Structural Neuroimaging: From Macroscopic to Microscopic Scales

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Handbook of Neuroengineering
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This chapter discusses structural MRI (sMRI) techniques to image the brain anatomy, with a focus on diffusion MRI (dMRI). Conventional sMRI, including T1-, T2-, T2*-weighted MRI, gives rich contrasts to delineate the brain structures and provides important information about the structural volume, shape, and relaxometry. Compared to conventional relaxation-based contrast mechanisms, the dMRI technique offers unique contrasts based on translational molecular motions, which are restricted by microstructural barriers such as cell membranes and axons. We will describe the essential components of a dMRI pulse sequence, including the various diffusion encoding schemes and image acquisition techniques to achieve high-resolution dMRI. We will then introduce biophysical models that reconstruct the microstructural information (cell size, density, permeability, axon diameter, etc.), using dMRI signals acquired with different diffusion directions and weighting strength (q-space) and different diffusion times. In the end, a few exemplary clinical and preclinical applications of dMRI will be reviewed, and the current challenges and potential future directions will be discussed.

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D :


K :


t d :

diffusion time

G :

diffusion gradient

r :

diffusion distance

b :

diffusion b-value

γ :

gyromagnetic ratio

S :

diffusion-weighted signal

S 0 :

non-diffusion-weighted signal

λ1, λ2, λ3:

first, second, and third eigenvalues

\( \overline{e_1},\overline{e_2},\overline{e_3} \) :

first, second, and third eigenvectors


apparent diffusion coefficient


Alzheimer’s disease


cortical plate


Double diffusion encoding


direction-encoded color map


Diffusion kurtosis imaging


Diffusion MRI


diffusion spectrum imaging


diffusion tensor imaging


Diffusion-weighted images


Echo-planar imaging




fractional anisotropy


fiber orientation distribution


High angular resolution diffusion imaging


intermediate zone


mean/radial/axial diffusivities


Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging




Oscillating gradient spin-echo


Pulsed gradient spin-echo


Structural magnetic resonance imaging


Simultaneous multi-slice


Steady-state free precession


Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode


tract-based spatial statistics


Tract-density images


echo time


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Wu, D., Mori, S. (2023). Structural Neuroimaging: From Macroscopic to Microscopic Scales. In: Thakor, N.V. (eds) Handbook of Neuroengineering. Springer, Singapore.

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