Detecting Gravitational Waves from Supernovae with Advanced LIGO

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Handbook of Supernovae


Gravitational waves produced by supernovae can provide insight into the inner dynamics of the explosive death of stars. Thanks to their extremely weak coupling to matter, gravitational waves can carry energy and information away from the densest and most extreme environments in the universe, and as such they offer a unique probe of otherwise inaccessible processes. This is especially true for highly energetic core-collapse supernovae, where the shock reignition mechanism remains unclear. In this chapter we summarize the efforts by the advanced generation of laser interferometers to detect the gravitational wave transients emitted by the death of a massive star. Mechanisms of gravitational wave production in supernovae, gravitational wave detector status and perspectives, and the statistical methodology used to detect these transients are reviewed. While detection of gravitational waves from supernovae with Advanced LIGO is by no means guaranteed, plausible emission mechanisms offer significant discovery potential.

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MZ acknowledges Marek Szczepańczyk for fruitful discussions on the many drafts of this chapter.

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Evans, M., Zanolin, M. (2017). Detecting Gravitational Waves from Supernovae with Advanced LIGO. In: Alsabti, A., Murdin, P. (eds) Handbook of Supernovae. Springer, Cham.

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