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Generalized Transportation Cost Spaces

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Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The paper is devoted to the geometry of transportation cost spaces and their generalizations introduced by Melleray et al. (Fundam Math 199(2):177–194, 2008). Transportation cost spaces are also known as Arens–Eells, Lipschitz-free, or Wasserstein 1 spaces. In this work, the existence of metric spaces with the following properties is proved: (1) uniformly discrete metric spaces such that transportation cost spaces on them do not contain isometric copies of \(\ell _1\), this result answers a question raised by Cúth and Johanis (Proc Am Math Soc 145(8):3409–3421, 2017); (2) locally finite metric spaces which admit isometric embeddings only into Banach spaces containing isometric copies of \(\ell _1\); (3) metric spaces for which the double-point norm is not a norm. In addition, it is proved that the double-point norm spaces corresponding to trees are close to \(\ell _\infty ^d\) of the corresponding dimension, and that for all finite metric spaces M, except a very special class, the infimum of all seminorms for which the embedding of M into the corresponding seminormed space is isometric, is not a seminorm.

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The second-named author gratefully acknowledges the support by National Science Foundation Grant NSF DMS-1700176. We would like to thank the referee for the valuable suggestions and corrections.

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Ostrovska, S., Ostrovskii, M.I. Generalized Transportation Cost Spaces. Mediterr. J. Math. 16, 157 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-019-1433-8

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-019-1433-8


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