Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Network Algorithms

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Handbook of Neuroengineering


Artificial neural networks (ANN) trained by deep learning have shown tremendous success in audio, visual, and decision-making tasks. While these methods are loosely inspired by the brain, in terms of actual implementation, the similarity between mammalian brain and these algorithms is merely superficial. Moreover, more often than not, these algorithms require huge energy for real-world tasks due to their computation and memory heavy nature, which limits their potential application in energy-constrained scenarios. A prime reason for that is that unlike their biological counterparts, these algorithms were designed with the primary goal of increasing accuracy on some benchmark tasks. Spiking neural networks (SNN) bridge the gap between artificial algorithms and the biological model of brain due to their asynchronous spike-based signal processing model that closely resembles that of the brain. SNNs have drawn significant attention in recent years due to their energy efficiency, compatibility with low-power neuromorphic hardware, and event-based sensors. In this chapter, we give an exhaustive analysis of different learning algorithms proposed over past two decades for training SNNs. The proposed learning algorithms are broadly classified into two types: conversion-based and spike-based learning. The advantages, drawbacks, and potential application of each type of algorithms are systematically described. We also report on accuracy achieved by these algorithms in benchmark datasets. Recent works on learning algorithms and neuromorphic hardware implementations show that SNNs have the potential to reach state-of-the-art accuracy on several tasks at a fraction of energy cost compared to their deep learning counterparts.

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Acharya, J., Basu, A. (2022). Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Network Algorithms. In: Thakor, N.V. (eds) Handbook of Neuroengineering. Springer, Singapore.

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  • Online ISBN: 978-981-15-2848-4

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference EngineeringReference Module Computer Science and Engineering

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