
Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has become precise and affordable on a large scale, and several cohorts now involve hundreds of thousands of subjects (Halldorsson et al. 2022; Taub et al. 2022; The All of Us Research Program Investigators 2019). Statistical analyses have associated diseases with common and rare variants (Povysil et al. 2019), and the GWAS Catalog currently contains more than half a million associations (Sollis et al. 2023). However, the causal mechanism behind most genetic associations is unclear and can take a long time to understand. For example, even for the best-replicated locus in cardiovascular disease, it took four years to unravel its function (Harismendy et al. 2011; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2007). To accelerate the understanding of biological function, a series of computational tools have been proposed in recent years.

In this work, we consider Variant Effect Predictors (VEPs) to be databases or software packages that predict the functional impacts of genetic variants. Each VEP is usually specialized in annotating one or a few categories of variants, such as single nucleotide variations (SNVs), indels, missense variants, or structural variants (SVs) (Geoffroy et al. 2018; Pagel et al. 2019; Rentzsch et al. 2019; Vaser et al. 2016). The variety of VEPs and their functionalities poses the challenge of choosing the appropriate tool for a specific task, a topic that has been addressed in non-systematic reviews (Katsonis et al. 2022; Tabarini et al. 2022). Some reviews summarize VEPs for one type of variant only (Abramowicz and Gos 2018; Glusman et al. 2017). Other articles focus on variation relevant to the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics/Association of Molecular Pathology (ACMG/AMP) guidelines (Ghosh et al. 2017; Kassahn et al. 2014). All reviews have in common that their summary tables group functional information into a few categories, usually SNVs, indels, and SVs only. This categorization limits the search for VEPs suitable for other categories of variants, such as missense mutations or copy number variation.

This work aims to provide a systematic overview of the broad range of variant types and their functional impacts across VEPs. To this end, we systematically searched MEDLINE and investigated the possible input and output of each tool. The efficient selection of the most appropriate tool for a specific task can easily be accomplished using an interactive website.


A systematic review was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines (Page et al. 2021). The protocol was registered in OSF Registries on November 10, 2023 (

Literature search

The literature search was conducted in the MEDLINE database. The search was restricted to articles published in English after January 1, 2014. This date was chosen to coincide with two milestones in genomics: the launch of the GRCh38 reference genome in December 2013 and the release of higher-throughput sequencing machines (Guo et al. 2017; Sheridan 2014). The search was performed on November 10, 2023, and results up to that date were included. The search query combined groups of terms related to variant, effect, prediction, and tools. Within each group, the terms were combined using the logical operator OR. The complete query is provided in Supplementary Table S1.

Articles containing the term “cancer” in the title were excluded to reduce the number of irrelevant hits and to find VEPs applicable across several diseases. We scanned the reference lists of review and benchmarking articles to retrieve additional eligible articles.

Study selection

Included articles described a VEP, i.e., a tool accepting human genetic variants and predicting functional impacts. The list of exclusion criteria was made to ensure that tools were reliable, broadly applicable, accessible, scalable, and reproducible (Table 1). In cases where a tool appeared to be discontinued, generally indicated by a non-functional URL in the publication, we contacted the corresponding author for confirmation. Some authors supplied a working URL, which allowed us to reassess the publication against the other exclusion criteria. We removed tools not applicable to humans or without any documentation.

Table 1 Exclusion criteria

Review and benchmarking articles were used to find additional eligible articles. However, only original work describing a VEP was included in this review. Web-only and GUI-only tools were deemed insufficiently reproducible and scalable and were thus excluded. In line with our accessibility requirement, tools requiring a fee were also excluded. Additionally, given the fast pace of progress in the field, we included only tools that support the GRCh38 genome build and were updated at least once since January 1, 2020. Tools that were specific to a small number of genes or a specific disease were excluded, as we were interested in the application of VEPs to a broad range of studies. If several versions of the tool existed, we only included the latest version, regardless of whether the latest version had an associated publication. Nevertheless, significant updates often coincided with a publication, such as dbNSFP v4 (Liu et al. 2020).

One author (CR) selected the studies based on the exclusion criteria (Table 1). First, titles were screened for eligibility. Second, articles were filtered based on the abstract. Third, the full text of the remaining articles was examined. Reasons for exclusion were recorded for each round.

Data extraction

First, one author (CR) extracted the tool name, variant types, functional impacts, and operating system requirements from the included publications and their latest documentation. The URLs of tools with online capabilities were retrieved. Tools that required a high-performance computer were identified. Second, another author (LG) reviewed the extracted data to confirm the accuracy of the information from the publications and documentation. Divergences were resolved through discussion. For each article, the following characteristics were automatically retrieved: PubMed ID, title, authors, citation, first author, journal, year of publication, date of PubMed entry creation, PMCID, NIHMS ID, and digital object identifier.

Sequence Ontology terms were used to describe the variant types and functional impacts wherever applicable (Eilbeck et al. 2005). In case a Sequence Ontology term was unavailable to describe a particular variant type or functional impact, a new term was coined. For terms consistent with the structure of the Sequence Ontology, a request to create the new term was made on the Sequence Ontology GitHub page ( Eighteen new terms were requested and are awaiting approval. Examples include “enhancer variant” and “promoter variant”. The full list of Sequence Ontology terms is provided in Supplementary Table S2.

Data synthesis

Descriptive statistics were calculated for each tool, including the number of variant and functional impact categories. Linear regression was used to study the relationship between the number of functional impacts predicted by each tool and the date it was uploaded to the MEDLINE database.


All analyses used R version 4.2.2; all R scripts are attached as supplementary files and were uploaded to Zenodo (see section Code availability). A website was created with the shiny package (Chang et al. 2012). Furthermore, to facilitate interoperability between different tools, we also advocate the use of controlled vocabularies to describe phenotypes (Kohler et al. 2021; Malone et al. 2010). We aim to perform a bigger update of the VEP Finder once per year and to do regular update after user input and evidence.

VEPs predicting many functional impacts, such as SnpEff, FAVOR and WGSA, represent a potential solution to the problem of tool choice. Nevertheless, the rapid evolution of the field necessitates continuous updates to keep them up to date. Furthermore, we expect specialized tools to be continuously released (Fig. 4). Consequently, systematic reviews on VEPs will be needed regularly.


A staggering 118 tools were available to predict approximately 160 functional impacts that ranged from molecular to phenotypic effects. About 60% of these impacts could be predicted by combining just three tools. Unexpectedly, recent tools did not necessarily predict more impacts than older ones. Despite the vast diversity of VEPs, some genetic variants were not yet supported and should be the object of future research.

The abundance of available options can complicate the tool selection process. However, this challenge is mitigated by the Shiny app developed in this review. The app enables users to filter tools based on their specific needs, narrowing down the list of suitable options.