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figure 1

Cutaneous larva migrans

Photograph courtesy of SpringerImages Database, Springer Publishing Company

Cutaneous larva migrans

  1. A.

    Caused by the dog and cat hookworm (ancylostoma braziliens)

  2. B.

    Common in the southeastern USA or Caribbean

  3. C.

    Acquired by walking or sitting on the ground (usually a beach) contaminated by animal feces

  4. D.

    Most common on the distal lower extremities and buttocks

  5. E.

    Larvae burrow through intact skin resulting serpiginous and pruritic edematous, vesicular, linear streaks representing the path of the organism in the epidermis

  6. F.

    Symptoms start 1–6 days after exposure, organism moves 1–2 cm per day and dies in 2–8 weeks without treatment