the beginning of the interview (e.g., “If this had been a real job interview, how do you think you did?” and “What did you think of the questions that we asked you?”).

Dependent measures

There were two sets of dependent measures: (1) a post-study survey of attitudes and (2) an assessment of discourse phenomena in transcripts of the interviews, including discourse markers, fillers, laughter, and gaze.

The attitude questions assessed the participants’ view of the telepresent interviewer and the in-person interviewer. There were two sets of seven identical statements, with the statements making claims about the robot interviewer or the human interviewer, and participants saw both sets. The seven statements probed how likable, awkward, capable, intelligent, intimidating, polite, and in control the participants thought the interviewer was. In the set about the robot interviewer, participants saw statements of the form “The robot interviewer was polite,” and in the set about the human interviewer, participants saw “The human interviewer was polite.” Participants were asked to respond on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.

The interviews were transcribed by trained research assistants using a modified and simplified version of the Jeffersonian system used in conversation analysis research (Jefferson, 2004). Discourse markers, fillers, laughter, and gaze were hand-coded in a subset of the transcribed interviews. For laughter, research assistants counted the number of times a participant laughed during the interview. Each instance was coded as being produced by only the participant (unilateral laughter), or by the participant and the interviewer in immediately adjacent turns, including when their laughter overlapped (mutual laughter). The process of gaze assessment was laborious. It involved reviewing the video recordings and indicating in the transcripts whenever the participant looked at the robot, along with the duration of the gaze. In this study, we report the average time spent gazing throughout the entire interview per interviewee. In all, 50% of the interviews were coded for discourse markers, fillers, laughter, and gaze.

5.2 Results

Results are presented for attitudes and discourse phenomena.


There was no effect of order of condition on attitudes, F(35, 230) = 0.876, p = 0.672.

To investigate the role of prime (robot interviewer, human interviewer, “disabled” human interviewer) on participant attitudes toward the interviewer, we conducted a MANOVA. There was no effect of prime on any of the attitude questions, F(14, 92) = 1.31, p = 0.220.

To investigate the role of interviewer setting (telepresence, in-person) on attitudes, we conducted a MANOVA and found that interviewer setting has a statistically significant effect on attitudes, F(7, 47) = 7.124, p < 0.001. These were followed by univariate tests with Bonferroni corrections to see which attitudes were affected. Participants rated the robot interviewer as more awkward than the in-person interviewer. They rated the in-person interviewer as more likable, more capable, more intelligent, more polite, and more in control than the robot interviewer. See Table 2 for results of the attitude assessments.

Table 2. Attitude assessment results.

These results are consistent with previous researchers’ findings that people tend to be rated as less intelligent, and generally less positively, when communicating via audio or video conferencing technologies as compared to face-to-face communication (Short et al., 1976; Whittaker and O’Conaill, 1997).

Discourse phenomena

To investigate the role of interviewer setting (telepresence, in-person) on discourse phenomena, we conducted pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni corrections. We did not find significant differences for likes, you knows, fillers, unilateral laughter, mutual laughter, or gaze. See Table 3 for behavioral results.

Table 3. Discourse phenomena results.

5.3 Discussion

Only attitudes varied depending on conversational setting. Even when communicating with the same interlocutor, participants felt more positively about them in the in-person setting. We did not find significant differences in behavioral phenomena (discourse markers, fillers, laughter, and gaze). We also did not find evidence that attitudes differed depending on the way people were primed to think about their interlocutor (as a robot, a person, or a “disabled” robot-person combination). One possibility is that our primes (a poster that participants read on the door of the experiment room) were not strong enough to produce a detectable difference.

6 General discussion

The COVID-19 pandemic made everyone acutely aware of the ways that technology influences communication, including both the advantages and the disadvantages of telepresence versus in-person communication. For example, many people the world over learned how to work remotely via Zoom. This type of telepresence communication involves face-forward head-and-shoulders images. An advantage of this is that it directs attention to communicators’ faces which contain a lot of information, such as mouth opening to indicate a desire to speak (Krause and Kawamoto, 2019, 2021), raising eyebrows to indicate prosodic structure (Krahmer and Swerts, 2007), and head movements that indicate listener comprehension (Li, 1999) or affiliation (Stivers, 2008). But video conferencing also has disadvantages, like restricting movement. Movement has been shown to be useful for indicating topic shifts and turn exchanges (Cassell et al., 2001). Also, videoconferencing fatigue can result from an overemphasis on work at the expense of sociality (Bergmann et al., 2022).

Telepresence robots provide advantages in comparison to stationary remote communication. They have the potential to provide a greater sense of presence, and they allow a remote communicator to physically move around a space like an in-person communicator would. Even slight movements of a telepresence robot can be a form of body language for initiating and ending conversations (Neustaedter et al., 2016). Most telepresence robots have wide-angle cameras and some can swivel screens (Nichols, 2022), both elements that are missing in Zoom telepresence. One recent model exploits maps of the area to improve navigation (Nichols, 2022), which frees up a communicator’s energy to focus on interactions instead of driving the robot. Studies of telepresence robots in the workplace have found that they promote casual interaction and can build social connections among geographically distributed team members (Lee and Takayama, 2011). Industry experts predict that the Covid-19 pandemic could drive greater demand for telepresence robots (Nichols, 2022), especially as remote work becomes more widespread and workers are reluctant to return to in-person workplaces (Goldberg, 2022).

Yet despite efforts to more closely model the in-person experience, telepresence communication still falls short, as the findings of this study show. Robot-mediated communication was assessed as less socially desirable than face-to-face communication. Importantly, we found these results even though the participants were communicating with the same addressee in the same session – each participant experienced both types of communication with the same interviewer. Because of our within-participants design, we can conclude that what we observed was a product of the communicative medium, not the communicator.

We took a close look at how people communicated across telepresence and in-person communication, as well as testing attitudes towards these communicative modalities. We anticipated that discourse phenomena that are hallmarks of casual conversations – words like um, like, and you know, as well as laughter and gaze patterns – might occur more frequently in face-to-face communication as opposed to robot-mediated videochat. We did not find evidence of such differences in usage, however. We note that these data were collected before the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased familiarity with videochat communication since the pandemic could affect discourse phenomena usage. For example, people might speak more naturally with robots in our post-pandemic world, much like in the early days of texting when people with more experience texted more like they spoke (Fox Tree et al., 2011). Alternatively, increased expertise could induce different effects; for example, participants might know that their gaze patterns are not properly transmitted through a videochat camera and therefore might adjust their behavior, such as gazing directly into the camera instead of at their addressee’s virtual face (O’Conaill et al., 1993). Closer analysis of discourse phenomena might reveal information about how people use technology that is not evident from measurements of how people feel about technology.

This study has many theoretical and practical implications. Theoretically, the study provides new knowledge about the relationship between feelings about interlocutors who use different communicative modalities and indicators of communicative effectiveness, such as the production of discourse phenomena. We found that feelings about the interlocutor can be affected by modality even though communicative phenomena were not. Practically, the study provides knowledge about how communicative modalities can change attitudes towards the same person. This has many implications. For example, it highlights the importance of using the same modality for all interviewees during the hiring process. If some are interviewed by Zoom and others in person, the people interviewed by Zoom may be at a disadvantage. Likewise, as hybrid work becomes the norm, teams constituted of a mix of remote and co-present workers may experience interpersonal attitudinal differences that reflect the use of mediated communication.

6.1 Future work

The design of telepresence robots could improve in ways that would improve social interaction and conversational flow in the future. For example, autonomous navigation could reduce social awkwardness associated with bum** into objects (Desai et al., 2011). To help interlocutors establish eye contact, screens with cameras embedded in the center (Kristoffersson et al., 2013) and other techniques involving semi-reflective screens have been proposed (Ishii and Kobayashi, 1992). Remotely-controllable arms could make robots more socially desirable by enabling them to gesture, shake hands, and hug. These robots would also be less “disabled” and dependent on assistance from others (Herring, 2016).

It is also possible that as people gain experience with telepresence robots, they may change how they feel about them and how they use them (Fox Tree et al., 2011; Lei et al., 2022; Oviedo and Fox Tree, 2021). Only a handful of study participants commented on interacting previously with a robot; 93% rated their experience with robots as none (82%) or a little (11%). Future researchers could examine whether more experience with telepresence robots results in people’s interactions more closely resembling their in-person communications. Researchers could also study how people think about and behave when interacting with novice robot pilots, a situation that is likely to occur in real-world contexts where telepresence robots are available for public use, such as to attend conferences, visit museums, or go on campus tours (e.g., Neustaedter et al., 20162018).

A related direction for future research concerns the effects of telepresence robotics on discourse in naturalistic (non-experimental) settings. So far, such data have been hard to come by due to privacy concerns and the challenge of getting informed consent from people who might happen to interact with one’s research robot “in the wild,” such as in a museum or at a conference reception (Neustaedter et al., 20162018). Authentic, unplanned interactions with a telepresence robot raise many questions about discourse use (Herring, 2016). For example, absent priming, how do others refer to the robot—as “you,” “s/he,” or “it”—and what factors condition variation in reference? Lee and Takayama (2011) found that people in a workplace setting who thought of the robot as a machine were more likely to refer to “it”; does this depend on the robot pilot’s activity and discourse behaviors? To what extent do local persons and telepresence robot pilots accommodate to each other stylistically? Do interlocutors’ social status and gender influence this and other features of participant alignment, such as informality and use of pronouns that signal group identity and grounding?

Future researchers might also study how settings affect communicative effectiveness. For example, researchers might test how settings affect conversational balance or grounding. Static videoconferencing has been shown to be unbalanced, with isolated remote participants contributing fewer turns and less content (O’Conaill et al., 1993). Other researchers have found that conversational participants who are on the same social footing strive to rebalance conversations after periods where one participant contributed an outsized share of the dialogue, and success at rebalancing was related to positive feelings about the conversation (Guydish et al., 2021; Guydish and Fox Tree, 2022). How people feel about conversations has also been related to successful grounding (Guydish and Fox Tree, 2021). One reason people find in-person communication more comfortable than telepresence communication may be because they are better able to balance their conversations in person.

6.2 Conclusion

Interviewers using mobile telepresence communication were considered more awkward, less likable, less capable, less intelligent, less polite, and less in control. Behaviorally, we did not detect differences in participants’ productions of discourse markers (likes and you knows), fillers (ums and uhs), laughter, or gaze. We did not observe differences in the way people were primed to think about their addressee (as a robot, a person, or a “disabled” robot-person combination) on the attitudes they held about their addressee, but our primes may not have been strong enough. These are many avenues for future exploration, including analyzing how conversational participants produce other discourse phenomena, how they balance their conversations, how they ground using different communication technologies, and how their level of experience with mobile telepresence – both as pilots and as local users – affects their communication and attitudes. Future experimenters could explore other methods of priming individuals before their interactions. Future researchers could also seek to collect and analyze more interactions with telepresence robots in naturalistic settings.